Just watched Zombieland last night, and it was awesome.
For the pure joy of silly action and cute geeky boys and zombies, but also bc Wichita was so fuckin hot, and bc the entire time Tallahassee was looking for a Twinkie I kept thinking about Woody Harrelson's real life raw food diet and how a Twinkie is actually the LAST thing he would ever want to put in his mouth!
So you heard me folks, go see Zombieland.
And if not, HelloKitty Zombie will get you

For the pure joy of silly action and cute geeky boys and zombies, but also bc Wichita was so fuckin hot, and bc the entire time Tallahassee was looking for a Twinkie I kept thinking about Woody Harrelson's real life raw food diet and how a Twinkie is actually the LAST thing he would ever want to put in his mouth!
So you heard me folks, go see Zombieland.
And if not, HelloKitty Zombie will get you

I loved that movie!
Cutie Pie...Zombieland was great! You neglected to point out how awesome Bill Murray was in the flick. I thought he was bad ass at playing himself.