Hi Darlin' 
I just wanted to thank everyone who responded to my front page debut!! It was such a great accomplishment and I can not thank my photographer writeboy enough for making the shoot as amazing as it was!! So thank you writeboy
Each and everyone's comments and encouragement has really made me want to do more sets, so that's exactly what I'm gunna do

Thank you for all the lovely messages and kind words! I really love Suicide Girls and everything it stands for and so happy to just be apart of it as a brand new Suicide Girl
On another note!! My spring semester is almost over and very much looking forward to summer! The sun just started coming out and spring flowers blooming, so I will make sure to take tons of pics with my new Sony NEX 5R camera that I am absolutely in love with
I totally recommend the camera to any amateur photogs that have a good eye and want phenomenal photos. I literally just took like 100 pics of my puppy Charlie!
Proof...heres my puppy!

I just wanted to thank everyone who responded to my front page debut!! It was such a great accomplishment and I can not thank my photographer writeboy enough for making the shoot as amazing as it was!! So thank you writeboy

Each and everyone's comments and encouragement has really made me want to do more sets, so that's exactly what I'm gunna do

Thank you for all the lovely messages and kind words! I really love Suicide Girls and everything it stands for and so happy to just be apart of it as a brand new Suicide Girl

On another note!! My spring semester is almost over and very much looking forward to summer! The sun just started coming out and spring flowers blooming, so I will make sure to take tons of pics with my new Sony NEX 5R camera that I am absolutely in love with

Proof...heres my puppy!

You are fucking amazing