I now come from a broken home.
After all this time, my parents have finally thrown in the towel.
Better off in the long run, but this time period kind of sucks.
Other than that, life is babies (not mine), filming, shooting, weddings (not mine), and homework. And boy
6 months this week. Feel silly celebrating it like I am in high school again, but hey, its his first 6 month anniversary, and its our first one, right?
Send happy thoughts towards me this weekend in the hopes that I will get my final project for my stupid online class done, and also eventually see the floor in my apartment again some day! So little time...
Hope all is well in cyber-land and elsewhere.
After all this time, my parents have finally thrown in the towel.
Better off in the long run, but this time period kind of sucks.
Other than that, life is babies (not mine), filming, shooting, weddings (not mine), and homework. And boy
Send happy thoughts towards me this weekend in the hopes that I will get my final project for my stupid online class done, and also eventually see the floor in my apartment again some day! So little time...
Hope all is well in cyber-land and elsewhere.
Good luck with your project!