Today was a tough day for Charlie! His first visit to the vet! He had an odd smell coming from his rear end and we feared that his tail was infected so we took him to the vet and he also was due for his second distemperment shot, so we get there and wait in the waiting room forever with this crazy cat lady who would not leave us alone and insisted on playing with him. She picked him up which I didn't like because he has his milkteeth still and he loves to bite your nose and ears, which of course we told her but she didn't seem to want to put him down. He was giving her kisses and yup he bit her nose which was bleeding but she didn't care and she still played with him. It was pretty funny though, she was a real talker and the vet sent her back into the waiting room to "go play with charlie" but i honestly think that the vet was irritated by her constant talking that he wanted her to go away haha. Anyhoo, we finally got into the room and the nurse checked his vitals which were all normal, except her heartrate was fast but she said it was because he was excited *which is true because he really enjoys meeting new people* so I wasn't very worried, and then it was time to take his temperature. Uh oh, so the nurse put the thermometer up his little butt, he did NOT like that at all, so much that he was squirming and groaning. Poor little guy, if that wasn't bad enough when the vet came in and we explained that he had an odd odor coming from his rear end and we assumed that it was his tail. He checked out the tail and said it was not infected and then he smelled Charlie's fur and asked if the smell we were complaining of was a bit "fishy" Which it was because at first Cory and I thought that it was because Charlie slept in his mom's lap alot *Gross I know but its a possibility* but I've had to bathe him 3 times this week and it kept coming back! yuck. So he pulls out this book of the anatomy of dog's that has illustrations or their muscles, bones, etc.He flips to the anus page, shows us these "anal glands" that apparently are supposed to secrete this smelly goo when a dog has a bowel movement. Most likely because Charlie had diarrhea from being overfed by Cory's mom a few days ago there was a build up of this goo in one of the glands and that is why he has been stinking up the place. I know this is gross, but it gets worse! The vet says that he has to sqeeze this goo out of the gland, and then we'll figure out if this is what we've been smelling for the past 3 days. I'm not excited about this at all because I knew it was going to be nasty. So he goes to get the nurse to hold Charlie while he does it and puts a bunch of lube on his finger. He shoves his finger into my dogs rear and gives the gland a good squeeze. Only one of them had a lot in it, so the first one he did nothing happened so I was like cool that's not so bad and we couldn't smell a thing. The second one on the other hand...oh my god. This stuff just oozed out of his rear, all over his hind leg, the table, the vet's hand. The smell was sooo foul! I was gagging and trying to comfort Charlie who was not looking too happy and kept whimpering. After that he's like "Ok I'm going to go get the shot ready" I was like oh god he still has to get a shot, I really wish he would have done that first because that room was so smelly I wanted to throw up. He gave him a shot in his right hind leg and then weighed him, 23.5 for a 3 month old puppy! He's getting sooo big! After that we left, and lucky me got to have Charlie in my lap with anal ooze all over his leg. Yuckkkk! So as soon as I got home Charlie and I took a bath. Well...I have to be inside the tub with him otherwise he tries to escape, so I sit in my undies and get to scrub the stink off of him. Luckily the shot made him really tired so he didn't struggle too much so he just sat in there and let me wash him. He's really sore right now, almost anytime he moves or I pick him up he yelps in pain, but I guess it's normal. I figured that much, because I'm always sore after a shot as well. Right now we are just lounging on the couch together, so I figured I'd blog for you guys. Sorry this was a gross one! My poor little guy.
Well I'm gonna watch some HGTV or a ANTM marathon, ta ta! Send love and kisses to myself and Charlie!

sounds like you got quite the bundle of joy haha. glad to hear when ppl take care of their pets