-Finally got SilentRyan to go to the gym with me
There was some drama getting him his membership, and I had to repeat myself about 8 times, but he's got his YMCA membership now. Now he can hang out with all the boys.....
-One of my former students got her GED today
I loved this kid, but she timed out of our program after a year and wasn't in a stable enough position to attend without the paycheck attached. She started college yesterday and came in this morning. She said "Ms. Jeni, I started college yesterday, took care of all my financial aid papers, and now I'm going to go pass my last test." She seemed super clear-headed and really determined. I snuck her the $15 re-test fee because she is awesome and she passed! I'm really proud of the kid for getting her stuff together
-Ryan is making dinner and it smells good. I wonder if he needs my help tasting anything....

-One of my former students got her GED today

-Ryan is making dinner and it smells good. I wonder if he needs my help tasting anything....

Hahaha Awesome! I will haveta make you kids dinner sometime...since my hubby only likes 3 things LOL...

Taste testing is the best kind of kichen help