Each and every one of you ladies who dare to be different. Keep doin' yo thang <3

It kind of bothers me when men takes their "preferences" too far.
"She's too skinny for me."
"Too thick for my liking."
What about, "She's beautiful, but I personally date thinner/bigger girls,"? I get that everyone has a type and that's okay! But shaming somebody else in the process of declaring your preference is two steps backwards.
This is probably my third post about this...
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I adore this website because all I see on my feed are women encouraging and praising other women. Even the men, too! It fills me to the brim with warmth.

I love the girls I work with. I really do, but every so often they say or do something that aggravates me.
While on our break one morning, the girls and I were sitting around reading magazines. The youngest of us- let's call her Marsha- looks at a picture of two models, a disgusted look on her face, and says, "Ew! I never want to...
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So, I've been enrolled to a gym close to where I live for a few months now, and I just started getting back into exercise from a month long hiatus. I'm going to seem like a total creep, but I love people watching while I work out; seeing how hard they're working, guessing what their stories are and what their reasons for getting up in...
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I have this habit of spewing my adoration of it to anyone unfortunate enough to get a glimpse of my monthly...
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Moderation. Moderation. Moderation.

Famous last words?

Two things wrong with this:
1.) The tweet was posted by a thin, pretty girl who had no business talking about herself that way.
2.) My friend who favorited it is also thin...
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