Wednesday Dec 10, 2008 Dec 9, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email . VIEW 25 of 60 COMMENTS theennis: Only Tropic Thunder, I know I can't really say he was the best of 2008. But you forgot he also got a SAG nomination. Now I say that because Hoffman got those two before the Oscar nomination for Copote. And both actors disappeared into their roles. Where you can't tell it's them. But I do want to see Milk. Brolin is becoming an A-List actor now! Jan 7, 2009 theennis: I know! [sad face] Jan 7, 2009
But you forgot he also got a SAG nomination. Now I say that because Hoffman got those two before the Oscar nomination for Copote.
And both actors disappeared into their roles. Where you can't tell it's them.
But I do want to see Milk. Brolin is becoming an A-List actor now!