Hello all! Hope everone has been splendid! Warning long post ahead!
So the camping trip was fantastic!! So much fun and so romantic and just fucking great!
We left early on Friday, got some breakfast before we hit the road, and then headed down to Ginnie Springs. The trip is about an hour and a half and we just spent the whole ride talking and goofing around , no radio. Very cool. SO we get to the camp grounds alone to find the spot we had wanted was already taken so the made my honey a little down. However! We ended up finding a way better spot! It was right next to the river, at the end of the trail so kind of secluded, a short walk across a tiny bridge to get to the spring, and a short walk to the bathouses as well. And it had.........A TIKI GOD!!!!
No shit! Someone who camped there before us stood up one of the logs and carved a tiki dude. We figured it was meant to be!
So we uloaded the car and he set up the tents (one for us one for stuff) and i started putting everything away. Once everything was were it neede to be we went into to town for lunch and booze. Went back to the camp site and went for a walk up to the shop to see if they had a map of the river so we could plan our canoing (sp?) trip for the next day. They did not. Thought it was kinda odd but whatever. Anyway This trip was also the first time I had grilled before as well. My first atempt was kinda off. Didnt set the coals up right and got tired of waiting so we had flame charred chicken the first night.
We didnt last long after dinner cause it got damn cold. It was a record low for the area....only 24 degrees! We had like seven blankets thought and
i had really cozy pjs so it wasn't to bad.
The next day was our canoe trip. Of which I had also never tried before. We rented it for the whole day and at first it was kinda sketch. I have a low panic threshold and the wobbly-ness assured a cold watery doom for me. But as soon as I calmed down and actually listened to what Matt was saying, the trip went a lot smoother. And was actaully quite fun! We went pretty far up river then had a picnic. Very nice! On the tirp back to our site we stop at a little island and poked around and that was cool too. We got back and decided to be brave/dumb and go for a swim in the spring. The water was fine (72 degrees) but getting back out sucked. After showers and dinner I made the perfect smore! No burnt bits just a delicious golden brown! It was super yummy!
That night it rained a lot of our stuff got wet and it was shitty. But really all in all I'd say it was the best camping trip I've been on. It was just so wonderful to spend a few days alone with my babe with very little other human contact. Tres magnifique!
So that brings me to my awesome sister. She went to the New York comic Con this weekend and I knew some of th Buffy cast was going to be there so I was wicked sad I couldnt go. (those who know me know I'm a huge Buffy fanatic) So anywho I was at work yesterday and it was crazy busy! I checked my helio and i had amissed call form my sis and I was like "wonder why she's calling in the middile of the con?" So I dash off to our backroom and call her back. She like "hey whats up this place is crazy, picked up some goodies for you and matt and im in line to get Nicholas Brendan's (Xander) autograph." I'm like dude thats sweet you're so lucky Im so jealous blah blah, but i have to get back to work. She's like wait hang on..........SHE PUTS ME ON THE PHONE WITH NICHOLAS!!!!!!!!!
So yeah, he was super nice and funny and just sounded like such a cool guy. Definately ranks pretty high on the awesome meter! It was great. I told Rachel she was the best sister ever and thanks to her no shitty ass customer could ruin my day. So fucking fabulous there are no words in my vocabulary for it!
Well that is all for now.
So the camping trip was fantastic!! So much fun and so romantic and just fucking great!

So we uloaded the car and he set up the tents (one for us one for stuff) and i started putting everything away. Once everything was were it neede to be we went into to town for lunch and booze. Went back to the camp site and went for a walk up to the shop to see if they had a map of the river so we could plan our canoing (sp?) trip for the next day. They did not. Thought it was kinda odd but whatever. Anyway This trip was also the first time I had grilled before as well. My first atempt was kinda off. Didnt set the coals up right and got tired of waiting so we had flame charred chicken the first night.

i had really cozy pjs so it wasn't to bad.
The next day was our canoe trip. Of which I had also never tried before. We rented it for the whole day and at first it was kinda sketch. I have a low panic threshold and the wobbly-ness assured a cold watery doom for me. But as soon as I calmed down and actually listened to what Matt was saying, the trip went a lot smoother. And was actaully quite fun! We went pretty far up river then had a picnic. Very nice! On the tirp back to our site we stop at a little island and poked around and that was cool too. We got back and decided to be brave/dumb and go for a swim in the spring. The water was fine (72 degrees) but getting back out sucked. After showers and dinner I made the perfect smore! No burnt bits just a delicious golden brown! It was super yummy!
That night it rained a lot of our stuff got wet and it was shitty. But really all in all I'd say it was the best camping trip I've been on. It was just so wonderful to spend a few days alone with my babe with very little other human contact. Tres magnifique!

So that brings me to my awesome sister. She went to the New York comic Con this weekend and I knew some of th Buffy cast was going to be there so I was wicked sad I couldnt go. (those who know me know I'm a huge Buffy fanatic) So anywho I was at work yesterday and it was crazy busy! I checked my helio and i had amissed call form my sis and I was like "wonder why she's calling in the middile of the con?" So I dash off to our backroom and call her back. She like "hey whats up this place is crazy, picked up some goodies for you and matt and im in line to get Nicholas Brendan's (Xander) autograph." I'm like dude thats sweet you're so lucky Im so jealous blah blah, but i have to get back to work. She's like wait hang on..........SHE PUTS ME ON THE PHONE WITH NICHOLAS!!!!!!!!!

So yeah, he was super nice and funny and just sounded like such a cool guy. Definately ranks pretty high on the awesome meter! It was great. I told Rachel she was the best sister ever and thanks to her no shitty ass customer could ruin my day. So fucking fabulous there are no words in my vocabulary for it!
Well that is all for now.

You're sister is the complete awesome sauce. Completely!!!
I can see how that would make your day...hell you're month. Well, it would for me for a show I loved.
You and your sister rock.