[note: this was written before my class started at 2pm and i thought i was going to have internet in class. it's now 7:50pm and i just got internet...go figure]
hey everyone out there in SG land, i've decided to do an update. quite exciting b/c this makes more than one in a week..actually, it makes it more than one in about 2 weeks i think. ya'll should feel special. like really special. okay. so maybe i lie. i'm 45 minutes early to class and really, i'm done surfing all the sites i usually go on. i'd watch tv on my computer but the plug for the headphones don't work, so that puts the kabosh on that idea.
1. taught class on tuesday. it went...well, it went okay. i showed some youtube stuff which always excites students (as it's 5-15 minutes where they don't have to listen to the lecturer or take notes). i think, since last semester, i ended up w/ too much information and ended up having to teach an extra 15 minutes in the next class, this time, i might have not gotten enough information (even w/ about 20 minutes of youtube stuff, the class ended 15 minutes early and it's a 90 minute class). but whatever, for what it was, it was good. my outline was approved by my prof, that's all i really needed. some of the students were interested, some could care less. but really, i taught it, i am done and i don't have to do that again.
2. the moed bet exams were due back on tuesday, didn't finish them though...oops. so now i have til sunday to get them done. won't take me too long to do. i know that saturday, joual wants to spend some time w/ his dad so i can just sit around and grade. not really a big deal to me. i just don't like moed bets - mainly b/c you either take it b/c you failed the last exam or didn't take the moed aleph (few take a moed bet to try to perfect their moed aleph grade unless they, in their heart and soul know they can do better...or at least, not worse b/c if you do worse, too bad, you are stuck w/ that grade). so, b/c the moed bet is the students' last chance, they tend to cram every little thing they can into an essay and some (well most) are unecessary facts and a lot of time, b/c they are cramming, they make silly mistakes and confuse things. i really don't want to fail some one who takes a moed bet b/c it means they have to retake the course. one told me that if they fail, they are going to appeal the grade so they can talk to me. that's silly. it's silly b/c if you appeal, it goes straight to the prof, and those who know my prof know that his TA will always give a far better grade than he ever will. some have learned this lesson the hard way.
3. baked cupcakes on tuesday. i think miriam and i perfected our chocoalte cupcake recipe. next time, we are taking the chocolate recipe and converting it into a vanilla recipe to see how it comes out. if it works, we have the bottom done and still need to come up w/ a decent frosting that doesn't taste like butter w/ a hint of sugar. we think we found something, but these next few weeks are hectic w/ my brother coming in, my graduation and her having to move that i think cupcakes need to be put on hold for a little bit. but it is exciting to start seeing some kind of final product come together. maybe it means we can do this. i am excited about the prospects of such. we are just excited about being able to dress down, be our own bosses and having a business that will be ours. we found this org. that teaches (for 250nis) a crash course in business type thing, so we are definitely going to take that. we have meetings and such to schedule. who knows. maybe we will be able to hit our hoped deadline and have a bakery open by march of 2010. wouldn't that be sweet?
4. i got denied the internship w/ an israel-asia geo-economic think tank. they sent me one of those standard emails - we thank you for your application, however, we filled the needed position. we will keep your CV on file in case something comes up blah blah blah blah blah. oh well. joual says i should look into interning w/ the foreign ministry here but i am pretty sure all the internships available are hebrew-based and therefore, no good for our dear JB. i am going to look into it though, it can't hurt. i just want something. my prof. said he gave my name out to TA for next year but i don't know who and therefore, i don't know who to sweet talk into telling them how fucking awesome i am (hell, i teach full classes, how many other TAs do that?!). oh well. i just want something other than my data entry job - something to academically keep be going - something to keep my smart brain cells from leaking out of my ears. that sort of thing.
