Hello out there in SG land
I was just watching the first season of Californication again and the beautiful DaniCA reminded me I had not been on here in AGES!!!! So I am back for a quick update...
Life, well, it's been life-like. Caring for children these days, so my adult conversation skills are waning, but it is holding off my baby impulses one poopy diaper and day of vomit at a time.
My parents' divorce has not been great or fun for anyone, but I still have faith in a year or so maybe it will be better that they are apart, once the hard part of now is over?
Boy and I are still together and doing quite well- just moved in together this month <3 <3 <3 That means I am living amongst boxes and boxes and feel like a hoarder, mostly regarding shoes and books, but I SWEAR, eventually, if I ever have any free time, I will make it all fit and pretend to be organized!
Performing is good- I have just this last weekend shot an old-school 40's style black and white short that I am really excited to see the finished product, and it confirms my wish of a black and white world... Monumental about that shoot was that I had to smoke in it, and I have never smoked ANYTHING as a singer, bc it is so bad for your voice, so smoking a half a pack in one day was ROUGH! But for that style of film it was necessary, and we all make sacrifices for our art (and since I act more than sing these days...)
Another movie I did last year premiered locally recently, and I am excited to see things start to hit the film festival circuit. We'll see how things do!
Well, I should hop off for now. My current mood is completely overwhelmed, a feeling I have irrationally felt a lot these days- have some important things coming up, including a phone call that could determine a lot in the next 15 minutes, so if you are the prayer-saying sort, please do so and say a quick one for me.
I love you all and wish you well- hopefully I will remember to hop back one here more often and my laptop will stay alive long enough for me to remain online in general!!!

I was just watching the first season of Californication again and the beautiful DaniCA reminded me I had not been on here in AGES!!!! So I am back for a quick update...
Life, well, it's been life-like. Caring for children these days, so my adult conversation skills are waning, but it is holding off my baby impulses one poopy diaper and day of vomit at a time.
My parents' divorce has not been great or fun for anyone, but I still have faith in a year or so maybe it will be better that they are apart, once the hard part of now is over?
Boy and I are still together and doing quite well- just moved in together this month <3 <3 <3 That means I am living amongst boxes and boxes and feel like a hoarder, mostly regarding shoes and books, but I SWEAR, eventually, if I ever have any free time, I will make it all fit and pretend to be organized!
Performing is good- I have just this last weekend shot an old-school 40's style black and white short that I am really excited to see the finished product, and it confirms my wish of a black and white world... Monumental about that shoot was that I had to smoke in it, and I have never smoked ANYTHING as a singer, bc it is so bad for your voice, so smoking a half a pack in one day was ROUGH! But for that style of film it was necessary, and we all make sacrifices for our art (and since I act more than sing these days...)
Another movie I did last year premiered locally recently, and I am excited to see things start to hit the film festival circuit. We'll see how things do!

Well, I should hop off for now. My current mood is completely overwhelmed, a feeling I have irrationally felt a lot these days- have some important things coming up, including a phone call that could determine a lot in the next 15 minutes, so if you are the prayer-saying sort, please do so and say a quick one for me.
I love you all and wish you well- hopefully I will remember to hop back one here more often and my laptop will stay alive long enough for me to remain online in general!!!

Californication is amazing
just like youre set that should have made you pink.

why thank you, I agree- someday I will get my ass in gear and do another one and see if it does!