M E T H O D, Ma'am.
Look @ my pix, countless images of me with copyWRONG protection by a scrub 20 years of less rage than this Riding Hood bitch you'll see scattered everywhere across Flickr. [derailing ranting removed]
Edit: Whoops, dude replied in minutes saying there were so many of me he's still trying to compile them all. Yay!
Top Ten shit that I did before 4:35pm today, hot on the heals of yesterday's high note of physically threatening a patron in this same coffee house for the rudeness she approached me with outside when I stepped out to use my phone. Everyone down to parents tried apologizing for the old bitch's ignorance but I gave her the best advice. I gave the geriatric fuck my business card telling her she needs to file a restraining order. I showed her my neck and confirmed "I am psychotic. Do not EVER approach me & speak to me like that again." Even the employees enjoyed it. Bitches.
1. Took my call with social security re my money - found out my case is beyond "high court" already and I'll be hearing back shortly.
2. My welfare case worker used the word "SYSTEM" in stammering out loud once she noticed that assholes had turned off my medical insurance during my disability clearance. System! That's the ONLY word. The fucking system does not work for you, me or us. You best be_lee dat and move on now.
3. After an hour fighting the retard switchboards of Metro PCS just trying to get a fucking ring tone for my $270 Blackberry and then to get a motherfucker to pick the line the fuck up, I began by announcing I'm switching to Verizon. Moron outsource fuck insisted she couldn't even transfer me to a supervisor bc I didn't know my "8 digit pin code." I said what the fuck is that? You make phones for drug dealers and Mexicans. I pay at locations every single month, YOU need to find my shit. Unfortunately her stance would not waver from the SPELL of 8 digit codes & I had to end the preach with "FUCK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE MOTHERFUCKERS!" Shit.
4. Not surprisingly right after this, I began gushing blood from my snatch again, here we go. Obviously entirely related to stress. No way it could be a period again, professors. Talk about cramping my shit the fuck up. Then my damn high paid gynecologist wasn't even in (she's ALWAYS in, calls me constantly) so I still have to wait until Feb 9th for my annual. Great - why can't I just get an ulcer like the common working classhole slob?
5. Just got a call confirming one of my last ER bills from NY forever ago will NOT be forwarded to collections. That one took a lot of work. I had to also explain that it is not appropriate to expect a person hospitalized for mental illness in your facility to have to deal with this shit a year later, ma'am.
6. Right after the shit with Metro PCP STD whatever their company is, my roommate once again refused to give me any money towards my requested settlement of $203. Mind you I paid $560 cash over night for him last summer when Daisy bit and wounded another dog (off the leash, deserved it) and he did not even ASK about the mangled dog that I immediately took off in the rain to after work to visit with. It's legally HIS DOG. I've been so nice and pussy rollin' over for over a year that I resorted to just kicking the walls in outside his room with my new (pictured) Coach boots. Spackle that now you asshole and if I have to destroy the whole house to make better use of my deposit AND to have therapy for still no health care and such? SOUNDS GOOD TO ME. Asshole btw has been at the same crap job for over 2 years while I'm still sending out resumes again & only have a $20 bill that my subletter gave me when she heard I'd tipped my last dollar to her coffee shop. I've known her for 2 weeks; AssholeParade for almost 2 years.
7. The owner of my favorite vegan coffee house & political front personally emailed me requesting to see my resume as he needs people. I feel very honored and then blessed again by his feedback on my long ass resume. Going there tomorrow to see a book opening reception, really super excited.
8. Entrenched & embattled in the Struggle, I didn't get to finish my annual hair did night until 4:20am today when I had begun the die job at 11pm. Morally degrading, no kidding. First my beautiful shower was raped by losing every drop of hot water after only 20 minutes, then my use of the space heater and blow dryer in the bathroom blew out countless fuses across the apartment. I had to use the heater in the bathroom due to inspections of my feet that have such ignorantly poor circulation. Hell hath seen no TERROR watching a cockroach sister seeking her flat iron by candle light, for one thing. I stood in my kitchen working over the stove until the Holy hour and time to get my beautiful blow out & see my darling new red locks. It's very bangin' ass Little Mermaid.
9. It's been fun to have wonderful conversations in the Swap Meet group again with so many lady artists and vendors! And to talk about designer fashion and sales? This is my dream in every after life.
Edit: Just got a warning again for posting in the group - can't wait for this membership to expire already!
10. I simply can't wait to go shopping soon. I'm moving a lot of art materials and fashion to the latest store front for the amazingly talented Zagar family of Philadelphia and so happy to say I'm apparently going to be moved into my heated new apt by Feb 1! Yeesh, I only paid them 3 months of rent in November. They had been waiting on snafu renovations but we discussed just fucking that shit, I'd rather have my health thanks.

Please buy me something crappy off my wish list for housewarming. Will totally post all pix of me with anything - I do it all the time on FB when I exchange biz with folks. Fun! So happy to have karaoke tonight...I'm doing both Cypress Hill and Fleetwood Mac.


The eyes are up here, buster.