so i have come to the conclusion that i have a slight "problem" when it comes to cooking - i cook too much, i think it's from years working as a cook (eventually a catering chef) in a restaurant/catering hall, i just used to cooking a lot of food, i actually find it difficult to cook a meal for 6. i make food for like 20+. it happened earlier this week when i made homemade mac and cheese at a friend's and then again tonight when i made chicken vindaloo for me and joual...i made a lot. i mean, yea for leftovers and all, but how many can you really many times can you eat the same thing. i really need to stop cooking so much. and joual and i decided that change is good, but my fried chicken is the best...but that won't be done again for like 2 weeks.
JB needs to learn to stop cooking so much damn food.
and it's not like if i invited more people, i wouldn't have so much leftover...i would still make too much. whatever the number of people are, add like 5-6 to that and you have how much food i've made...arg.
leaving for eilat on thursday
sunday, on our drive back, we are going to take a pit-stop at ein gedi and take the trail there. i am excited as i've never been and we think it would be easier to stop there on the way back so we won't be soo tired when we get to eilat. tuesday, as i am only working til 3, we are meeting at the central bus station in tel aviv to get some shopping done - mainly me. i am going back wednesday w/ my roommate (not the bitch but she is meeting us there eventually...oh well...she got nice jeans from a store there, so it is worth it for her to meet us just so i know where i can find nice, cheap jeans) but i am excited to go on tuesday w/ the boy b/c he will be a good judge of what looks good
soooo excited for eilat w/ the boyfriend...we talked today about all the stuff we can do while we are there - we are going to go out fancy one night, go the aquarium, snorkeling...all that fun junk. but i am massively excited...
i <3 the boy.
and the following weekend - petra! i got my israeli passport this week so i was able to send in the final crap to make the reservation. august 14th, i go on a tour of petra and i am so will be a good time. and we are staying in a hostel so it will be cheap - the most expensive thing will be the tour but it includes pickup and drofoff to/from our hostel, the bust ride to the border, the visa (we have to pay the 40USD for the border tax), a horse ride to the site, a tour, and then a traditional jordanian lunch at some restaurant. not a bad deal. i just will have to remember that before i go, to change some of my shekels to dollars b/c it will be easier to exchange dollars than shekels in jordan i imagine.
and then monday, i go get my ticket to the US! i am looking to be state-side sept 16 to oct 4th if i get the ticket i want...score. my aunt said that i can use her car whenever so i will only need to rent a car when i go to the wedding the weekend of the 26th. niiice. other than that, my only plans are to relax, do some shopping (duh), see my family and friends and work on my final project. so exciting!!
my best friend in the US is going to make the hotel reservations for my friend's wedding - we are all going to share a hotel's good stuff.
i will, though, miss my boy entirely too much while i am there, but i need to see my family, and it's been 2 years and w/ my grand-uncle having about a year or so left (cancer), i know this will probably be the last time i will get to see him.
summer semester still kicking my ass. hardcore. i've officially named sunday "pompus ass sunday" as i think that aptly describes my profs that day.
still haven't finished my paper that was due last semester - luckily it is for the prof i work for and i have an unlimited extension but i'd like to get it done before sept. so i can send it to him - it's the paper i want to do my final project on and i'd rather not do the entire thing when i am in the US but have some of it done. ialso have another paper due on sept. 1st but if she approves the article i want to do it on, then i will be okay (it's the same article that my argument for my paper for my prof's paper is based it will be easy).
5 finals this semester - 4 multiple choice and one essay though the essay one i will have to take the moed bet on b/c i will be in the states for the moed aleph...oops.
one 20 page paper for my US foreign policy in the middle east class pretty much on anything that some how involves diplomacy - i will ask my dad what he thinks would be a good policy paper to write on.
i am watching something on kung fu on the national geographic's pretty awesome.
my stomach is full on vindaloo. it wasn't bad. i couldn't make the paste b/c we didn't have a blender but joual's dad said it tasted just like it (neither joual or i have ever had it...we just like how it sounds and decided to make it).
so now i can make 4 indian cuisines: chicken tikka masala, chicken curry, butter chicken and chicken vindaloo. and all, i have been told, is of good damn quality....score one for me.
maybe, well, once the roommates are out and i get cool new roommates, i will have an indian night.
and i will end up cooking too much food.
but i will make everyone take tupperware containers home w/ them...parting gifts.
and indian food i don't mind leftovers for
here's hoping sunday-wednesday goes by fast. thursday at 8am, i pick up the car rental and we are out
JB needs to learn to stop cooking so much damn food.
and it's not like if i invited more people, i wouldn't have so much leftover...i would still make too much. whatever the number of people are, add like 5-6 to that and you have how much food i've made...arg.
leaving for eilat on thursday

