so yea, it's been about a month and i am a really bad and everything have been so hectic
lately. the month of july isn't looking better either w/ an exam or a big honkin' paper due every week.
tomorrow, after work, i have a 3-4 page paper to write on why i wouldn't invest in brazil (for my
international political economy class) and a take home final (up to 4 pages) for my psychological and
cultural aspects of conflict management course. and then, after that, it's smooth sailing, well til
sunday...then i go into exam mode b/c my first one is a week from tomorrow. not so worried, it is also
for my IPE class and i took the same course as an undergrad, taught by the same prof and she even used
some of the same powerpoints. not worried.
this weekend, this weekend i get to relax. why do i get to relax? well, b/c joual will be home. not only
that, but we won't have to get up at the bumfuck of morning (though i still have work at noon, it isn't a
big deal). wanna know why? he is done w/ the army! this morning he gets to go home and he is done!!!!
you have no idea how happy/excited/ecstatic i am that he is done. he's been waiting for this for a long
time and i am just glad it is coming to an end!! i've never been so happy and i know he is happy too! it
will just be nice to not worry about him anymore, to be able to talk to him when i need to, see him during
the week at some point...all that crap. i am just sooo happy. and the 6th of august, for that weekend,
we are planning to go to eilat (the southern most point of israel). i found this all inclusive hotel that
looks amazing from the pictures, right by the beach and i am just sooo excited to go away w/ him for a
long weekend, to relax, to decompress. if it wasn't for having all the craziness in july, we'd go then,
but i can't take time off during july. but august, god, i can't wait. i want to book the hotel as soon
as we can so it just feels real that we are going away...together. i love that boy very very much.
he's helped me a lot lately - w/ dealing w/ my massive panic attacks (i had 2 more since the last time i
wrote and i've been a lot better ever since after listening to him) and he is also helping me to exercise
and start getting in shape.
he is the most supportive person i could ever ever ask for in my life and i am glad he is in my life
he makes me feel good. he makes me wanted. he makes me feel loved. some of the best times are when we
sit on his bed and cuddle while watching some random tv show (usually from BBC prime, the documentary
channel, national geographic or discovery). i could never ask for anything more. i'm not high
maintenance and i never claimed to be and he just gets me for me. i can't wait to put my arms around him
on thursday and let him know how much a care about him. and then make him a ton of my special home-made
fried chicken
let's see, in other news (and i am going to just bullet point b/c as i am typing, i realized i have a lot
to catch people up on and don't want to write paragraphs. if you want to know more..let me know
-brother DIDN'T stay in israel, used my parents (not only did they pay for his ticket but all his bills
b/c they believed he was going to stay..we all did). 24 hours after getting to israel, w/out even seeing
the country, decided it wasn't for him for BS reasons and went back to his shiksa bitch fiance. when he
first told me, the first words out of my mouth were, "you do know she cursed out mom?" whatever. it's
his life to do. i am not so mad at him going back to her, i am mad that he used my parents (they are now
in a financial bind due to the money they laid out for 2000USD which is a lot of money when it
comes to shekels), i am mad that he didn't take advantage of the time he was here and all the places my
parents wanted to take him to, i am mad that he blames me for why he didn't finish school (i don't get it
either), and i am mad that he doesn't see that my parents were trying to help. but he is brainwashed by
the girl and there isn't anything i can do about it. i am just really bummed he didn't stay. i thought
that finally i'd have my brother here and we can have that sibling relationship we never had b/c of all
the shit we ent through, but i guess that isn't happening.
-i am going back to the states for my first visit in 2 years come mid-september. my best friend of like
13+ years is getting married so it gave me an excuse to start looking into tickets and whatnot. i am
excited to go back. i am going to stay w/ my aunt and probably rent a car so i am not a huge burden to
her. i doubt i will be doing much driving though since just about all my friends left syracuse a while
back. but i can see them all at the wedding...the glorious part about all being in the same circle of
friends - no matter where they are, they will all be there for my friend's wedding
and i am going to
have my dress made out of (yet another) old prom dress - but this will be a dress and not a skirt. i
think i am going along the lines of retro-punk glam dress. it will be SUPER. it i ever find a picture
somewhat looking like the dress i will have made, i will post it. i am just excited about going. i am
excited about target, panera bread, wegmans...all the little crappy things you miss when you move away.
it really does stop being about the big things and is all about that arby's double roastbeef sandwhich or
a taco bell baja beef chalupa (though, at this point, both are guaranteed to make my stomach hate me...but
whatever). i need to go to the states, if only for 2 weeks
-i am also going to petra in august w/ a few friends. so excited. i just want to be where harrison ford
was (and if you know what i am talking about, or more specifically, what movie i am talking about, totally
getting extra brownie points)
-july is going to be a hellish month but i am determined to get 90s in everything and raise my GPA b/c i
am not satisfied at all on where it is. 2 grades screwed me over last semester. ironic thing is, the 2
profs that gave me the horrible grades, were the ones to present me w/ my award for graduating undergrad