5. can't wait to spend the weekend w/ joual. i've been spoiled the last few weeks as i have gotten to see him every weekend. this is the first time in awhile that it's been 2 weeks. i miss him lots. he is trying out to be a soldier on the birthright trip b/c it's 10 days and it counts toward his army service. i make fun b/c i know the girls on birthright and they will try to get in his army uniform - and he hates most people, so it is humorous. though, if i girl tries to touch him, i will break their fingers (i've already punched one girl out...i'll do it again
). but i think that it will be good b/c being a soldier on a birthright trip, as i told him, is waaaay better than doing bitch work on a base in the north. he agreed. i just want to see him. he's been writing a lot so i bought him another notebook and the kind of pens that he likes. i am the supportive girlfriend
he's a damn good writer. he is writing this hilarious story right now which makes fun of just about every aspect of life and it's great. i was laughing so hard that he had to stop reading it to me on many occasions. this weekend will be nice though. tomorrow i am taking a mental health day (i told him to give me a reason to not go to class and he pretended to be sick, also said that i am not allowed to not sleep in when he is home...) and we are going to meet up w/ some of the other SG israel folk at benedict's for a bit
then we are going to chill, watch movies, do our usual friday night homemade fried chicken deal and that's that. i just sooo look forward to these weekends. it was the driving force getting me through this week. 3 more days til joual is home. 2 more days.....and you get the point. and they are still watching the bulldogs for the weekend and they are the cutest, most fattest dogs ever and they slober and want lots of love and attention and i love it. it makes me want a pug more and more. it's funny b/c i never thought i'd be a "dog person" but now all i want is my pug, shemp. he will be mine. oh yes, he will be mine.
and saturday we will probably take a walk at some point, do laundry. maybe get mcdonald's, don't know. i just like the time that i get to spend w/ him. i know he's having it a bit tough right now so i like when he is home so i can cheer him up and give him lots of cuddles. and i get the abuse. we wrestle. i usually lose this game and end up in some kind of choke hold. but more and more lately, i can hold my own for a tad bit longer. i still lose, mind you, it just takes a bit more time to pin me down. and then, well, then there's the sex. and that is always good too
and it's a comfort thing too. i am just comfortable around him. and also, we never always have to be doing something which i like. i don't always like going out. most times i am not a fan of it at all. i like when we are on his bed, w/ the tv in the background and we are both surfing online on our laptops. to me, that's the best thing ever. cuddling on the couch and reading. i like being able to relax w/ him. we will go out friday afternoon but after that, besides laundry (which i love doing by the way b/c it's a tradition, and w/ the heat, we usually end up w/ milkshakes too
) we stay in and i like it. the weekend is the only time i get to see him and i don't want to be bothered by lots of other people, loud noises and the like. i just like to be able to relax w/ him and i know he likes the same. it's a comfort thing. we got it. it's nice.
6. brother coming monday morning. i will see him in the evening. my mom is going to BBQ so that is very very exciting. i am just glad that he will be here soon. i miss him a lot. i am sure he is excited too. i know he just wants to get out and go. he loves his friends and all, but he needs an out.
7. i am wearing a new tanktop and i've gotten compliments - mainly "wow, you aren't wearing black." and the truth is, this tanktop was available in black but i turned away. i turned away from the black and said no, i will get a color. so there.
8. i can't wait for school to be over. mainly b/c i have a pile of books in my room that i am dying to read and no time to do it. i put a ban on me buying anymore books for myself b/c i don't have time to read them and it saddens me. they call out to me "read me...read me..." and i want to. but instead of grabbing the newest david sedaris from my nightstand, i take the book about failed states b/c i have a paper to write on it. it saddens me. and usually, i try to pick topics in classes that i like so i will enjoy what i read, but when it isn't reading for pleasure, it is never fun. i just want to read the pile of books in my room that are collecting dust slowly. i want to sit outside on a park bench, enjoy the day w/ a book, a drink and if he's around, my boyfriend. i love reading, i love filling my brain w/ knowledge about things that are interesting to me. when i am not doing that, i feel a bit empty. i get bored reading things i am told i need to read. i want to be able to enjoy a book. i remember when i was saying at a friend's in zichron yaakov for 3 weeks before i was able to move into my apt. in herzliya before my first undergrad year. she just moved there so she didn't have a tv or internet or anything but she had a balcony w/ an amazing view and i would literally spend all day on her balcony reading. i loved it. i finished stephen king's unabridged "the stand" in like 2 days and read so many other books. it was a good thing that i had packed them all to bring but by the time the 3 weeks were over, i had read them all (and they were supposed to last me for awhile too). i love reading, i love everything about reading. i just can't wait til this stinking MA is over and i can read. and then i will always be having a book w/ me...always.
