Tubing yesterday was awesome! I really want to go again sometime this summer, but I'm not sure Ryan does, lol. Things to be improved upon: buy a fucking tube for the cooler, bring some more kayak paddles so as to avoid nearly drowning, and do not somehow lose my shorts and shirt on the river
The company, of course, could not have been improved upon: the SGAZ group is delightful and just as quirky as should be expected.
Ryan is burned to a fucking crisp and is bitching every time he has to get off the sofa, lol. I was applying sunscreen as often as I could get my hands on it and so am only a little red around the lines where my swimsuit lies. My legs are tan! Well, they're definitely tan-ER. Well, let's just say they're not blindingly white anymore. Just white, now.
Ryan had lost our cooler on some rapids, and in our cooler, his wallet. Some dude downriver found it and was awesome enough to call AAA to try and get in touch with Ryan, and so we got to get it back last night, money and cards intact. Thanks, cool drunk guy! I suspect they helped themselves to the rest of the contents of the cooler, as we did not get any of that back, but really, that is as it should be: river karma demanded that we pay him in beer. The poor guy had lost his car keys on the river just a moment before our cooler floated by too, so I am glad that perhaps his spirits were lightened with a rum-based beverage
All-in-all, a delightful Saturday! Today I'm reading Tony Horwitz's "A Voyage Long and Strange" about the early American settlers between Chris Columbus and Plymouth, 1620. All the dudes and ladies you don't normally hear about. I'm digging it so far, but not as much as "Confederates in the Attic" yet. We'll see where it goes, I'm less than 100 pages in. I also have chips and salsa, and a wild cat racing around the apartment being entertaining, so my day is pretty much set to be awesome.

Ryan is burned to a fucking crisp and is bitching every time he has to get off the sofa, lol. I was applying sunscreen as often as I could get my hands on it and so am only a little red around the lines where my swimsuit lies. My legs are tan! Well, they're definitely tan-ER. Well, let's just say they're not blindingly white anymore. Just white, now.
Ryan had lost our cooler on some rapids, and in our cooler, his wallet. Some dude downriver found it and was awesome enough to call AAA to try and get in touch with Ryan, and so we got to get it back last night, money and cards intact. Thanks, cool drunk guy! I suspect they helped themselves to the rest of the contents of the cooler, as we did not get any of that back, but really, that is as it should be: river karma demanded that we pay him in beer. The poor guy had lost his car keys on the river just a moment before our cooler floated by too, so I am glad that perhaps his spirits were lightened with a rum-based beverage

All-in-all, a delightful Saturday! Today I'm reading Tony Horwitz's "A Voyage Long and Strange" about the early American settlers between Chris Columbus and Plymouth, 1620. All the dudes and ladies you don't normally hear about. I'm digging it so far, but not as much as "Confederates in the Attic" yet. We'll see where it goes, I'm less than 100 pages in. I also have chips and salsa, and a wild cat racing around the apartment being entertaining, so my day is pretty much set to be awesome.
Glad you guys got the wallet and cooler back. That was way cool, even if random drunk guy finished the contents off. I would say he earned it 

I am glad SilentRyan got his wallet back. I wanted to thank you guys again for driving me out to my car afterwards. That was a complicated situation. I can't wait to go back out there again, though. Now that we know what to expect, I think we'll have twice as much fun.