cum laude. it made me giggle...a lot. one of the prof's couldn't even hide their look of sheer shock. i
wanted to ask her if she needed help picking up her jaw from the floor. haha. just b/c i sucked in your
class b/c you are a sucky individual doesn't mean i am a bad student all around.
it's a good feeling to prove those people wrong.
-important papers somehow got sent to thailand and i just got them 2 months later. not quite sure what
kind of predicament that is going to put me in but we shall see.
-SGIsrael meet up friday at mike's place, i will see if joual wants to go.
- have one definite roommate for october...not the guy who i said it was. he is playing games and doesn't
know if he is staying or not and i am not taking "maybe" as an answer. not when it's my ass (and my
money) on the line. it's this girl...she's 18 and from the UK. the age bothered me at first (i am 26)
but i've met her on a few occassions now and she's really sweet. her mom's a piece of work and will
probably drive me batty but whatever. she's sweet. she comes bearing things like a tv and couches, so i
can't complain too much. that'd be rude. hah.
-i just realized that if i am actually going to be in my apt. from like 4:30 on, i need to go invest in
-joual had mentioned on the phone that had i worked later or something along those lines, he'd come and
surprise me. oh well. but i get to see him tomorrow afternoon. i can't wait
-i need to clean my room...bad. unfortunately, w/ my current time table (i look at my microsoft office
calander and i see how full of "study for..." and "write this..." it is and i get a bit anxious), cleaning
my room won't happen til i get back from the states in joke. i am also going to be looking
to get a pug probably after i come back from the states as well...yea for pugs.
-i have a slight headache. i am willing to bet i went to bed a bit dehydrated. oops.
-sleeping in will not occur til friday morning...this saddens me as i still need to get through tomorrow.
-i just keep thinking in how a bit over a month, i will be in eilat for the weekend w/ the boy. we are going to go snorkling. this will hopefully get me over my fear of open water. wonder if they make waterproof inhalers?
-roommate bitch officially engaged. she acted all shocked but the truth is, 2 weeks before he "officially" asked her, she was already telling me that they picked out a date and a venue. don't pretend to be surprised sweetie...we know it's a lie. in some ways, she has gotten a bit more bearable (i said a bit) but she still drives me up the wall w/ her constant impending wedding talk of crap. i am not interested. i don't care. really. i don't. she'll be a total and this other girl who knows here were saying. my friend and her husband have been avoiding (since, well, bitch and boy got together) to meet them...i keep telling them that it's inevitable. they are trying to push it to see if they can go til the wedding w/out meeting her fiance. i say good luck w/ that. they are annoyed w/ her too. our common bonding over the craziness that is the bitch makes me giggle.
-got my undergrad degree. i think it would have felt more special if i didn't have to go back to campus some 48 hours later for MA classes. yea, that just didn't do it for me.
well folks, i probably have more to say but i am sitting around in a towel, i have 45 minutes to get ready to go to work and i want to watch another episode of "rules of engagement." it makes me laugh and will send me on my day w/ a smile on my face. my boss is gone for the next 3 weeks and left me this HUGE pile of paperwork (not including the paperwork he will actually fedex me from the states...arg) so i have to be productive. blah.
all the best and i really do promise (this time) that i will write more.
lately. the month of july isn't looking better either w/ an exam or a big honkin' paper due every week.
tomorrow, after work, i have a 3-4 page paper to write on why i wouldn't invest in brazil (for my
international political economy class) and a take home final (up to 4 pages) for my psychological and
cultural aspects of conflict management course. and then, after that, it's smooth sailing, well til
sunday...then i go into exam mode b/c my first one is a week from tomorrow. not so worried, it is also
for my IPE class and i took the same course as an undergrad, taught by the same prof and she even used
some of the same powerpoints. not worried.
this weekend, this weekend i get to relax. why do i get to relax? well, b/c joual will be home. not only
that, but we won't have to get up at the bumfuck of morning (though i still have work at noon, it isn't a
big deal). wanna know why? he is done w/ the army! this morning he gets to go home and he is done!!!!
you have no idea how happy/excited/ecstatic i am that he is done. he's been waiting for this for a long
time and i am just glad it is coming to an end!! i've never been so happy and i know he is happy too! it
will just be nice to not worry about him anymore, to be able to talk to him when i need to, see him during
the week at some point...all that crap. i am just sooo happy. and the 6th of august, for that weekend,
we are planning to go to eilat (the southern most point of israel). i found this all inclusive hotel that
looks amazing from the pictures, right by the beach and i am just sooo excited to go away w/ him for a
long weekend, to relax, to decompress. if it wasn't for having all the craziness in july, we'd go then,
but i can't take time off during july. but august, god, i can't wait. i want to book the hotel as soon
as we can so it just feels real that we are going away...together. i love that boy very very much.
he's helped me a lot lately - w/ dealing w/ my massive panic attacks (i had 2 more since the last time i
wrote and i've been a lot better ever since after listening to him) and he is also helping me to exercise
and start getting in shape.
he is the most supportive person i could ever ever ask for in my life and i am glad he is in my life

