So Valentine weekend (the 16th-18th) my honey and i are going camping! Just the two of us! It's kinda a big deal. Cause even though we have been together for almost 4 years this will be the FIRST time we have ever taken any time off just by ourselves! Any other trip we've taken has always had other peeps involved so I'm kinda nervous excited to see how it goes being the only company we have. Will it be uber romantic and a delightful weekend we will always cherish? Or will we get bored or frustrated with each other?
I reallly hope it goes well. We are also suppose to try kayaking on this trip which is something I have never done, so that should be interesting as well. I enjoy camping and I'm definately looking forawrd to a weekend off and away from work and alone with my baby.
It will be an adventure.
A sexy adventure I hope!

It will be an adventure.
A sexy adventure I hope!

Also, I hope you guys had an amazing brief vacation together!