soooo excited for eilat w/ the boyfriend...we talked today about all the stuff we can do while we are there - we are going to go out fancy one night, go the aquarium, snorkeling...all that fun junk. but i am massively excited...
i <3 the boy.
and the following weekend - petra! i got my israeli passport this week so i was able to send in the final crap to make the reservation. august 14th, i go on a tour of petra and i am so will be a good time. and we are staying in a hostel so it will be cheap - the most expensive thing will be the tour but it includes pickup and drofoff to/from our hostel, the bust ride to the border, the visa (we have to pay the 40USD for the border tax), a horse ride to the site, a tour, and then a traditional jordanian lunch at some restaurant. not a bad deal. i just will have to remember that before i go, to change some of my shekels to dollars b/c it will be easier to exchange dollars than shekels in jordan i imagine.
and then monday, i go get my ticket to the US! i am looking to be state-side sept 16 to oct 4th if i get the ticket i want...score. my aunt said that i can use her car whenever so i will only need to rent a car when i go to the wedding the weekend of the 26th. niiice. other than that, my only plans are to relax, do some shopping (duh), see my family and friends and work on my final project. so exciting!!
my best friend in the US is going to make the hotel reservations for my friend's wedding - we are all going to share a hotel's good stuff.
i will, though, miss my boy entirely too much while i am there, but i need to see my family, and it's been 2 years and w/ my grand-uncle having about a year or so left (cancer), i know this will probably be the last time i will get to see him.
summer semester still kicking my ass. hardcore. i've officially named sunday "pompus ass sunday" as i think that aptly describes my profs that day.
still haven't finished my paper that was due last semester - luckily it is for the prof i work for and i have an unlimited extension but i'd like to get it done before sept. so i can send it to him - it's the paper i want to do my final project on and i'd rather not do the entire thing when i am in the US but have some of it done. ialso have another paper due on sept. 1st but if she approves the article i want to do it on, then i will be okay (it's the same article that my argument for my paper for my prof's paper is based it will be easy).
5 finals this semester - 4 multiple choice and one essay though the essay one i will have to take the moed bet on b/c i will be in the states for the moed aleph...oops.
one 20 page paper for my US foreign policy in the middle east class pretty much on anything that some how involves diplomacy - i will ask my dad what he thinks would be a good policy paper to write on.
i am watching something on kung fu on the national geographic's pretty awesome.
my stomach is full on vindaloo. it wasn't bad. i couldn't make the paste b/c we didn't have a blender but joual's dad said it tasted just like it (neither joual or i have ever had it...we just like how it sounds and decided to make it).
so now i can make 4 indian cuisines: chicken tikka masala, chicken curry, butter chicken and chicken vindaloo. and all, i have been told, is of good damn quality....score one for me.
maybe, well, once the roommates are out and i get cool new roommates, i will have an indian night.
and i will end up cooking too much food.
but i will make everyone take tupperware containers home w/ them...parting gifts.
and indian food i don't mind leftovers for

here's hoping sunday-wednesday goes by fast. thursday at 8am, i pick up the car rental and we are out

enjoy Eilat, i'm sure you an Joual will end having an amazing time there.... and the next week... tatatada tatada... Indiana Jones style in petra... awesome... take a shitload of pics
have fun!