^ my last morning with sweet Daisy. You can tell it was before the sun came out to play.
It's currently thunder & lightning in Brooklyn & I have 2 appts tomorrow for rooms for rent! I'm so excited, I never imagined finding opportunities here over night. One of my aunts has offered to help me with my first month of rent & my social work friends are still sniffing out programs of assistance for me.

^ This is beautiful flash art by my original tattoo artist Matt Brotka of Richmond, VA...note it was made for me in 2000. Wow. Life is a crazy place, no?
Have a wonderful weekend, I am determined to do the same. Maybe I'll have a place to call my own next week, one never knows where their angels are working.

cute doggie!!

Thanks Jena! Good luck w your move. I miss Brooklyn, home from 2000-2005.