I'm sooo tired! I had so much fun today at miller park! We handed out a shit-ton of free passes and advertisements for stripperfest. I was pretty fucked up from 10 am til about 2 hours ago. We smoked, we drank it was a blast! Plus I got to see alot of friends from Silk (otb's competition!) but it was great. I was so drunk while we were sitting in our seats this tool wearing a chicago cub's jersey stood up and started waving his cub hat around like a weiner and everybody was booing him and chanting ASS HOLE and throwing ice and peanuts so I of course asked the woman behind me if she had finished her soda which she did so I picked it and chucked it at him! The lady said I could so I did! He immediatley stopped doing his little douche jig and stared me down and called me a slut, which everybody around us cheered me on and continued to throw more stuff for calling me a slut. It was pretty fucking funny. I'm such a little trouble maker when I've been drinking tee hee. Uhm let's see..what else happened, oh yes! Cory and I went to this delightful little Chinese/Japanese restaurant that had reallllly good and cheap sushi that they make right in front of you! I was excited!! After that we went shopping at Woodman's where every single 15 year old boy followed me around oogling my goodies. See that's the thing that sucks about looking young, the little young guys think I'm their age so they try to hit on me and it's way creepy. Anyhoo! When Cory and I signed up for T-mobile we got two free round trip airline tickets to the city of our choice! SO we're thinking of going to Boston w/ his sister and her hubby and then we're gonna rent a car and go to NY!! Eeee! I'm excited. I have to go give my baby Charlie a bath and then cuddle up with him on the couch because I miss him!! Later kiddies.


you said 'weiner'