Im fuckin drunk! How bout you? Yeehaa! Got to go shoooot poool! Did okay. Just had fun mostly! I flirted with a chick on the other team. Kristen is beautiful; noticed her eyes right away. Hope I did okay!haha! Maybe~ Fuck! Better go to bed before I fuck something up! Good nite sweeties! Wish you were with me! c ya. Did drink 3 or so Long Islands ic teas! Damn good drinky. Dont know how i got hmoe. c ya agani. Ya'll ROCK! Whoot whoot. okay, goodnite. Adios
ps:7:45am woke up with headache and nausea, but no fuckn way gonna hurl. okay goning crawl under cold covers, 45degrees outside now. wont one of you come warm me up. Dont cha want me?? im low maintence, cook, cuddle, read #4 on facts list
ps:7:45am woke up with headache and nausea, but no fuckn way gonna hurl. okay goning crawl under cold covers, 45degrees outside now. wont one of you come warm me up. Dont cha want me?? im low maintence, cook, cuddle, read #4 on facts list
That sucks that it's 45 there! I hate the cold. It's like 30 here!