OK so this week rocks, I made 2200 in 3 days. Yay!!! A much needed boost in my self esteem, I'm feelin foxy this week rawr! Haha, so I guess Monday night whilst I was at work Cory, his brother Jamie and his sister Amy sat their mom down and basically called her out on everything fucked up that she's done to all of us. Jamie is controlling her finances, FINALLY. I get to decide what happens from there, if I wanna kick her out or not. Well, I thought about it and she is Cory's mom and alll.......who am I kidding that bitch is outta here! Yay! I'm pretty excited. Anyhoo, tomorrow is date night with my boo.
haha We're going to the movies, and hopefully afterwards sushi!!! Mmmmm I want me some eel and some shrimp tempura.

MMMM! Man, I'm still in love with my new tats. I keep getting compliments on em at work, I love it. I haven't wore legwarmers at work since I got em cuz I love showin em off. Permanent accessories I love it!!
At breakfast on saturday with my rents, they were telling me how they told everybody they know about my tattoos because they were that flattered by it. It makes me happy everytime I look at them
I'm frickin baked off my ass and giddy as fuck. I'm just so glad tonight was good at work, and like I said the whole week was good. Today I was running late, AGAIN so my tip out was 55
and I was so stressed, and bored the whole night I wanted to cry. But I got lucky, did 3 rooms and got a $100 tip . Always appreciated
Last night I got lucky and I mean LUCKY. Not like I did a buttload of rooms, I did one, BUT I didn't have to even ask him to do one, and I didn't have to do anything but just sit and talk with him when we got in there. It was short sweet and to the point, he asked me for the room, he just sat and talked, he tipped me 40 bucks he left without asking to marry me. He scored extra brownie points for that! Plus I found out that he does alot of rooms when he finds a girl he likes, and he turned down a couple girls to sit with me. So I'm hoping he comes back for me
I only have two more amoxicillin capsules left for my ear infection. I still can't hear completely, this worries me a bit. I hate having to ask people to repeat themselves, because it sounds like I'm not listening when I am or like I could give two shits, which sucks when you're trying to convince someone twice your age that you're not just sitting there for the money.
holy crap, took a break from the blog to have some bed squeaking sex yeah baby. And I just got mushroom stamp on my forehead and jizz on my neck? What the fuck that's not what I ordered
Well kiddies, if I'm funna (yeah, funna) go to the movies I gotta hit the sack. Mmm sack
Night, one love! *deuces*

MMMM! Man, I'm still in love with my new tats. I keep getting compliments on em at work, I love it. I haven't wore legwarmers at work since I got em cuz I love showin em off. Permanent accessories I love it!!


So...stupid question...did she ever pay you back that money that she took from you?