*Inept coworker was fired, huzzah! I have to do some of her work now, but I enjoy it and I'm getting major love from the upper levels for it, so I don't mind much. I'm never going to get a raise, but rumor has it that we're getting bonuses this year.
*I saw Bob Dylan at the fair yesterday. I have a theory that he gargles with whiskey between songs and that the little break that his band took halfway through the set was so that he could marinate his leathery-jerky face in barbecue sauce. He was terrible, but at least I can say now that I saw him before he died. There are fair pictures in an album.
*I'm taking the GRE to get into the Ph.D. program at ASU in about a month. I took a practice test today and I'm in the 95th percentile for Verbal skills, bitches! The ASU program wants 85th percentile. I'm only in the 80th percentile for quantitative (math) skills though, and I want to get that up a bit higher: it could become a selling point if the program gets competitive this year. Anyway, blah blah blah, I talk gud Englishes, and in about 4 years I'll be DR. Fuck You Very Much.
*We started learning the Tango in dance class on Friday. If I look Ryan in the eye while we dance it, I have to fuck him. It's the rules.
*I made it to the gym all last week, and I'm hoping to again this week.
*I have a bunch of stuff I should clean before I go to bed. Story of my life.

Pretty Ferris Wheel shot.
*I saw Bob Dylan at the fair yesterday. I have a theory that he gargles with whiskey between songs and that the little break that his band took halfway through the set was so that he could marinate his leathery-jerky face in barbecue sauce. He was terrible, but at least I can say now that I saw him before he died. There are fair pictures in an album.
*I'm taking the GRE to get into the Ph.D. program at ASU in about a month. I took a practice test today and I'm in the 95th percentile for Verbal skills, bitches! The ASU program wants 85th percentile. I'm only in the 80th percentile for quantitative (math) skills though, and I want to get that up a bit higher: it could become a selling point if the program gets competitive this year. Anyway, blah blah blah, I talk gud Englishes, and in about 4 years I'll be DR. Fuck You Very Much.
*We started learning the Tango in dance class on Friday. If I look Ryan in the eye while we dance it, I have to fuck him. It's the rules.
*I made it to the gym all last week, and I'm hoping to again this week.
*I have a bunch of stuff I should clean before I go to bed. Story of my life.

Pretty Ferris Wheel shot.