okay lots to tell today first off this girl that i dont really like,came to work this morning with a absolutely horrible tattoo! she said some guy did at his house. its a total trampstamp........now do you tell her its a pos? even though shes sooo proud of it. even tho it gave all of us a good laugh this morning! just goes to show that theyre are ppl who will screw you over an tattoos......it made for a great day at work despite the bitch of a stupidvisor coming back after knee surgery. we just ahd two weeks of bliss w/o her.....think of an annoying bitch with a high pitched nasly voice.yep its bad.....anyhooo two days off so i dont care. in happier news getting my hair cut and colored wed afternoon and i cant decide on a color! im in the mood for something wild and crazy! a color ive never done before thinking maybe pink like sawa sucide! dont know what they wld think bout it at work........but hey our ceo is leaving! more good news! she broke the hospital! shes leaving bc she spent over 250,000 chaning the name of the hospital, fired over 125 ppl....and has had her own office remodeled more than once. tell me is that money well spent?when suppodely the pts come first? i dont care just get the bitch out of there. so yeah lots to tell its getting really good now! well gonna go and chill and watch the show! love you all jen!