"The only joy in the world is to begin." - unknown
It's that time. I'm going grey by either Sun or Mon so please PM me contact info if you'd like to keep it real.
I made you this mix today so that we can all dance
In other catastophic events, I'm 500% positive that my mother became aware of NoPussyBlues and am 799% sure I am humiliated by the horrific chance she read it. Hence, the account is in total lock down. Send a request if you want to continue to read about who I'm banging or trying hard to.
Because believe me I'm gonna get dick or die tryin'.

Top 10 Goodbye Notes from Jena ... Please Take Care ♥
1. I'll miss you ...
2. My sexy neighbor has finally consented to us getting drinks in the future. Le sigh. We wave constantly when we see each other from my porch as he gets off the trolley. It's too cute. It rots my teeth from the sugar.
3. It's going to be a beautiful spring and summer. I even have a pending niece named Olive Echo Frances Sunshine due in May. Wow. She's the daughter of a best friend, no real blood but blood brother-sister, y know.
4. It's good to be free.
5. Daisy and I have begun enjoying very long walks, like half hour runs at a time. Very serene.

6. I walk out in the street and everyone knows me and is happy to see me. It's such a beautiful thing you should never, ever take for granted once you've found "home."
7. I thought Alice in Wonderland in 3-D was perfectly amazing. I'm an Alice fanatic and was very pleased.
8. Need to invest in curtains now that the weather is right because I am most certain the entire neighborhood has seen my bare ass waltzing around my room which faces the street. Ooops!
9. I deleted all of my blogs, I'm sorry. Maybe I'll be back, one never knows around these parts.
10. I leave you in the capable hands and breasts of Clio & Thistle, my favorite ladies and farewell for now my friends.
Should you stumble upon this late and wish to find me, ask ChrisSick, Sound, siamkittie or kinda anyone who commented on this entry.

Have a wonderful time. ♥

Endnotes before midnight when I stroke off
I attended a conference regarding mental health in prison systems today, it was such an orgasm of information and release I walked out, bought coffee biscotti hemp ice cream and smoked a cherry vanilla Dutch. My world is amazing.
Going dancing tonight with Brick and some fine bitches I adore
All apologies to every staff member I've infuriated, ask my personal friends who've known me 20 plus years about what a fucking asshole I am. I used to seriously attend house shows wearing nothing but a thong and clear raincoat in New Jersey and thought this was perfectly normal.
Thank you so much to all the connections and friends I've made here and some lovebirds in between. Get that dick or die tryin'....
"Lisa, Angela, Pamela, Renee, I love you from around the way."

I need those heart sunglasses!
I know! I submitted a redhead profile picture but they haven't changed them since December.. more ginger sets coming your way in a month or two. i'm hella glad you're still here. xx