haha, well, at least i will have 2 posts this month at least.
need to get better. well, it's not that i need to get better, i need to have more time.
here's a recap into the life and love of yours truly, JB...
[insert drumroll]
- bought a 2-in-1 washer and dryer combo thing-a-majig. got it from my new roommate (come october) sister. i think she really sold it to me so she could make sure her brother would have no excuse to do his own laundry..haha. but whatever. works for me. bitch's fiance moved in and he brought a washer - at least now i can do my laundry and not pay 80 shekels to get it done. i don't have time to go to my parents for the next 5 weeks (at least...fucking summer semester) and well, i can keep buying new underware as needed, but this is getting ridiculous. i am running out of tanktops. this saddens me.
- speaking of clothes, a week from wednesday, i am going clothes shopping at the central bus station in tel aviv. cheap clothes - go in w/ 500 shekels and leave w/ a brand new wardrobe. not like most of the stores here where i go in w/ 500 shekels i leave w/ a shirt and a pair of pants. i don't need anything long lasting or whatnot, but i DO need light summer-y clothes b/c it is hot and i actually need to go out and buy [gasp] dresses. i know, shocker. i am succumbing to the ways of being a girl. i will buy dresses, colorful, girly dresses. does it kill me? slightly inside but i am 26, need to add some color and some "girly-ness" to my wardrobe. and so i figure, the bus station.
-do you know when i will really buy clothes? when i go to the states in september. tuesday i book my ticket for the good ol' U S of A. i am going the last 2 weeks in september and i am sooo excited. i talked w/ my aunt and she said i can borrow her car whenever she isn't using it so i am just going to rent a car to get to the wedding the one weekend. i spoke to my best friend online (i have a new computer..it's shiny and has a webcam and microphone installed so we were video chatting on gmail really late...or uh..really late for me seeing how he lives currently in michigan) and he and i and a few other people are going to all crash in a hotel together from like friday through sunday or monday or so. we don't know but it's just damn exciting to be going. i haven't been back in 2 years. not only will i get to see my friends, but i will see my grand-uncle who maybe has about a year left (cancer) and my grandma who's 83 and still driving people crazy...but god love her. i am just excited about going. hell, i am excited for target, bad fast food (which is why i am still looking to lose a bit more weight in preparedness for the amount of weight that could be put on...note to self: bring sneakers and clothes to go running in so i can at least try to sway the weight), carousel mall and any and all other things that come to mind.
-rented a car to drive down to eilat w/ joual next week. wow, can't believe our trip is next week
sooo excited. but yea, got a good deal on a car thursday-monday for 720 shekels. it would be less but JB doesn't do manual. oh well. i am a bit nervous about driving - it will be my first time driving in this damn country where dings and dents are normal to see in a car.
-my friend and i also reserved for a tour a petra the friday after going to eilat w/ joual. so in sense, i am going to eilat two weekends in a row. but the first weekend is to enjoy, to relax and to spend some fun time w/ the boy. the second time, we are going mainly for petra so we are staying in a hostel and so on and so forth. but i am excited for petra. i've wanted to go there (though at the the time, i didn't know the name of the place) since i was a little girl and i saw harrison ford go there in "the last crusade" and when my dad told me it was a real place, i got super excited and ever since, i've wanted to go. now, w/ my friend going back to the states beginning of september (she was only here for school), she's been wanting to go so we figure it to be a good time.
-and yes, i am missing school but i've had no vacation and i have friends in the classes i am missing, so i am not all that worried. i need the vacations.
-and i will be taking one course in the fall. w/ having 6 classes (all 3 hours long), i have a hard enough time paying attention to what is going on, i didn't want to kill my brain w/ another class. my best friend in the program though also has to take a course in the fall and since all i need is an elective, i will take whatever she takes.
