I've lived with in 10 miles of the place the better portion of my life, I'm a fake native NYer from just under the tunnel in NJ. I never was anywhere near it until this year. Secretly glad I missed out on it.
But yeah ... new year, new screen name and image.
Actually if you were keeping score, it was my old screenname when I was on SG a billion years ago. I quit and came back, it was like you said. i missed the #$%^. I'm rambling, I'll shush.
They're still both great pictures!
But yeah ... Happy New Year!
But yeah ... new year, new screen name and image.
Actually if you were keeping score, it was my old screenname when I was on SG a billion years ago. I quit and came back, it was like you said. i missed the #$%^. I'm rambling, I'll shush.