Today was a good day! Yay FINALLY! I haven't gone to bed yet, but I sat around a bit today, smoked with Cory <3, ate a really good bagel, took a shower and then we went to get qdoba. Ate food, walked around southridge mall while I found a buncha underwear I wanna buy for work (I'm a dork, I buy way more work clothes than regular clothes) and went home to get ready to go to work. Yep I was excited to go today! I had everything I needed clean and ready to go. I haven't missed a week of work in....uhm ever!! Unless I was out of town, which isn't really vacation because if I'm out of town I'm more than likely working at another club. So its weird to have that much spare time. I did jack shit the week I was home. Cory and I were both sick and both didn't work so we just sat around smoked watched movies ate really good food and then I'd probably end up on here at some point. Yeah way exciting I probably gained 10 lbs this week!! Anyways I was in a really great mood today, I had a good hair day and I was just feeling sexy! And of course I had to be running late because Niko needed a ride. Told her earlier in the afternoon if she needed a ride to call me, 5 o'clock rolls around and I hadn't heard from her I was assuming she had a ride. So just cleaned up a bit around the house and painted my fingernails. She calls at 5:15 saying she'll be at my house in like 15 mins. But she has kids so that took way longer than 15. She comes in my front door and we walk through my house, go out the back door and go in our car. 20 minutes late.bleh. 55 dollar house. bleh. tornado warnings. bleh. 8 guys and 18 girls. blehhhhh I thought work was going to suck suck suck. A guy I sat with for a half hour (not really by choice he recognized niko and i from another club we worked at together) gave me 5 dollars for my time. And he even stated that he knew my time was "valuable"
but I was saved by the fact that I had to go on stage. When I get down I go on my tip walk and one of my customers is there and he's hangin with another girl, so I just tell him he'd better not be too busy later for me and that I'd see him in a bit. I sit with one of the owner's friends because he always smokes himself retarded and hands me $100 bills at a time. So that's like a blessing because I had about 55 dollars I had made before he gave me the $250 while I sat with him. He got up to go smoke in his car and I got up to see what Niko was doing and the bouncer came over and told me that my customer wanted me to come do rooms with him. So I was excited I did 2 hours of rooms and got 250 for doing nothing. I lucked out big time. I'm SO happy I made money today, I literally am broke, I really needed that 700 bucks that Cory's mom stole. I wish it would get better at work, but I do get lucky alot so I won't complain. I suppose I should get to bed, and try to fix my fucked up sleep schedule. Mwah!

I am glad you had a good day. I buy way more underware than I ever go clothes. I probably have enough for the rest of my life. lol
I'm really glad that you ended up making cash