he makes me feel good. he makes me wanted. he makes me feel loved. some of the best times are when we
sit on his bed and cuddle while watching some random tv show (usually from BBC prime, the documentary
channel, national geographic or discovery). i could never ask for anything more. i'm not high
maintenance and i never claimed to be and he just gets me for me. i can't wait to put my arms around him
on thursday and let him know how much a care about him. and then make him a ton of my special home-made
fried chicken

let's see, in other news (and i am going to just bullet point b/c as i am typing, i realized i have a lot
to catch people up on and don't want to write paragraphs. if you want to know more..let me know

-brother DIDN'T stay in israel, used my parents (not only did they pay for his ticket but all his bills
b/c they believed he was going to stay..we all did). 24 hours after getting to israel, w/out even seeing
the country, decided it wasn't for him for BS reasons and went back to his shiksa bitch fiance. when he
first told me, the first words out of my mouth were, "you do know she cursed out mom?" whatever. it's
his life to do. i am not so mad at him going back to her, i am mad that he used my parents (they are now
in a financial bind due to the money they laid out for 2000USD which is a lot of money when it
comes to shekels), i am mad that he didn't take advantage of the time he was here and all the places my
parents wanted to take him to, i am mad that he blames me for why he didn't finish school (i don't get it
either), and i am mad that he doesn't see that my parents were trying to help. but he is brainwashed by
the girl and there isn't anything i can do about it. i am just really bummed he didn't stay. i thought
that finally i'd have my brother here and we can have that sibling relationship we never had b/c of all
the shit we ent through, but i guess that isn't happening.
-i am going back to the states for my first visit in 2 years come mid-september. my best friend of like
13+ years is getting married so it gave me an excuse to start looking into tickets and whatnot. i am
excited to go back. i am going to stay w/ my aunt and probably rent a car so i am not a huge burden to
her. i doubt i will be doing much driving though since just about all my friends left syracuse a while
back. but i can see them all at the wedding...the glorious part about all being in the same circle of
friends - no matter where they are, they will all be there for my friend's wedding

have my dress made out of (yet another) old prom dress - but this will be a dress and not a skirt. i
think i am going along the lines of retro-punk glam dress. it will be SUPER. it i ever find a picture
somewhat looking like the dress i will have made, i will post it. i am just excited about going. i am
excited about target, panera bread, wegmans...all the little crappy things you miss when you move away.
it really does stop being about the big things and is all about that arby's double roastbeef sandwhich or
a taco bell baja beef chalupa (though, at this point, both are guaranteed to make my stomach hate me...but
whatever). i need to go to the states, if only for 2 weeks

