-I've rediscovered my love of Pandora.com this week. I missed listening to music while I putter around. My station is currently rocking a lot of: Ingrid Michaelson, Rilo Kiley, Yael Naim, Ting Tings, and Franz Ferdinand. I like that Pandora does feedback for you and finds new things that you will probably like, but I wish it would stop playing Jack Johnson. Luckily, I can banish him. Ryan is making faces at my music, so I am putting in headphones, mwahahaha.
-I've also been REALLY BUSY fucking around with my webcam. Witness my artistic machinations:

The boy approacheth, causing the girl suspicions.

The boy looketh sweet and cheweth enticingly upon the girl's ear.

He betrayeth her!

She taketh her revenge!

Surprise mojitos! (Like surprise buttsecks, but SO MUCH BETTER.)

The couple doth nom.
((This madness brought to you by the fact that I apparently REALLY miss grad school.))
-I'm still waiting to hear about the financing for the Israel trip, and I'm getting super excited about it! My gram is freaking out too, and is apparently going to give me some money for the trip? Which is awesome, but I'm just going to use it to find cool stuff for her and my family for holiday gifts.
-Ryan and I are getting another cat in September. His parents' adopted kitty just had a litter of 6 kittens, and they'll be 8 weeks in Sept so we can go get our kitty over Labor day. His name shall be "Chairman Meow" and we shall call him The Chairman. I told my kids at work all about him and they think I'm nuts. Whatever. Best cat name ever.
-Got new jeans today. Sale at Old Navy woot.
-Speaking of missing grad school, I do believe that I'm heading to ASU next fall to get myself a Ph.D. I'm putting my little ducks in a row right now regarding the GRE and my letters of rec and all, but if I situate myself correctly, I can do a Ph.D. and possibly finish it before I turn 30. I'd get to teach too, at ASU, which is one piece that was missing from my experience when I did my M.A. Anyway, blah blah, I miss school.
-I've also been REALLY BUSY fucking around with my webcam. Witness my artistic machinations:

The boy approacheth, causing the girl suspicions.

The boy looketh sweet and cheweth enticingly upon the girl's ear.

He betrayeth her!

She taketh her revenge!

Surprise mojitos! (Like surprise buttsecks, but SO MUCH BETTER.)

The couple doth nom.
((This madness brought to you by the fact that I apparently REALLY miss grad school.))
-I'm still waiting to hear about the financing for the Israel trip, and I'm getting super excited about it! My gram is freaking out too, and is apparently going to give me some money for the trip? Which is awesome, but I'm just going to use it to find cool stuff for her and my family for holiday gifts.
-Ryan and I are getting another cat in September. His parents' adopted kitty just had a litter of 6 kittens, and they'll be 8 weeks in Sept so we can go get our kitty over Labor day. His name shall be "Chairman Meow" and we shall call him The Chairman. I told my kids at work all about him and they think I'm nuts. Whatever. Best cat name ever.
-Got new jeans today. Sale at Old Navy woot.
-Speaking of missing grad school, I do believe that I'm heading to ASU next fall to get myself a Ph.D. I'm putting my little ducks in a row right now regarding the GRE and my letters of rec and all, but if I situate myself correctly, I can do a Ph.D. and possibly finish it before I turn 30. I'd get to teach too, at ASU, which is one piece that was missing from my experience when I did my M.A. Anyway, blah blah, I miss school.
The Chairman is coming, make way.