I guess maybe my offered 1 year free membership went through? Lucky you.
Today begins my tour as "Sexiest Homeless Person."
I might have a couch with a really hot tattoo artist who offered and refers to his preferred body type on a female as "thickness is my heaven." He wants me to pee on him, too. Could be a match made in Hell. He's super hot even though really young. I don't mind. He last crashed out texting me looking at my sexy TUMBLR...
3. My romance with that dude in Boston is over and over strongly.
4. At a Brooklyn show last month, I made a gesture of slashing a drummer friend's throat open bc he dedicated their set to our friend Gasface with no mention of the Jen Hate and this INSANELY HOT PHOTOGRAPHER dude lunged forward with a huge pocket knife and I can't tell you how much more turned on I was than I already was by him anyway. He's asked me not to talk or promote him bc he has some high paying clients but.....he's been in touch with me and wants it.
5. I have a hearing with SSI on Monday in Philly; SS was befuddled by my case, not even comprehending how I haven't gotten my nearly 9 grand settlement for the SSD case which began over 2 years ago. I hope they can help me now.
6. All of the precious money I had has been "squandered" on food. A gangsta's life ain't fun. I think I literally have $2 to my name unless I can get my lazy, selfish roommate to buy some of my possessions that I'm leaving behind.
7. So how do you prioritize being so glam and homeless? All I really have are serious tons of clothes, shoes, comic books, some records (I will weed through them, I don't need all of them. Many of them are old hip hop and disco records...I'd prefer to just hold on to my punk ones) and treasured ceramics. I can box them all and see about having them Fed Ex'ed once I reach NYC. I have social work friends there who are determined to get me housing when I am ready to go.
8. I started my day today with stress puking.
9. I'm going to head to my local favorite coffee shop in a little bit to post flyers and wait around for friends. I have some friends who work there who have offered me their homes before but congrats to them, they do not use their internet or cell phones regularly like most people do. Not even my former coworker Will, the bartender - he never uses the internet. I say good for those people.
10. Here's my favorite video of a show I was at and have posted before but it's so timeless to me. Dahlia Seed performing my theme song right now, "Jet Spin."
"More ghosts to haunt me everywhere I go...jet spin spinning round and round: I'm so sick of this ride. LET ME OFF NOW!"