-Got up this morning at 5, like normal, but I REALLY didn't feel like heading to the gym, so I made some coffee and headed out to the patio with my cat and my laptop.
-Drank 2 cups of coffee (my magic number: 1 cup does nothing and 3 cups gives me the shakes) and packed a breakfast/snack for my 10:30 break. I used to not eat in the morning, and it really works better for me to eat a light breakfast with a heavier lunch and dinner. I get nauseous when I eat first thing.
-Went to work and won a power struggle with a kid that we're having some issues with. The best course of action would be to NOT have the power struggle, but she was determined to get into it, and I played it perfectly: she didn't lose any face, but she understood that there are boundaries and that she needs to operate within those boundaries. She's a good kid. Slow work, but rewarding.
-I was looking around for a fitness DVD that I could do in the mornings for the days that I don't feel like driving to the Gym. I'd heard good things about Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, so I picked that up after work and gave it a whirl. I run three times a week, and my legs have never hurt so badly as they do right now. I can only imagine how they'll feel in the morning, lol. I'm going to see if Ryan will rub them before we go to sleep. I feel it in my arms a little bit as well, and just a tiny bit in my abs. I had to use the "5 second rest" rule rather liberally today, but I hope to improve that over time. I plan on doing the DVD for 30 days, but if I miss a day here or there, I'm not going to cry about it. It's just nice to have something to do when I don't feel like leaving the house
And I'm only on level 1.
-Drank 2 cups of coffee (my magic number: 1 cup does nothing and 3 cups gives me the shakes) and packed a breakfast/snack for my 10:30 break. I used to not eat in the morning, and it really works better for me to eat a light breakfast with a heavier lunch and dinner. I get nauseous when I eat first thing.
-Went to work and won a power struggle with a kid that we're having some issues with. The best course of action would be to NOT have the power struggle, but she was determined to get into it, and I played it perfectly: she didn't lose any face, but she understood that there are boundaries and that she needs to operate within those boundaries. She's a good kid. Slow work, but rewarding.
-I was looking around for a fitness DVD that I could do in the mornings for the days that I don't feel like driving to the Gym. I'd heard good things about Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, so I picked that up after work and gave it a whirl. I run three times a week, and my legs have never hurt so badly as they do right now. I can only imagine how they'll feel in the morning, lol. I'm going to see if Ryan will rub them before we go to sleep. I feel it in my arms a little bit as well, and just a tiny bit in my abs. I had to use the "5 second rest" rule rather liberally today, but I hope to improve that over time. I plan on doing the DVD for 30 days, but if I miss a day here or there, I'm not going to cry about it. It's just nice to have something to do when I don't feel like leaving the house