-i also got offered (and took) a job doing one-on-one tutoring for next year. it is a girl who is going to be a 3rd year in the gov't BA program who has learning disabilities. apparently, i came highly recommended to the woman at the school that organizes her tutor and of course, i took the job. it's extra shekels in my pocket (which i can always use) and it will be a good experience for me. ever since TA'ing, i've been toying w/ the thought of teaching and i know i can do it in a big class setting, but now to see if i can really do it on a one-on-one setting will be good for me. plus, it will help keep my brain going and not be wasted.
-i know i need a "real" job soon enough but it's disconcerning when all the profs talk about jobs you can get in the US or the UK and don't talk about job opportunities in israel. i have no idea what is available to me and i don't have any idea on where to look. i will have an MA degree, i would be qualified for a good, decent job, i just don't know where to look...at all.
-i just need a job that makes more money. i can afford to live off of what i make now (though the next few months will be tight due to lack of work in august but mainly in september w/ 2 weeks off but that's why i have some money saved for that kind of situation) but i can't afford to save and that kills me. i would like to be able to buy and maintain a car. i could get the shekels to buy a car, but i don't have to maintain it (insurance, gas, in case anything breaks...so on) and so i won't. but i don't have the ability to save. i need a job where i can save up money. this tutoring job is extra shekels that i can sack away in my savings (which will be started upon coming back from vacation to the states in sept w/ whatever i have left in my account) and really start trying to make something.
-i also realized that after this year, i don't necessarily know if i want roommates again. i will be 27. joual and i have had the "moving in" talk but both realized that right now isn't the right time b/c he just got out of the army and wants to figure out what his next step is and i respect that and i don't push him about the issue at all. i completely get it. if i was in the same situation as him, i'd say the same thing. he even said to me this weekend, "if i could, i'd probably move in w/ you." and i know this. but right now, especially during the summer semester, just seeing him on the weekend (well, not even a full weekend b/c i have class til 2pm on friday but that is a different story...and this week is the last week of that) is good enough for me. and once things get back to some semblance of "normal" (probably after i get back from the US) then we can maybe see each other a bit more. but, as i was saying, unless joual and i decide a year from now (pending the status of our relationship) to live together, i think i might want a place on my own.
below miriam's place is a cute 2 bedroom (3-room) apartment for like 3000 shekels a month and it is owned by the same people she rents her apt. from so i am hoping that by july of next year, she will have it available, i'd like to live there. that'd be awesome.
but, i need to make more money, b/c on my own, i can't afford that.
and i don't want to do data entry for the rest of my life.
my degree will be meaningless. and that's a fear i have. that i will never use my degree.
as for other shorts:
-still don't know if i want to see my brother or not when i go back, i am still mad at him.
-started to give up soda...i think it's a healthier choice.
-past stomach issues have led me to believe i need to give up ground beef (not like steak and stuff like that, just ground beef). i've been better, stomach wise, w/out it.
-still looking to get the pug but probably won't happen til i come back from the US.
-class in 30 minutes.
-w/ the 2 grades i've received so far for the spring semester, i've managed to up my GPA by like 2 points. i've really been trying hard and it's nice to see the hard work starting to pay off.
-amazing weekend, as usual w/ joual. we sat around and did nothing. watched the 3rd evening w/ kevin smith. it was funny. especially the part about his dogs. if you really want to cry due to hysterical laughing, watch the show - the story is after the first question is asked so you don't have to wait long (the show is hell'a long...we didn't even finish is) and it's all on youtube. check it out. i was in tears. we also went for icecream and i am such a silly girl but i like going out for icecream w/ my boyfriend. i tried this white-chocolate orange flavor and it wasn't horrible but i don't think i will get it again if i have a choice.
and then i had to say goodbye at 6am and it made me sad.
soon it will be friday again though.
came to work to have my boss tell me and a coworker that some guy is going to be looking into the company this week to check it out and stuff. i guess after the whole thing happened w/ the rabbis in new jersey, and b/c my boss has money flowing b/w israel and US, he just wants to make sure all is kosher and he isn't doing anything wrong. i guess companies that do business b/w here and the US are going to get looked into or something...not sure but this is the consensus that me and my coworker came up w/. who knows.
anyway, i am going to eat my salad and try to pay attention in class for the next 7 hours.
wish me luck.
need to get better. well, it's not that i need to get better, i need to have more time.
here's a recap into the life and love of yours truly, JB...
