HI everybody just wanted to drop in and tell you i loved you all and i still suck lol... so its late im tired and i have been having to house hop still...... ugh i hate this i have never been this not so well off in my life... and i have been on my own since i was 15... no parents no help except for my lovely gma but she is far away from me now so no family and few friends ... im not really complaining just annoyed and bitching lol... i always stay positive but right now i feel a lil down and everyone on here all of my lovely friends keep my head up so i just wanted to make sure i let all of you know that i was layin in bed and thinkin about all of you and i snuck off to post a blog telling you all that you guys were on my mind and i missed ya... hopefully ill be back on my feet soon just need to make some money and get it together... its sad that money makes the world go round... oh well he he he OH OH GUESS WHAT ... I FIGURED OUT WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE SET AND WHERE IT WENT <thanks to rigel> LOL YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO LAUGH... so i havent been able to check my email and if i had i would have seen the email from rigel and saved myself alot of greif.. dear god im stupid sometimes... well not stupid just technically unadvanced at the moment... so ya ummm i have to get up early and go to work so i gotta bOuNcE... but kisses and sweet dreams to all of my buddies i love you all so much and thank you for caring
you guys are the bestest
<ya i said BESTEST its not a word but it is my word OK!!!!!
kisses and lovins
you guys are the bestest
<ya i said BESTEST its not a word but it is my word OK!!!!!

kisses and lovins