Stripperfest was kind of a bust, only because I really didn't make that much money...I wasn't really expecting to have a fantastic night because I figured the people who were there were either from other clubs supporting their girls in the contest or were just there to see the contest. However, I did get the chance to spend time with a few people that I haven't seen in awhile. I ran into alot of people from the club I used to work at and it was really nice. (Even though I didn't get to see robby) BUT I suppose I'll live! Although it kind of bugged me seeing Parker (one of the djs) because he scolded me for wearing a dress that had pot leaves on it? What a fucking hypocrite, I know he's smoked before and he's gonna act like he's my daddy? Yeah right! He does way worse shit and hangs around a bunch of coke heads. Fuck off mister! I hate hypocrites. I worked tonight and it was slow again! What the eff is going on? I was doing awesome and now it's super slow. I'm assuming because of baseball and now that it's nice out people want to be outside. Cory got a speeding ticket today
which sucks because we need money and it just figures. One hundred and nine dollars! Bleh. Cory's mom has been living upstairs in our spare bedroom for a few months because she's struggling and keeps bouncing from different family member's houses so we're trying to help her out. I don't really mind because she's upstairs and she pays us $600 a month (usually) but lately she's been really lazy and doesn't clean up after herself. It's getting to be really irritating and disgusting, she smokes (mostly outside but I've found cigarette butts inside) which is gross because we don't smoke cigarettes and the smell lingers for a long time, it's just kind of rude. Anyways, she keeps throwing her butts in the grass or just in random spots in the yard instead of throwing them away or putting them in the ashtray she has out there and my puppy keeps eating them! I have to dig em out of his mouth! Which is hard to do sometimes because he still has his razor sharp milk teeth so sometimes I can't get it out of his mouth.
Cory had bought a honeydew melon a few days ago and was waiting for it to ripen and she cut it up today. Which is fine but it's not ripe, and she doesn't even eat honeydew melon anyways so what is the point of cutting it up? So Cory had to throw it out because it was all hard and bitter and it was just a waste of like 4 bucks for nothing basically. I know it sounds silly but she does stuff like this all of the time! I'm on a roll and it feels good to let it all out so I'm going to continue on until I get up to the whole reason I got on this topic. Ya'll probably think I'm off my rocker but whatever, I have the world's easiest toilet paper roll holder, it's just a bar shaped similar to the letter "L" only the top of it is a little more curved, but anyways she always uses so much toilet paper that we go through a roll every other day (ridiculous because a roll would normally last Cory and I alone for a week or so) anyways because she uses so much she's usually the one who uses up the rest of the roll and for some unknown reason (well...most likely because she is lazy) she can never put a new roll on the toilet paper holder! I just don't get how you could be that lazy....she'll throw out the empty cardboard roll but won't put on a new roll? Anyways what triggered my rant is when I got off of work I was excited to take a shower and Cory was showing me this new razor he bought and that reminded me that I had to change the blade on mine so I went to grab my razor and what do I find in the blades? THREE INCH CURLY WHIRLY PUBIC HAIRS!! I was so disgusted I almost threw up! I'm not sure what disgusted me more: The fact that she had pubic hair that long and that I had to see it on my razor and all over the shower or that she had used my razor? Then I got even more disgusted because it made me wonder if that was the first time she used it or if she uses it on a regular basis? On a side note, who the fuck LEAVES that much hair stuck in the razor blade? Rinse that nasty shit out! I've been noticing alot of hair in the bathroom as of late and I know it's not mine or Cory's because we shave our pubes and we don't have any hair on our body that length. It's gotten so bad my friends that have stopped over have made comments about it! It's pretty embarassing. Anyways I had to get that off my chest. Sorry to gross you guys out.
I think it's time for bed! I want to get my nails did and I need to have my eyebrows waxed as well! Take care kiddies! Feel free to leave some love.


WTF...That is nasty!!!