9. class is about to start soon. i am going to be bored to tears. i can already see it happening now. and there's construction in the background and even w/ a microphone, you can't hear this guy (he is atleast 70 and has a spanish-israeli hybrid accent). so this is always interesting. oh, and there's a presentation. i have to talk to my other friend and see what she figured to write about and so on and so forth. arg. so annoying.
10. the AC is on and i am cold.
11. my neck hurts.
12. i am really trying to NOT eat the cupcakes i have w/ me but it's tempting. very tempting. i'm very tempted.
13. had dinner last night w/ the bitch roommate. she talked about her boy the whole time. wait, scratch that, even though she doesn't have the rock on her finger, she already calls him her fiance. yea, i know. it's crazy. she's crazy. but really, what else is new in this category. i went to dinner w/ her thinking we haven't in awhile and it would be good for us. i was instantly reminded why i DON'T like going out to meals w/ her. she talks about herself constantly and if you say something about your life, something happened to her that's even better. or worse depending on her situation. the only one up i have on her is that my family is all here and her's isn't and has no real inclination to come visit. i don't like using it but i know that when i mention it, she clams up. at least w/ that, i get her jealous. petty? probably. but i don't care. sometimes it is nice to get her to shut up. i think she needs to stop being full of herself but that won't happen anytime soon, i know this. i have learned to deal w/ this. her boy is whipped, he's a "yes man" and he's just the way she wants him. good for her. i'm glad she's happy and i hope it doesn't blow up. i just can't wait to be completely rid of her...well, at least from the apt. maybe she will be easier to deal again once we are no longer living together. it would suck a bit to lose her as a friend but we aren't that close anymore to begin w/.... i just want to stay in touch to see them make it to the wedding and the craziness that will undoubtably go along w/ that.
14. no one's in the class right now...everyone's probably out at the beach, enjoying the weater. either that or too hung over from student's day yesterday. i didn't go. went my first year as an undergrad and didn't find it something so exciting and besides, if i have a day to relax, will take it. besides, don't have class on wednesdays anyway and don't have the urge to spend 60nis on overpriced food and whatever crap vendors are selling or bands that i am not that interested in seeing in the first place.
well, w/ all that. i think i am going to go.
it will be exciting to see some of my fellow SG israel people tomorrow and i am looking forward to it.
hey everyone out there in SG land, i've decided to do an update. quite exciting b/c this makes more than one in a week..actually, it makes it more than one in about 2 weeks i think. ya'll should feel special. like really special. okay. so maybe i lie. i'm 45 minutes early to class and really, i'm done surfing all the sites i usually go on. i'd watch tv on my computer but the plug for the headphones don't work, so that puts the kabosh on that idea.
1. taught class on tuesday. it went...well, it went okay. i showed some youtube stuff which always excites students (as it's 5-15 minutes where they don't have to listen to the lecturer or take notes). i think, since last semester, i ended up w/ too much information and ended up having to teach an extra 15 minutes in the next class, this time, i might have not gotten enough information (even w/ about 20 minutes of youtube stuff, the class ended 15 minutes early and it's a 90 minute class). but whatever, for what it was, it was good. my outline was approved by my prof, that's all i really needed. some of the students were interested, some could care less. but really, i taught it, i am done and i don't have to do that again.
