The whole time I kept thinking of that scene in Polyester where the slut daughter announces she's dancing for her abortion bc she won't allow that creature she cries is "like a cancer!" to grow inside her & take away all her fun. I'm glad this is over & being in a medical study for birth control sure had its lasting affects on my lady parts. I wonder what type of birth control I will opt for next when I get my medical card.
I just scanned the thumbnails for every set this year, something I never did upon going insane on the boards over the local issue which dealt with my life that I was crucified for since my life of volunteer work isn't yet available on Wikipedia.
I'm very particular about the nudity I choose to look at & know from those banners & then even by clicking the set to see if I even need to open them at all to see what I want. Also, being that I prefer imagining myself fucking men and not women, I'm worse particular. However since about 1981 I have always loved snooping through porn to look at what the naked ladies are looking like these days.
This is my routine:
Being that I have 36D boobs, I think this is why a normally straight woman is obsessed with boobs being big. I get really grossed out by horrible nipples and SG does a pretty good job of not accepting models with those. I've taken notes.
If I can detect there to be no huge boobs, I don't bother. This eliminates more than half the website so my Beautiful Mind of Porn is still easy for me here.
Sometimes I click the thumbnails of a set with an alarming # of comments like over 2 and especially 3 thousand bc I just have to see basically what people here like this much. Today I noticed again that a lot of these high comment sets (whereas a perfectly hot tattooed punk girl has 1,200 comments) are for girls that have zero tattoos and worse concerning small boobs & no hips with poorly executed intentionally looking like Lolita sets undaring in "Look at me, I'm so young looking bc I have the hips of a teenage boy" and it surprises me to see on this site in 2011.
What is my summary of that rant? Why are people here STILL most excited by zero tattoos and bathroom looking porn that seems so outdated by even SG's current standards of displays? I don't WANT to log on here and see ANYONE without tattoos. Maybe I need to stick to my volunteer work with prisoners or something.

It makes me chuckle that a model like JaneDoe has like 1,500 comments on such an awesome set and gorgeous new look but there are over 3 on really normal looking girls drafted from the local CVS counter in Iowa. Gross.
Along the rest of my Beautiful Mind of Porn organizational skills of inspection, I typically hate any tattoos even NEAR breasts (with the sole exception of departed Adahlia & Amina). If I see a chest piece or worse, tattoos ON THE DAMN breasts, I get wild. Breasts, especially big ones, are the most important things in my life. Please don't draw all over them & ruin a great thing. I don't mind them on shoulders or whatever but I notice chest pieces are only on women cursed w small tits or awful nipples anyway, so it's like a cover up.
If ladies have giant hips like Marilyn or Jayne Mansfield, I get stoked. I think there are 4-7 models out of 5 million like that here right?
I don't like piercings. Don't care. Please spend your money on better shit like tattoos up to your ears but man piercings bore me. Also stretched earlobes are disgusting and all people with them should be beaten. That model Twilly or whatever had hers cut off, everyone should follow suit.
I'm like the Archie Bunker of retards concerning porn, I know. Please, I'm 34 and look at me. There is no future!

the picts are really cool