Hello kiddies! I'm pretty bored and I decided to write a blog, even though I have nothing really to type about I'm sure I'll just ramble about something I think of... This week has been fairly shitty at work. Sunday I made about 65 dollars after my 55 dollar tip out *barf* Monday I did goood! I did three rooms with my customer, and then it really sucked because he left and this millionaire from L.A. came in and took 8 of the 13 girls into the champagne rooms. Which left the 5 of us girls for the rest of the night on stage, and of the five girls left we were still doing dances and such so the list was even smaller! But the asshole millionaire didn't want to spend money on me because I look 12. I wanted to cry, those girls made 1500 each and at the end of the night I was sitting at the bar and he came up to me and was like " Are you waiting for your daddy to pick you up?" I hate when people say that shit. It's ridiculous because the girls that are younger than me look like they are in their late 20s early 30s and I'm 21 and look 12...how does that work? I get carded at work, when they just rip their wristband off and drink underage with no problem. Wtf? Bogus. Anyhoo back to the story of him asking bout my daddy...he was just being a jerk for no reason and then handed me $100 but like in a snoody way like he's donating to charity? I was like pfth fuck you I don't care I'll take your hundred dollas! I had a good night without his ass, I made $750 so I was happy. Tuesday on the other hand was a joke, again. Same shit, made 65 bucks, although this time I had Cory pick me up at 11:30 because I was bored and didn't feel like wasting another night away. I took the day off wednesday because I hurt my back somehow? It's still pretty stiff, I've noticed I'll wake up alot with my pillows on the floor or I'll slide down the bed and won't even be laying on the pillow, I'm a tard. Cory's dad came over for dinner it was sooooo good! We had big thick porterhouse steaks with sauteed mushrooms and shrimp ka bobs, twice baked mashed potatoes and of course corn on the cob! I was so full afterwards I looked 6 months pregnant! It was so worth it though. Thursday night I did suprisingly good, we were late as fuck though, my tip out was 65 but thank god I had one more free tip out from when I did opening day earlier this year, yay! Lifesaver! I couldve paid the 65 but I didn't think I was gonna make money anyways, I lucked out and made 200 I have no clue how! It's really odd lately customers have been giving me little joints instead of tipping me! Which is nice and all, I like little treats like that, but I sadly can't pay my bills with it. Pretty strange shit. I'm debating whether or not I want to suffer through another night at work tonight. I'd rather spend time with Cory and Charlie. I still have to buy my dad's fathers day gift even though its almost a week late. He's hard to shop for though, and I didn't have the money. Corys mom stealing that money really put us off track. She keeps trying to act like her doing stuff she should be doing anyways should make up for her taking our money? We were doing yard work the other day, Cory cut the lawn, I did the weed wacking. I found a shitload of cigarette butts and diet coke cans in the front yard by the steps where she sits almost everyday and talks on her cellphone. It was gross they were stashed underneath our bush in front and there were butts in the flower beds and then butts in the backyard and Charlie was chewing on one. Bleh. Cory told her to clean it up and she tried to act like she didn't do it? She's the only one that smokes in the house, and we buy diet coke for her because she refuses to drink our diet pepsi max. So uhm yeah? Process of elimination, I know I'm not a scientist or detective but um..yeah all clues lead to you bitch. She's just so irritating, or when I got home from work the other day when I had made 750 she came down to get water and sat and watch me count my money in the kitchen. Eyeing that shit up like "damn I could totally blow that away at a slot machine in like 10 minutes" I hid that money good! I just can't wait till she's gone, it'll be so much quieter in the mornings and there will always be toilet paper! Wow dream big,eh? I think I'm gonna have happy fun time with myself, so peace out! *deuces*

I worked at a club in south FL for awhile and it was crazy how some of those rich assholes would act and treat the girls. We couldn't do shit though because they would spend thousands of dollars. Sometimes I miss working there.
am i allowed to bite back?