Sometimes they just fill the ship's bunk cabins with sand so it cannot leave port on time without the captain's shrugging and finally throwing his hands up to the sky and cursing everyone on the boat, which most of the crew seem to find funny.
so what bands / artists do ya listen to? gimme a few!!!
and hey...this month SG is putting up 2 sets a day for all of august, which means you are probly a shoe in for yr set going up this month, i can't wait to add you to my favorites!
is it weird or dorky that i have a picture of you up as the wallpaper on my computer?
if i hadn't have quit that job to be a stay-at-home momma, i'd so be sitting at my desk eating lucky charms and getting a keg wheeled into the meds closet, LOL. sometimes i kick myself for not going back, i'll never have that freedom again...
Okay... so normally, when I reach a stupid big number of posts like 8000, I start a lameass thread saying "Look how much of a loser I am!!"
But this time, I'm using post #8000 to tell you how much I love you. Cause I verily do. And this is the best use I can think of for this mighty post. Now... on to 10,000!!
and i could never in a million years picture you as a crazy bitch, but i guess looks can be deceiving. just lemme hang out with ya sometime & i'll form my own opinion, how's that?
yeah, they should have some more prizes for the army points thing, i mean i have most of the stuff now like the shirt or the book, which is why i'm setting my goals high!
goin out dancin tonight with some girlies from fort saskatchewan (one of the suburbs of e-town)...and probably gonna just chill out the best i can for the rest of the weekend.
i feel lasy too