[insert drumroll]
- bought a 2-in-1 washer and dryer combo thing-a-majig. got it from my new roommate (come october) sister. i think she really sold it to me so she could make sure her brother would have no excuse to do his own laundry..haha. but whatever. works for me. bitch's fiance moved in and he brought a washer - at least now i can do my laundry and not pay 80 shekels to get it done. i don't have time to go to my parents for the next 5 weeks (at least...fucking summer semester) and well, i can keep buying new underware as needed, but this is getting ridiculous. i am running out of tanktops. this saddens me.
- speaking of clothes, a week from wednesday, i am going clothes shopping at the central bus station in tel aviv. cheap clothes - go in w/ 500 shekels and leave w/ a brand new wardrobe. not like most of the stores here where i go in w/ 500 shekels i leave w/ a shirt and a pair of pants. i don't need anything long lasting or whatnot, but i DO need light summer-y clothes b/c it is hot and i actually need to go out and buy [gasp] dresses. i know, shocker. i am succumbing to the ways of being a girl. i will buy dresses, colorful, girly dresses. does it kill me? slightly inside but i am 26, need to add some color and some "girly-ness" to my wardrobe. and so i figure, the bus station.
-do you know when i will really buy clothes? when i go to the states in september. tuesday i book my ticket for the good ol' U S of A. i am going the last 2 weeks in september and i am sooo excited. i talked w/ my aunt and she said i can borrow her car whenever she isn't using it so i am just going to rent a car to get to the wedding the one weekend. i spoke to my best friend online (i have a new computer..it's shiny and has a webcam and microphone installed so we were video chatting on gmail really late...or uh..really late for me seeing how he lives currently in michigan) and he and i and a few other people are going to all crash in a hotel together from like friday through sunday or monday or so. we don't know but it's just damn exciting to be going. i haven't been back in 2 years. not only will i get to see my friends, but i will see my grand-uncle who maybe has about a year left (cancer) and my grandma who's 83 and still driving people crazy...but god love her. i am just excited about going. hell, i am excited for target, bad fast food (which is why i am still looking to lose a bit more weight in preparedness for the amount of weight that could be put on...note to self: bring sneakers and clothes to go running in so i can at least try to sway the weight), carousel mall and any and all other things that come to mind.
-rented a car to drive down to eilat w/ joual next week. wow, can't believe our trip is next week

-my friend and i also reserved for a tour a petra the friday after going to eilat w/ joual. so in sense, i am going to eilat two weekends in a row. but the first weekend is to enjoy, to relax and to spend some fun time w/ the boy. the second time, we are going mainly for petra so we are staying in a hostel and so on and so forth. but i am excited for petra. i've wanted to go there (though at the the time, i didn't know the name of the place) since i was a little girl and i saw harrison ford go there in "the last crusade" and when my dad told me it was a real place, i got super excited and ever since, i've wanted to go. now, w/ my friend going back to the states beginning of september (she was only here for school), she's been wanting to go so we figure it to be a good time.
-and yes, i am missing school but i've had no vacation and i have friends in the classes i am missing, so i am not all that worried. i need the vacations.
-and i will be taking one course in the fall. w/ having 6 classes (all 3 hours long), i have a hard enough time paying attention to what is going on, i didn't want to kill my brain w/ another class. my best friend in the program though also has to take a course in the fall and since all i need is an elective, i will take whatever she takes.
-i also got offered (and took) a job doing one-on-one tutoring for next year. it is a girl who is going to be a 3rd year in the gov't BA program who has learning disabilities. apparently, i came highly recommended to the woman at the school that organizes her tutor and of course, i took the job. it's extra shekels in my pocket (which i can always use) and it will be a good experience for me. ever since TA'ing, i've been toying w/ the thought of teaching and i know i can do it in a big class setting, but now to see if i can really do it on a one-on-one setting will be good for me. plus, it will help keep my brain going and not be wasted.