2. the moed bet exams were due back on tuesday, didn't finish them though...oops. so now i have til sunday to get them done. won't take me too long to do. i know that saturday, joual wants to spend some time w/ his dad so i can just sit around and grade. not really a big deal to me. i just don't like moed bets - mainly b/c you either take it b/c you failed the last exam or didn't take the moed aleph (few take a moed bet to try to perfect their moed aleph grade unless they, in their heart and soul know they can do better...or at least, not worse b/c if you do worse, too bad, you are stuck w/ that grade). so, b/c the moed bet is the students' last chance, they tend to cram every little thing they can into an essay and some (well most) are unecessary facts and a lot of time, b/c they are cramming, they make silly mistakes and confuse things. i really don't want to fail some one who takes a moed bet b/c it means they have to retake the course. one told me that if they fail, they are going to appeal the grade so they can talk to me. that's silly. it's silly b/c if you appeal, it goes straight to the prof, and those who know my prof know that his TA will always give a far better grade than he ever will. some have learned this lesson the hard way.
3. baked cupcakes on tuesday. i think miriam and i perfected our chocoalte cupcake recipe. next time, we are taking the chocolate recipe and converting it into a vanilla recipe to see how it comes out. if it works, we have the bottom done and still need to come up w/ a decent frosting that doesn't taste like butter w/ a hint of sugar. we think we found something, but these next few weeks are hectic w/ my brother coming in, my graduation and her having to move that i think cupcakes need to be put on hold for a little bit. but it is exciting to start seeing some kind of final product come together. maybe it means we can do this. i am excited about the prospects of such. we are just excited about being able to dress down, be our own bosses and having a business that will be ours. we found this org. that teaches (for 250nis) a crash course in business type thing, so we are definitely going to take that. we have meetings and such to schedule. who knows. maybe we will be able to hit our hoped deadline and have a bakery open by march of 2010. wouldn't that be sweet?

4. i got denied the internship w/ an israel-asia geo-economic think tank. they sent me one of those standard emails - we thank you for your application, however, we filled the needed position. we will keep your CV on file in case something comes up blah blah blah blah blah. oh well. joual says i should look into interning w/ the foreign ministry here but i am pretty sure all the internships available are hebrew-based and therefore, no good for our dear JB. i am going to look into it though, it can't hurt. i just want something. my prof. said he gave my name out to TA for next year but i don't know who and therefore, i don't know who to sweet talk into telling them how fucking awesome i am (hell, i teach full classes, how many other TAs do that?!). oh well. i just want something other than my data entry job - something to academically keep be going - something to keep my smart brain cells from leaking out of my ears. that sort of thing.
5. can't wait to spend the weekend w/ joual. i've been spoiled the last few weeks as i have gotten to see him every weekend. this is the first time in awhile that it's been 2 weeks. i miss him lots. he is trying out to be a soldier on the birthright trip b/c it's 10 days and it counts toward his army service. i make fun b/c i know the girls on birthright and they will try to get in his army uniform - and he hates most people, so it is humorous. though, if i girl tries to touch him, i will break their fingers (i've already punched one girl out...i'll do it again

and saturday we will probably take a walk at some point, do laundry. maybe get mcdonald's, don't know. i just like the time that i get to spend w/ him. i know he's having it a bit tough right now so i like when he is home so i can cheer him up and give him lots of cuddles. and i get the abuse. we wrestle. i usually lose this game and end up in some kind of choke hold. but more and more lately, i can hold my own for a tad bit longer. i still lose, mind you, it just takes a bit more time to pin me down. and then, well, then there's the sex. and that is always good too

and it's a comfort thing too. i am just comfortable around him. and also, we never always have to be doing something which i like. i don't always like going out. most times i am not a fan of it at all. i like when we are on his bed, w/ the tv in the background and we are both surfing online on our laptops. to me, that's the best thing ever. cuddling on the couch and reading. i like being able to relax w/ him. we will go out friday afternoon but after that, besides laundry (which i love doing by the way b/c it's a tradition, and w/ the heat, we usually end up w/ milkshakes too

6. brother coming monday morning. i will see him in the evening. my mom is going to BBQ so that is very very exciting. i am just glad that he will be here soon. i miss him a lot. i am sure he is excited too. i know he just wants to get out and go. he loves his friends and all, but he needs an out.
