Well hello world. Its been about 2 years since I have been a member and out of the blue I get a 3 month gift account. Looks like a lot has change and most of the people i knew on here are inactive. But I am curious to see if I get as involved as I used to be if not more so since I...
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I find myself extremely depressed. I feel like I have ruined our lives and instead of moving forward we have moved back. We are not ahead. We are not advancing. In fact we are slipping. Falling. Failing. My happy mask has more cracks than a plumbers convention. I don't know if I can make it work. I want to. But I feel the outlook is...
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I'm far from the person to take advice from but when I'm really, really depressed I usually sleep and when up to it take a walk along the water or forrest. Peacefull.
Sucks you feel so bad.
Maybe in a month you'll be jumpin' up and down w/ happiness....
Sucks you feel so bad.
Maybe in a month you'll be jumpin' up and down w/ happiness....
Wow so it's been over a month here and things are looking up. I have made a friend. Yes just one. But she is cool and likes a lot of the smae movies as me and what not. Things at work are kinda looking up too. I mean, progress has been made but there is still a ways to go. But at least I dont...
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Oi! This job is.....I don't know. Aggravating? Time consuming? Making me realize what a wonderful fabulous store I came from? All of the above and more!!!!
So this store, top to bottom needs work. Like seriously if it could be wrong it is. And some of is the most brain dead common sense stuff that it frustrates me to no end. This is the end...
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So this store, top to bottom needs work. Like seriously if it could be wrong it is. And some of is the most brain dead common sense stuff that it frustrates me to no end. This is the end...
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Darlin, I am not pissed at you! I utterly understand what is being asked of you and the fact that you are still thinking of me and (gasp!) listening to the show is fucking killer! You don't have to ever apologize for you being so buseh. I too am extremely busy as of alte bust dude! You are kicking ass and taking names!!! You are "movin on up!"
And I too am trying to make something out of the cespool of my life. Haha
So rawk it hun, no apologies...unless you "accidentally" kill someone I love... but thats never happening..... muhahahah!@
<3 I miss you too.
And I too am trying to make something out of the cespool of my life. Haha
So rawk it hun, no apologies...unless you "accidentally" kill someone I love... but thats never happening..... muhahahah!@
<3 I miss you too.
Yes, ex band mate.
Epic story short, we are on speaking terms...
and no longer feel anger with one another.
Trust me though when I saw long story. lol
I miss you as well.
Don't forget about the combichrist concert on the 2nd!!
I hope all is well with you and yours.
Heehee at the below pictured image.
Epic story short, we are on speaking terms...
and no longer feel anger with one another.
Trust me though when I saw long story. lol
I miss you as well.
Don't forget about the combichrist concert on the 2nd!!

Heehee at the below pictured image.

So the move is on. This is my last week in Jax. I will be back from time to time for shows and to visit family and friends. I will be back down for the Tool show on June 2, but after that I imagine I will only be back every couple of months. I am going to have my hands full with getting the...
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I love that face!

I love that face!
How is it coming along with the management of the store? Anyone giving you any problems? Anyone gotta bleed yet? lol
Well It looks like fate has other plans for the Bat.
In my previous post I wrote about how I was moving in with my honey's parents and was wicked with the sad blah blah blah. Well I am here. And in all honesty its really not that bad. The drive kinda sucks cause most of the people I know and my job are like...
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In my previous post I wrote about how I was moving in with my honey's parents and was wicked with the sad blah blah blah. Well I am here. And in all honesty its really not that bad. The drive kinda sucks cause most of the people I know and my job are like...
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Oh yeah and when are you moving??
Hey man, no need to apologize, I know how it can be with the busy-ness.
Im glad that you are having this opprotunity to go. I too will miss you like a wicked fire from below, but will be over joyed when you come to visit.
Much loves.
Im glad that you are having this opprotunity to go. I too will miss you like a wicked fire from below, but will be over joyed when you come to visit.
Much loves.
I hate bills. I dont know what happened really. Used to be at least on paycheck o month I could have a little fun, go out to a show, a movie, dinner, and buy a little something and still be able to have cash for food and gas and not be totally broke. But somewhere along the way I accumulated so many bills that I...
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Hey hey, things are good. Spring Break is upon us! I hope to see you at least once this week!
Just in case you don't check the SG Horror Group much...here's my responce...
I hadn't heard anything about the movie other than that it was one of a well respected SG's favs. So in that, there was no hype to expect.
I put this in a spoiler just in case someone hasn't seen it. More than anything I was So surprised by the older man when he took off his bulky suit to reveal he was ginormous!!! Talk about a surprise. I'd expected him to be skinny.
Nice to read your consideration of the question...How goes the pondering, if at all?
Seen both movies and I have to say that even w/out Edward Norton, The Prestige, was my favorite because it left me feeling like I really did witness a magic show. You know, the feeling like, what the fuck? How did that happen. Both, all well put together, written and casting.
Funny to think that the boy in Empire of the Sun advanced to the man in American Psycho.
Good luck building your nest egg.
Just in case you don't check the SG Horror Group much...here's my responce...
I hadn't heard anything about the movie other than that it was one of a well respected SG's favs. So in that, there was no hype to expect.
I put this in a spoiler just in case someone hasn't seen it. More than anything I was So surprised by the older man when he took off his bulky suit to reveal he was ginormous!!! Talk about a surprise. I'd expected him to be skinny.
Nice to read your consideration of the question...How goes the pondering, if at all?
Seen both movies and I have to say that even w/out Edward Norton, The Prestige, was my favorite because it left me feeling like I really did witness a magic show. You know, the feeling like, what the fuck? How did that happen. Both, all well put together, written and casting.
Funny to think that the boy in Empire of the Sun advanced to the man in American Psycho.
Good luck building your nest egg.
Hello all! Hope everone has been splendid! Warning long post ahead!
So the camping trip was fantastic!! So much fun and so romantic and just fucking great!
We left early on Friday, got some breakfast before we hit the road, and then headed down to Ginnie Springs. The trip is about an hour and a half and we just spent the whole ride talking and...
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So the camping trip was fantastic!! So much fun and so romantic and just fucking great!

