Hah hah hah. Apparently Cory's mom is afraid of me now? Cory talked to her today and had it on speaker phone so I could hear what she had to say, but because she didn't know I wasn't listening she was like I couldn't believe how she acted when she came up into my room, she was so scary and just yelled at me and threatened to have me arrested and then slammed the door so hard I could barely get it open the next day and blah blah blah. I was biting my tongue to hold back the laughter. She continued with lame excuses of how she is always "cleaning up after you two" YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. Oh, wow. Hypocrite. She's always bitching about the dumbest things and acts like she is Miss fucking Mary Poppins and cleans the whole house, but she never does the dishes, and never cleans up her messes, she always leaves her tea bags on the counter. The only thing she ever does is clean the stove, which she dented somehow. That's the thing about her really...she either breaks something or she steals it. Or both, i.e. my car. Oi. Anyways back to what I was saying she said she was sick of cleaning up after us, and doing all kinds of things around the house that we don't appreciate. As I said previously YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. She does things that we don't want her to do and then she doesn't even finish the little projects or she half ass does them and expects us to praise her? She took down one of the older windows on our house because she wanted to repaint the frame, and then she left it outside for a week, didn't even repaint it or anything and it got cracked during a windstorm. She decided the wanted to repaint the hallway upstairs and primed the hallway half assed and it still looks like that. She insisted on painting the trim in our work out room and its only half finished. It's like what the hell are you doing, finish one project move onto the next. Or just don't do it at all whichever. I see sometimes that she means well but then she just doesn't care anymore or gets bored and she'll go watch tv. And the last thing that she said that was the icing on the cake for me....she said that I'm not a nice person. She said that there is nothing nice about me and I'm never nice to anyone. I was like WOW. ME? Not nice...ok I don't know if it's just me....but it feels like in my life I'm too nice to some people and they don't really give a hoot about me. I can be a bitch, sure but I have to have a reason for it. Cory and I were joking around the other day and I came up with my new motto talk shit, get hit. haha I'm kidding..or..am I? Anyways I felt that me yelling at her to begin with was out of character for me, but I was just THAT angry. So she acts like I'm a bitch all the time? Yeah right, most the time I don't say anything, I always thought: can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. But whatever, I usually miss all the juicy fights between her and Cory. I'm either a) at work b) sleeping. I've found she doesn't like to fight in front of me, because I'll chime in if she's out of line. But I've never said anything crazy so I don't get it.
Ah well, she had been staying at Cory's sister, Amy's house for the past few days and decided to come home when we were taking a nap. She basically ignored us, packed up a few things to put in her brother's truck that she borrowed. Until we were making grilled cheese sammiches with tomato soup, yum yum yum. She came into the kitchen to tell us she made popcorn for us? I just kept grillin mah cheese sammiches and then she snuck back upstairs. I just had to laugh, I was like "Cory, didn't she seem scared of me?"
Ahh I hate her. She kept saying that maybe I should have had her arrested, because I was right she should be in jail and blah blah blah. She at least admitted to making up dumb excuses about every little thing she had done wrong. I was like zomg She said she wants to go to get her head examined and such. And the best part was when she was like so I guess this means I can't have my rummage sale at your house this weekend? Uhm haha hell no! Last rummage sale she had, Cory borrowed her money to buy the signs and other stuff she needed, she never paid us back, and we let her sell some of our stuff, and Cory's dad's things that he contributed to her rummage sale. She kept all of the money from it. She's just a bad person, since Cory and I have started dated (5 years ago) she has been screwing us over. She is in thousands of dollars in debt with all of Cory's siblings (2 brothers, 1 sister) and their families. His mom owes money to her siblings as well.
I feel bad for Cory, he got stuck with crappy parents. Makes me feel good that I was lucky enough to have two good parents. Speaking of...my tattoos are healing wonderfully. Heres a really poor quality pic of my lovely bows.
I love them so much.
Well I'm gonna watch some old episodes of friends haha. Toodles.

That bitch is fucking crazy!!!
Craziness... but at least she went away for a while and admitted to some of her mistakes. Nice ink though