7. i am wearing a new tanktop and i've gotten compliments - mainly "wow, you aren't wearing black." and the truth is, this tanktop was available in black but i turned away. i turned away from the black and said no, i will get a color. so there.
8. i can't wait for school to be over. mainly b/c i have a pile of books in my room that i am dying to read and no time to do it. i put a ban on me buying anymore books for myself b/c i don't have time to read them and it saddens me. they call out to me "read me...read me..." and i want to. but instead of grabbing the newest david sedaris from my nightstand, i take the book about failed states b/c i have a paper to write on it. it saddens me. and usually, i try to pick topics in classes that i like so i will enjoy what i read, but when it isn't reading for pleasure, it is never fun. i just want to read the pile of books in my room that are collecting dust slowly. i want to sit outside on a park bench, enjoy the day w/ a book, a drink and if he's around, my boyfriend. i love reading, i love filling my brain w/ knowledge about things that are interesting to me. when i am not doing that, i feel a bit empty. i get bored reading things i am told i need to read. i want to be able to enjoy a book. i remember when i was saying at a friend's in zichron yaakov for 3 weeks before i was able to move into my apt. in herzliya before my first undergrad year. she just moved there so she didn't have a tv or internet or anything but she had a balcony w/ an amazing view and i would literally spend all day on her balcony reading. i loved it. i finished stephen king's unabridged "the stand" in like 2 days and read so many other books. it was a good thing that i had packed them all to bring but by the time the 3 weeks were over, i had read them all (and they were supposed to last me for awhile too). i love reading, i love everything about reading. i just can't wait til this stinking MA is over and i can read. and then i will always be having a book w/ me...always.
9. class is about to start soon. i am going to be bored to tears. i can already see it happening now. and there's construction in the background and even w/ a microphone, you can't hear this guy (he is atleast 70 and has a spanish-israeli hybrid accent). so this is always interesting. oh, and there's a presentation. i have to talk to my other friend and see what she figured to write about and so on and so forth. arg. so annoying.
10. the AC is on and i am cold.
11. my neck hurts.
12. i am really trying to NOT eat the cupcakes i have w/ me but it's tempting. very tempting. i'm very tempted.
13. had dinner last night w/ the bitch roommate. she talked about her boy the whole time. wait, scratch that, even though she doesn't have the rock on her finger, she already calls him her fiance. yea, i know. it's crazy. she's crazy. but really, what else is new in this category. i went to dinner w/ her thinking we haven't in awhile and it would be good for us. i was instantly reminded why i DON'T like going out to meals w/ her. she talks about herself constantly and if you say something about your life, something happened to her that's even better. or worse depending on her situation. the only one up i have on her is that my family is all here and her's isn't and has no real inclination to come visit. i don't like using it but i know that when i mention it, she clams up. at least w/ that, i get her jealous. petty? probably. but i don't care. sometimes it is nice to get her to shut up. i think she needs to stop being full of herself but that won't happen anytime soon, i know this. i have learned to deal w/ this. her boy is whipped, he's a "yes man" and he's just the way she wants him. good for her. i'm glad she's happy and i hope it doesn't blow up. i just can't wait to be completely rid of her...well, at least from the apt. maybe she will be easier to deal again once we are no longer living together. it would suck a bit to lose her as a friend but we aren't that close anymore to begin w/.... i just want to stay in touch to see them make it to the wedding and the craziness that will undoubtably go along w/ that.
14. no one's in the class right now...everyone's probably out at the beach, enjoying the weater. either that or too hung over from student's day yesterday. i didn't go. went my first year as an undergrad and didn't find it something so exciting and besides, if i have a day to relax, will take it. besides, don't have class on wednesdays anyway and don't have the urge to spend 60nis on overpriced food and whatever crap vendors are selling or bands that i am not that interested in seeing in the first place.
well, w/ all that. i think i am going to go.
it will be exciting to see some of my fellow SG israel people tomorrow and i am looking forward to it.