-i know i need a "real" job soon enough but it's disconcerning when all the profs talk about jobs you can get in the US or the UK and don't talk about job opportunities in israel. i have no idea what is available to me and i don't have any idea on where to look. i will have an MA degree, i would be qualified for a good, decent job, i just don't know where to look...at all.
-i just need a job that makes more money. i can afford to live off of what i make now (though the next few months will be tight due to lack of work in august but mainly in september w/ 2 weeks off but that's why i have some money saved for that kind of situation) but i can't afford to save and that kills me. i would like to be able to buy and maintain a car. i could get the shekels to buy a car, but i don't have to maintain it (insurance, gas, in case anything breaks...so on) and so i won't. but i don't have the ability to save. i need a job where i can save up money. this tutoring job is extra shekels that i can sack away in my savings (which will be started upon coming back from vacation to the states in sept w/ whatever i have left in my account) and really start trying to make something.
-i also realized that after this year, i don't necessarily know if i want roommates again. i will be 27. joual and i have had the "moving in" talk but both realized that right now isn't the right time b/c he just got out of the army and wants to figure out what his next step is and i respect that and i don't push him about the issue at all. i completely get it. if i was in the same situation as him, i'd say the same thing. he even said to me this weekend, "if i could, i'd probably move in w/ you." and i know this. but right now, especially during the summer semester, just seeing him on the weekend (well, not even a full weekend b/c i have class til 2pm on friday but that is a different story...and this week is the last week of that) is good enough for me. and once things get back to some semblance of "normal" (probably after i get back from the US) then we can maybe see each other a bit more. but, as i was saying, unless joual and i decide a year from now (pending the status of our relationship) to live together, i think i might want a place on my own.
below miriam's place is a cute 2 bedroom (3-room) apartment for like 3000 shekels a month and it is owned by the same people she rents her apt. from so i am hoping that by july of next year, she will have it available, i'd like to live there. that'd be awesome.
but, i need to make more money, b/c on my own, i can't afford that.
and i don't want to do data entry for the rest of my life.
my degree will be meaningless. and that's a fear i have. that i will never use my degree.
as for other shorts:
-still don't know if i want to see my brother or not when i go back, i am still mad at him.
-started to give up soda...i think it's a healthier choice.
-past stomach issues have led me to believe i need to give up ground beef (not like steak and stuff like that, just ground beef). i've been better, stomach wise, w/out it.
-still looking to get the pug but probably won't happen til i come back from the US.
-class in 30 minutes.
-w/ the 2 grades i've received so far for the spring semester, i've managed to up my GPA by like 2 points. i've really been trying hard and it's nice to see the hard work starting to pay off.
-amazing weekend, as usual w/ joual. we sat around and did nothing. watched the 3rd evening w/ kevin smith. it was funny. especially the part about his dogs. if you really want to cry due to hysterical laughing, watch the show - the story is after the first question is asked so you don't have to wait long (the show is hell'a long...we didn't even finish is) and it's all on youtube. check it out. i was in tears. we also went for icecream and i am such a silly girl but i like going out for icecream w/ my boyfriend. i tried this white-chocolate orange flavor and it wasn't horrible but i don't think i will get it again if i have a choice.
and then i had to say goodbye at 6am and it made me sad.
soon it will be friday again though.
came to work to have my boss tell me and a coworker that some guy is going to be looking into the company this week to check it out and stuff. i guess after the whole thing happened w/ the rabbis in new jersey, and b/c my boss has money flowing b/w israel and US, he just wants to make sure all is kosher and he isn't doing anything wrong. i guess companies that do business b/w here and the US are going to get looked into or something...not sure but this is the consensus that me and my coworker came up w/. who knows.
anyway, i am going to eat my salad and try to pay attention in class for the next 7 hours.
wish me luck.
sounds like a hectic time ahead, which is always good. is stuff don't change for me any now and then, I get board.