Disconnecting MyGentleness pt.1
I am so bored that I amuse myself by throwing stuff out of the window. (I live on the 5th floor)
Its funny to watch how people start to rockandroll after I hit the Jackpot, burning cigarrette butt straight inside their collar.
I love the general panic which starts right after my Beretta-replica hits the windshield of parked Mercedes. SOBs.
Then suddenly Morrissey from The Smiths sings:
Its so easy to laugh
its so easy to hate
it takes guts to be gentle and kind...
I stop for a second. Then I laugh. And continue throwing my ex-boyfriends CD:s.
"Oh, how they fly!"
speak to me in a language i can hear
humour me before i have to go
I am so bored that I amuse myself by throwing stuff out of the window. (I live on the 5th floor)
Its funny to watch how people start to rockandroll after I hit the Jackpot, burning cigarrette butt straight inside their collar.
I love the general panic which starts right after my Beretta-replica hits the windshield of parked Mercedes. SOBs.
Then suddenly Morrissey from The Smiths sings:
Its so easy to laugh
its so easy to hate
it takes guts to be gentle and kind...
I stop for a second. Then I laugh. And continue throwing my ex-boyfriends CD:s.
"Oh, how they fly!"
speak to me in a language i can hear
humour me before i have to go
Those are some sweet tatoos and those are some sweet pictures. Nice view from behind girl!! yummy
...humor me before i have to go,tommorow's just an excuse away.so i pull my collar up and face the cold on my own....I love the smashing pumpkins so much.....i'm glad to see someone who appreciates they're music...oh yeah...your hot as hell too...i love your bum