a few nights ago, i decided i needed to hang out with other ppl besides my boyfriend. i think he needs a break from me. were in eachothers faces all the time. plus, with all the drama that has happend a few weeks i think im the one who needs to get out. i think somewhere in the relationship, i lost myself. thats no good....
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Hey welcome to SG sweetie...it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance...And yes love is very hard but I think if it was easy then it wouldn't be worth it...And yes sometimes "me" time is neccessary and keeps the relationship from becoming stifling so don't be afraid to ask it from your other half smile --Hope to talk to you in the future hun and take care of yourself.

Lexi--If you would like to e-mail me feel free to--I also have AIM if ta wanna talk online outside of SG--my AIM SN is FractalTelepathy--yeah I know how original haha

Too true...love isn't easy, at times it can be downright difficult. I think it is awesome that you've recognized that you need moments apart just to be you. That is so important! Its so easy to get wrapped up in everything day to day. At times I have to remind myself to do that too. smile

i kicked everyone out at midnight... lol! im a buzzkill i know. i dont really give a fuck. friggin juvinille delinquents. i hate parties at my house. tongue
hell yea kick their asses out! thats why i enjoy 4-5 friends kicken back and havin a good time. less mess and more room.

damn skippy we should all go naked! we'd get more free drinks that way biggrin
Thanks for the suggestion sweetie! smile
Gossip, Gossip, Gossip.....that's all people do around here. It's like everyone thinks its their own personal business to let everyone else knows your's. It's the main reason I love this sight so much....I can be me & you all are so great, there's no worries!

[Edited on Mar 20, 2005 6:30PM]
im really nervous this morning. i have an audition today for a singing role in a theme park in hong kong... yes, i already sing for the mouse here in anaheim. i really want this job. i think itd be a nice break from the norm and my boyfriend. its a 6 month gig i think. if i dont make this one, i have an...
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underage drinker in my home tonight. its my roomies 20th birthday and hes having a bash at our apartment. i bought him a keg for his big day... hope it wont be the worst decision ive ever made. so, ::raises first beer of many for the night:: heres to safety, no drama and me not kickin anyones ass for fucking shit up in my house! mad
i think im a boy in a womans body. i love sex way tooooooo much and i think about it like every 15 seconds. i burb pretty loud too... my poor boyfriend! skull
You may burp......but I'm sure the part about loving sex more than makes up for it in his eyes!
Just checked my email...thanks! blush

[Edited on Mar 17, 2005 6:06PM]
im kinda bummed that i still dont have any friemds but oh well. maybe one day soon. i dont really know what this journal entry is going to be about, but i figured that i'd just start doing it and maybe ppl will find me interesting... cuz I AM! so, here we go.... my first SG journal entry ::tear of joy::

i was thinking today...
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