Hello Ladies and gents! What's up? I got my cd player installed today; it's an Eclipse CD2000. Plus installed my Sony 6x9's. Whoot whoot! Sounds fucking awesome, too! I christened the cd player with Metallica's "One" of course. Been listening to Lacuna Coil the rest of the day. That group is just so amazing! Oh, I picked up my license plate and registration today; just waiting on the title to come in the mail. Did horrible Monday night at the pool match. I only shot a 21/50. Sucks. Hope all is well with ya'll! Catch ya later! Holla back!

Uhh...if you like Rock you should check this chilean band called Yajaira they are in the stoner metal scene an play really good music ^^
Cuidate y disfruta el nueo stereors.
Congrats on the CD player, and since you can now rock, I salute you!