Good afternoon, frienz.
It's a sunny Sunday morning right now, which is kinda cool because hopefully it makes all the snow go away. On the minus side, it turns the snow to slush which in turn becomes ice as soon as it dips below zero.
I got tagged awhile ago (can't remember by who, sorry!) with those "20 interesting facts about you" sort of things. I guess I'm bored enough to sit here and type them out now. Hah. But I'm only doing 10.
1. I have a phobia of ice. When I was a kid, I had some ear infections that I think permanently screwed up my equilibrium, I have no sense of balance. Especially on slippery surfaces.
2. I put my picture on my lighters. You know those sticker booth things at the mall? I use those little stickers and put them on my lighters so nobody steals it, or at least knows who it belongs to.
3. I don't smoke cigarettes, never have. Both of my parents are chain smokers (my dad quit a few years ago). My little brother also picked up the habit quite easily. I am the only person in my family that does not smoke. My mother's five brothers all smoke, plus their wives and children. It's a pandemic.
4. I hate coffee. I can't stand the taste of it, I don't understand how anyone could get used to it. However, I love the smell of coffee beans. They taste awful.
5. I used to do modeling for a bridal shop when I was little. Ive been in a few commercials and in print ads. It made me a brat.
6. I tried to kill my baby brother when he came home from the hospital. I'm told that I ran from one end of the room to the other, and took a flying leap at his rocker. My mother, fresh out of labour, tackled me before I had the chance.
7. I prefer guys that are younger than myself. That's not to say I dislike guys the same age and up, I just find that the guys I'm interested in always happen to be younger. It just kind of happens that way. I'm already a cougar in training.
8. I still communicate with every single one of my exes on a weekly basis. I don't like the thought of not being friends with people who were such a huge part of my life at one time.
9. I had stocks in Pixar. And I sold after Toy Story came out. I bought a condo.
10. My best friend is a guy, and people find it hard to believe we've never dated or slept together (or had feelings for each other that way, either). He's been my best friend since Grade 9, and will probably continue to be so for the rest of my life.