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Holy shit Jen!!! ZANDER?! Haha
You're sister is the complete awesome sauce. Completely!!!
I can see how that would make your day...hell you're month. Well, it would for me for a show I loved.
You and your sister rock.
You're sister is the complete awesome sauce. Completely!!!
I can see how that would make your day...hell you're month. Well, it would for me for a show I loved.
You and your sister rock.
hahaha! Awesome. I love epic soundtracks. Starwars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Jaws... and Jen! You rock! :

So Valentine weekend (the 16th-18th) my honey and i are going camping! Just the two of us! It's kinda a big deal. Cause even though we have been together for almost 4 years this will be the FIRST time we have ever taken any time off just by ourselves! Any other trip we've taken has always had other peeps involved so I'm kinda nervous excited...
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How did the Burlesque show go last night?
Also, I hope you guys had an amazing brief vacation together!

Also, I hope you guys had an amazing brief vacation together!
goddamn it. i just wrote out a new post hit the wrong button and poof! its gone! fuck it. nothing of import anyhow. *sigh* same shit new day. well i hope everyone out there in SG land is doing well. Kisses for all!

Well, quite frankly I don't know. I feel like crap admitting that, but its true.
However, looks kinda like her mouth, doesn't it?

Naw, not weird... just observant. Yeah, thats how we can justify it. Heehee
so its the beginning of a new year and usually I'm somewhat hesitant or disenchanted with the new years excitement of newness. I tend to think of the bad things the year can/will bring. but this year I find myself oddly optamistic.
I dont now why exactly but I have a good feeling about this one. Its strange really. completely unexplainable. but i think i...
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Oooh Jennifer, you and Matt are awesome people. I say Matt because he is so damned observant and I say you are because you are sincere and honest and a good friend.
I appreciate you!

I appreciate you!
Aww man!
How come you didn't call? I would have made you soup!
I'm sorry to hear about the sickness, and the no work. I know... it really sucks being broke.
I hope you are feeling a little better. <3
How come you didn't call? I would have made you soup!
I'm sorry to hear about the sickness, and the no work. I know... it really sucks being broke.
I hope you are feeling a little better. <3
Yeah xmas is over!!!! Thankfully this season seemed to go by very quickly! Hoorah! I'll be glad to have money again and for things to go back to as normal as they ever are. It'll be nice to have the cash and energy to out again. Bah! I hope everyone had a day full of love and friends and family and I hope you all...
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AAAHHHH! I love your new icon picture!
Its beautiful! It was great seeing you on Sunday, a very sweet surprise! However, that was not enough Jennifer for me! This Friday, would you accompany me to the Jack Rabbits to see one of your favorite bands.. and .... MOS?!!1???!!!!!
Phoenix Nebuliiinnnnn
eh?eh? Tempting? Ah?
Its beautiful! It was great seeing you on Sunday, a very sweet surprise! However, that was not enough Jennifer for me! This Friday, would you accompany me to the Jack Rabbits to see one of your favorite bands.. and .... MOS?!!1???!!!!!
Phoenix Nebuliiinnnnn
eh?eh? Tempting? Ah?