-i am also going to petra in august w/ a few friends. so excited. i just want to be where harrison ford
was (and if you know what i am talking about, or more specifically, what movie i am talking about, totally
getting extra brownie points)
-july is going to be a hellish month but i am determined to get 90s in everything and raise my GPA b/c i
am not satisfied at all on where it is. 2 grades screwed me over last semester. ironic thing is, the 2
profs that gave me the horrible grades, were the ones to present me w/ my award for graduating undergrad
cum laude. it made me giggle...a lot. one of the prof's couldn't even hide their look of sheer shock. i
wanted to ask her if she needed help picking up her jaw from the floor. haha. just b/c i sucked in your
class b/c you are a sucky individual doesn't mean i am a bad student all around.
it's a good feeling to prove those people wrong.
-important papers somehow got sent to thailand and i just got them 2 months later. not quite sure what
kind of predicament that is going to put me in but we shall see.
-SGIsrael meet up friday at mike's place, i will see if joual wants to go.
- have one definite roommate for october...not the guy who i said it was. he is playing games and doesn't
know if he is staying or not and i am not taking "maybe" as an answer. not when it's my ass (and my
money) on the line. it's this girl...she's 18 and from the UK. the age bothered me at first (i am 26)
but i've met her on a few occassions now and she's really sweet. her mom's a piece of work and will
probably drive me batty but whatever. she's sweet. she comes bearing things like a tv and couches, so i
can't complain too much. that'd be rude. hah.
-i just realized that if i am actually going to be in my apt. from like 4:30 on, i need to go invest in
-joual had mentioned on the phone that had i worked later or something along those lines, he'd come and
surprise me. oh well. but i get to see him tomorrow afternoon. i can't wait

-i need to clean my room...bad. unfortunately, w/ my current time table (i look at my microsoft office
calander and i see how full of "study for..." and "write this..." it is and i get a bit anxious), cleaning
my room won't happen til i get back from the states in joke. i am also going to be looking
to get a pug probably after i come back from the states as well...yea for pugs.
-i have a slight headache. i am willing to bet i went to bed a bit dehydrated. oops.
-sleeping in will not occur til friday morning...this saddens me as i still need to get through tomorrow.
-i just keep thinking in how a bit over a month, i will be in eilat for the weekend w/ the boy. we are going to go snorkling. this will hopefully get me over my fear of open water. wonder if they make waterproof inhalers?
-roommate bitch officially engaged. she acted all shocked but the truth is, 2 weeks before he "officially" asked her, she was already telling me that they picked out a date and a venue. don't pretend to be surprised sweetie...we know it's a lie. in some ways, she has gotten a bit more bearable (i said a bit) but she still drives me up the wall w/ her constant impending wedding talk of crap. i am not interested. i don't care. really. i don't. she'll be a total and this other girl who knows here were saying. my friend and her husband have been avoiding (since, well, bitch and boy got together) to meet them...i keep telling them that it's inevitable. they are trying to push it to see if they can go til the wedding w/out meeting her fiance. i say good luck w/ that. they are annoyed w/ her too. our common bonding over the craziness that is the bitch makes me giggle.
-got my undergrad degree. i think it would have felt more special if i didn't have to go back to campus some 48 hours later for MA classes. yea, that just didn't do it for me.
well folks, i probably have more to say but i am sitting around in a towel, i have 45 minutes to get ready to go to work and i want to watch another episode of "rules of engagement." it makes me laugh and will send me on my day w/ a smile on my face. my boss is gone for the next 3 weeks and left me this HUGE pile of paperwork (not including the paperwork he will actually fedex me from the states...arg) so i have to be productive. blah.
all the best and i really do promise (this time) that i will write more.

have fun in Eilat!!! congratulations for getting your undergrad degree

I'll be at Mike's tomorrow. Look for the really tall guy. See you there!