So Cory left a pile of money on the desk in our computer room that was all counted up and ready to be taken to the bank with a few checks on top of it for this month's bills that had to be paid and yesterday Cory was counting it again because we were getting ready to leave.....$700 is missing from the pile. Hmm, I didn't take it, Cory didn't take it....guess who took it? Yup, that's right kids his fucking mom stole seven hundred fucking dollars from us. She was gone all day, and called Cory at 11:30 to have him pick her up a few blocks away from the Casino. Cory had asked her why she took the money, she claims its to teach us a life lesson, not to leave our money laying around in case somebody broke into the house? What the fuck? I'm pretty sure his mom would steal something from us sooner than some random person breaking into our house. It would have made a better excuse had she took the whole stack of money, but she took $700 to teach us a lesson? Right, so she comes in the house and I'm making some dinner for us and she starts making herself a plate and trying to avoid the subject completely when we were both asking for the money back. Then she takes her food up in to her room while Cory and I go and eat in the living room. We decided that I was going to bitch her out because it would prove more of a point because basically it was my money she took. So I'm already pretty pissed while we're in the living room, but I'm not much for confrontation so I was kinda iffy about the whole thing, so I go up there and it went a little something like this:
Me: So...I'll take my money now.
Cunt: Um, it's in my bank account
Me: Why the FUCK is MY money in YOUR account?
Cunt: Well, I put it there when I took it on Monday.
Me: Why the FUCK is MY money in YOUR account?
Cunt: Well I...
Me: No, I want my money.
Cunt: You know you really shouldn't leave it laying around..
Me: NO! It is MY fucking house I will leave it wherever the fuck I want, and you are not one to try to give people life lessons about MONEY. All we've learned is that Cory can't even trust his own mother to not take his money.
Cunt: I'm sorry it'll never happen again.
Me: You're damn right it won't happen again, because if it does I'm calling the fucking cops.
Cunt: ok.
Me: I work hard to make that money, if you don't have it tomorrow you are OUT of here.
Cunt: I know you do, I'm sorry.
and then I slammed the door and went back downstairs shaking with anger.
....ok......that's really not how I handle things usually, I hate confrontation. But that bitch has got my blood boiling. I've never been that angry ever in my life, but it felt sooo good to yell at her. Where is she today? I'm not sure, she's probably at the casino trying to win more money. I hate her. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. Gah how could she do this to us? I haven't been to work at all this week and I neeeeeded that money, she still owes us rent money on top of that. Everything is just piling up, we haven't heard anything back from our insurance guy about the other driver which really scares me, because Cory was instructed by the Sheriff who was at the accident to get in his car so he could talk to the other driver. After being hit they both got out of the car and the other driver was screaming at Cory and his friend had to hold him back. We think that the other driver was drunk because they were coming from a Brewer's game. So Cory got in his car and called the cops, so the sheriff told him he'd talk to the guy. Cory has been trying to get ahold of the sheriff, no luck. My *sexy* insurance guy is trying to get ahold of the sheriff as well, we haven't heard from him though. The adjustor is supposedly on his way here to look at the damage on our car. Not enough to total it sadly, but I really hope the guy had insurance, and I really hope that he was drunk too. That would be so great for us, plus Cory had whiplash so he went to the doctor and everything, so I hope that they cover the costs of that. I still can barely hear, I hope that it's not permanent cuz I will cry. It's so weird living like this, I feel like my head is inside an empty fishbowl. It's all echo-ey and loud when I talk, but everything else is so faint and jumbled it sucks. How the hell am I supposed to go to work in a loud club if I can barely hear what people are saying? How am I going to make any money? Ugh I'm so stressed out. Oh and, this girl that I used to work with at another club who I hate got hired at the club I'm working at now. I'm pissed, she would always try to steal my customers and it pissed me off. Bleh. I think I want to fight someone, I've never been in a fight before so I'd probably get my ass whooped, or..I'd be so angry I'd beat the snot outta her. Who wants to fight me?
I wish there was something I could say that would change this blog from an angry one to a happy one but I've got nothing...except for I just had close to the greatest sex ever and here's a pic of my dog:

Me: So...I'll take my money now.
Cunt: Um, it's in my bank account
Me: Why the FUCK is MY money in YOUR account?
Cunt: Well, I put it there when I took it on Monday.
Me: Why the FUCK is MY money in YOUR account?
Cunt: Well I...
Me: No, I want my money.
Cunt: You know you really shouldn't leave it laying around..
Me: NO! It is MY fucking house I will leave it wherever the fuck I want, and you are not one to try to give people life lessons about MONEY. All we've learned is that Cory can't even trust his own mother to not take his money.
Cunt: I'm sorry it'll never happen again.
Me: You're damn right it won't happen again, because if it does I'm calling the fucking cops.
Cunt: ok.
Me: I work hard to make that money, if you don't have it tomorrow you are OUT of here.
Cunt: I know you do, I'm sorry.
and then I slammed the door and went back downstairs shaking with anger.
....ok......that's really not how I handle things usually, I hate confrontation. But that bitch has got my blood boiling. I've never been that angry ever in my life, but it felt sooo good to yell at her. Where is she today? I'm not sure, she's probably at the casino trying to win more money. I hate her. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. Gah how could she do this to us? I haven't been to work at all this week and I neeeeeded that money, she still owes us rent money on top of that. Everything is just piling up, we haven't heard anything back from our insurance guy about the other driver which really scares me, because Cory was instructed by the Sheriff who was at the accident to get in his car so he could talk to the other driver. After being hit they both got out of the car and the other driver was screaming at Cory and his friend had to hold him back. We think that the other driver was drunk because they were coming from a Brewer's game. So Cory got in his car and called the cops, so the sheriff told him he'd talk to the guy. Cory has been trying to get ahold of the sheriff, no luck. My *sexy* insurance guy is trying to get ahold of the sheriff as well, we haven't heard from him though. The adjustor is supposedly on his way here to look at the damage on our car. Not enough to total it sadly, but I really hope the guy had insurance, and I really hope that he was drunk too. That would be so great for us, plus Cory had whiplash so he went to the doctor and everything, so I hope that they cover the costs of that. I still can barely hear, I hope that it's not permanent cuz I will cry. It's so weird living like this, I feel like my head is inside an empty fishbowl. It's all echo-ey and loud when I talk, but everything else is so faint and jumbled it sucks. How the hell am I supposed to go to work in a loud club if I can barely hear what people are saying? How am I going to make any money? Ugh I'm so stressed out. Oh and, this girl that I used to work with at another club who I hate got hired at the club I'm working at now. I'm pissed, she would always try to steal my customers and it pissed me off. Bleh. I think I want to fight someone, I've never been in a fight before so I'd probably get my ass whooped, or..I'd be so angry I'd beat the snot outta her. Who wants to fight me?

sorry you're having all these shitty problems. i thought i didn't have it so great with my girl's mom, but i don't think she steals our money. of course, we don't have any. and she finds other ways to cause a similar effect. on a much smaller scale, though! she'll always be justified in her own mind. it is a tough situation.
i'm still waiting on an insurance thing too, it blows.
congrats on the great sex, too!
I hope the cop did'nt screw up the report. You should have heard something by now, he might be avoiding you. Good luck and kick some ass if you have to.