Hello happy people!!!! How is life in the interweb and out today!?!?!
I am good. Busy, and tired, but good.
Working many many jobs, from serving to haunted tour guide to nannying, and always acting and modeling of course. I feel like I have been studying like crazy lately- I always have more lines to learn! I am shooting 3 feature lengths here locally, and so far I am having a lot of fun. Shooting has only begun on one of them, but pre-production for the others has kept me pretty busy. I am a producer on one of them! I'm still modeling occasionally, and I really do hope to shoot another set for SG (or maybe get started on Zivity) soon, but for now my days are pretty booked with all my random gigs and auditioning, PLUS we are getting into wedding season
FOUR weddings to go to this summer! Yikes!

In other life things, my place is a mess as always, weather is REALLY heating up here, and I HATE it (triple digits is too much for me!) and things with the boy are still going well. Who would have guessed?
Just went to the Weezer concert around here, and it was AWESOME, but more like half a concert, it was way too short, so that sucked, but oh well. Short good times are better than no good times, right?

Other than that, no news is good news, right? LOVE LOVE LOVE you all and will try to keep up more!

I am good. Busy, and tired, but good.
Working many many jobs, from serving to haunted tour guide to nannying, and always acting and modeling of course. I feel like I have been studying like crazy lately- I always have more lines to learn! I am shooting 3 feature lengths here locally, and so far I am having a lot of fun. Shooting has only begun on one of them, but pre-production for the others has kept me pretty busy. I am a producer on one of them! I'm still modeling occasionally, and I really do hope to shoot another set for SG (or maybe get started on Zivity) soon, but for now my days are pretty booked with all my random gigs and auditioning, PLUS we are getting into wedding season

In other life things, my place is a mess as always, weather is REALLY heating up here, and I HATE it (triple digits is too much for me!) and things with the boy are still going well. Who would have guessed?

Other than that, no news is good news, right? LOVE LOVE LOVE you all and will try to keep up more!

I believe I was there for one of those shots
So Beautiful...