You ever feel like your not really living your life, just kinda drifting through it? I've been felling that a lot lately and I'm unsure of how to remedy it. I have no long term goals to speak of and pretty much just try to survive each day as it comes. I dont know. Its not like I have some horrible life cause I dont. It just feels.....hazy. Maybe Im just in a down slope. A nice little pre holiday rut. I mean I dont have much to complain about. I have a great partner, great friends and family ( * side note- I just found out my nephew is taking Japanese as his foreign language in high school and I think thats rad), a decent job, and awesome puppy. I mean yeah theres bad stuff but it could be way worse. I just feel like I need something to snap me into focus and not keep slinking around in this perpetual fog.
::Sheds light:: Wanna come and play pretty lady? We'll escape the FOG of eternal stench and reach to the hills of success! lol
Thanx for the birthday wishes!!