aaah yes, back to the grind once again kiddies. nothing gold can stay!
two weeks off and boy let me tell you, after a while the ol' work ethic starts to eat at me. i get a bit cagey and start pacing. lol. well actually, i've learned to enjoy my time off, but the closer i get to the actual end of it, the more ansy i get to be back at work. i start to feel like i'm forgetting something all the time, or i have something to do. so as much as i loved lounging around for two weeks straight and doing abso-fuckin-lutely nothing for pretty much half of that is nice to get back to work, especially since there is so much to do!
quick holiday recap...
jelly and i went to colorado (where i grew up) to visit my family for christmas. before we left her company threw a big holiday gig and i went out to hollywood to meet her and her work crew. as fate would have it, everyone ended up at jumbo's clown room. for those of you who don't know LA, jumbo's is like a dive bar that has been genetically spliced with a bikini bar and strip club. the resulting perversion of nature is actually quite fun. the place is small and intimate and the girls are all natural. the more high-brow strip clientelle would prolly raise their nose at such a place, but there's a definite charm and novelty attached to it. sort of like frankenstein's monster...
in any case, jelly surprised me with a special gift...a private dance from one of the girls - a very very good-looking red-head. needless to say it was a great present...which i repaid. as i finished with my dancer i asked her if she had given jelly one to which she replied "no". at that point i stuffed a couple $20's in her hand and said "do it...NOW." hehehe...jelly was pleased indeed.
afterward we met our friends for dinner in eagle rock at some crazy italian restaurant. jelly and i were pretty much hammered by this point and alls i can really recall from that is the delicious food and Richard Blade (of KROCK fame) DJing?!? we ended up totally passing out at our friends' house and then crawling back home early in the morn. i'll spare you the recovery.
a few days later it was off to colorado. the travel was fast and easy - must've been the right time, right place kinda' deal - and we landed in denver late, late in the evening. my dad met us and we drove down to colorado springs and hit the hay.
overall colorado was great. it was freezing, but livable. one of the reasons i'll prolly never live there again is that the climate is SO fucking dry. i'm a fish. i need a bit of water or moisture to stay balanced. colorado is a moisture-leeching 6000+ feet above sea level. it kills me. my lips chap, my hands get all dry, i get a dry cough in my lungs...ugh. the other reason is more the lifestyle out there. too slow for me. the big city is much more exciting right now. that and there is absolutely NO visual fx animation work to be had anywhere out there. it's pretty much all in cali.
so yeah, seeing the family was awesome. got to see my cousin and my good friend from junior high and his wife. spent some good time with my sister and my nephew and of course got to hang with mom and pops. in the end it never seems like enough time, but it's always good no matter the time.
jelly and i returned to LA on the 29th and spent a few days doing nothing except watching TV and playing WoW. then we partied like rockstars at our friends house in santa monica for new years eve and then spent 2 days recovering from that!
the rest of the break was uneventful. more lounging and laziness, some dinner with our friends, a few beers, more lounging and finally it was over.
so once again it's work time and there is plenty for both of us to do. i think my show will be on TV soon. it's called Sports Science and i think it airs on the Fox Sports Network (FSN) on cable. sundays at 9pm? eh, whatever...ya'll prolly like my other gig i finished recently...Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge! finally i've lived my life-long dream of working in porn...
... a visual fx animator!
i'm credited as Arthur Rimwood so keep an eye out on the credits under Digital Playground. speaking of work i best be off. need coffee and there's some hot colonist daughters i have to rescue from their virginity...
no wait...
eh, more to cum!
two weeks off and boy let me tell you, after a while the ol' work ethic starts to eat at me. i get a bit cagey and start pacing. lol. well actually, i've learned to enjoy my time off, but the closer i get to the actual end of it, the more ansy i get to be back at work. i start to feel like i'm forgetting something all the time, or i have something to do. so as much as i loved lounging around for two weeks straight and doing abso-fuckin-lutely nothing for pretty much half of that is nice to get back to work, especially since there is so much to do!
quick holiday recap...
jelly and i went to colorado (where i grew up) to visit my family for christmas. before we left her company threw a big holiday gig and i went out to hollywood to meet her and her work crew. as fate would have it, everyone ended up at jumbo's clown room. for those of you who don't know LA, jumbo's is like a dive bar that has been genetically spliced with a bikini bar and strip club. the resulting perversion of nature is actually quite fun. the place is small and intimate and the girls are all natural. the more high-brow strip clientelle would prolly raise their nose at such a place, but there's a definite charm and novelty attached to it. sort of like frankenstein's monster...
in any case, jelly surprised me with a special gift...a private dance from one of the girls - a very very good-looking red-head. needless to say it was a great present...which i repaid. as i finished with my dancer i asked her if she had given jelly one to which she replied "no". at that point i stuffed a couple $20's in her hand and said "do it...NOW." hehehe...jelly was pleased indeed.

afterward we met our friends for dinner in eagle rock at some crazy italian restaurant. jelly and i were pretty much hammered by this point and alls i can really recall from that is the delicious food and Richard Blade (of KROCK fame) DJing?!? we ended up totally passing out at our friends' house and then crawling back home early in the morn. i'll spare you the recovery.
a few days later it was off to colorado. the travel was fast and easy - must've been the right time, right place kinda' deal - and we landed in denver late, late in the evening. my dad met us and we drove down to colorado springs and hit the hay.
overall colorado was great. it was freezing, but livable. one of the reasons i'll prolly never live there again is that the climate is SO fucking dry. i'm a fish. i need a bit of water or moisture to stay balanced. colorado is a moisture-leeching 6000+ feet above sea level. it kills me. my lips chap, my hands get all dry, i get a dry cough in my lungs...ugh. the other reason is more the lifestyle out there. too slow for me. the big city is much more exciting right now. that and there is absolutely NO visual fx animation work to be had anywhere out there. it's pretty much all in cali.
so yeah, seeing the family was awesome. got to see my cousin and my good friend from junior high and his wife. spent some good time with my sister and my nephew and of course got to hang with mom and pops. in the end it never seems like enough time, but it's always good no matter the time.
jelly and i returned to LA on the 29th and spent a few days doing nothing except watching TV and playing WoW. then we partied like rockstars at our friends house in santa monica for new years eve and then spent 2 days recovering from that!

the rest of the break was uneventful. more lounging and laziness, some dinner with our friends, a few beers, more lounging and finally it was over.
so once again it's work time and there is plenty for both of us to do. i think my show will be on TV soon. it's called Sports Science and i think it airs on the Fox Sports Network (FSN) on cable. sundays at 9pm? eh, whatever...ya'll prolly like my other gig i finished recently...Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge! finally i've lived my life-long dream of working in porn...
... a visual fx animator!

i'm credited as Arthur Rimwood so keep an eye out on the credits under Digital Playground. speaking of work i best be off. need coffee and there's some hot colonist daughters i have to rescue from their virginity...
no wait...
eh, more to cum!
ps - Wow, that's great about pirates II, I'll keep an eye out for it at the local porn shop. I still haven't bought the original for my collection because it's so damn expensive, but I've seen bits of it and it's some high class shit.
happy new year!