after 3.5 years here, i finally "splurged" and bought a fan. it's freakin' hot and it's only may.
worked 8-4 today - i like it but i know my boss won't let me permanently switch mondays 8-4 when it took some slight begging to get to work wednesdays 8-4. i figure, i just keep coming up w/ good excuses and eventually, he will see the light.
teaching tomorrow...i have notes and a basic outline....that's about all i have. i have roughly 4 hours to put a powerpoint together though, i am not entirely worried...yet. tonight i will start w/ headers and stuff like that. eventually, it will get there.
got my hair cut. don't have pics but it's waaaay short (or, short for me considering a bit over a year ago my hair was down to my ass and due to things being crappy around december 2007 IE: having mono during finals and a boy that seriously hurt me...i chopped it all off) and very blonde and very shaggy. i like it. it's good for summer but it's definitely taking time to get used to. eventually, i will have pics. any pics i take makes my face look fat and that isn't so good to me.
actually bought 2 tanktops that are NOT black,white, gray or some shade of brown. be proud people in SG land. i got bright colors. i had to try on about 10 different tanktops before i found 2 i felt comfortable enough in and i am sure i drove the girl working there crazy...but i did it. i am not goth, emo or whatever have you, i just like wearing black, whites, grays and shades of brown. but i am trying to get out of it. as joual likes to point out, i have a very sunshine-y attitude (he likes to tell me that i am sweet and that any attempt to look like an angry girl doesn't work so well) and my clothes don't fit that picture. he's right too. i really need to start getting clothes w/ color. i think it will shock people. "holy crap, she's wearing baby blue!" and then some one dies of a heartattack. score!
graduation a week from tomorrow. actually, there's a ceremony a week from today as well that i am invited too. apparently, yours truly is graduating w/ honors. holy fucking shit. i know, right. considering the fact my first semester was ehh b/c i was out of the whole school thing and my 3rd semester i had mono while taking exams....go me. i get to cum loud...oh, wait, i mean i receive cum laude
but no one is coming w/ me to that ceremony and i am thinking i will be bored. but i should go, right? anyone want to see me in all my nerd glory? oh well. tuesday's the real deal. tomorrow i actually have to go and pick up my cap and fun fun. i don't get to keep it, mind you, i am only renting it. i really don't care either...not that important to me. really, it's just a big festivity so your family and friends can "oh" and "ah" over you. i am just not all that into it. don't get me wrong, i am glad to be finally getting my BA (some of my friends already have PhDs and some are graduating from med school this year) but the whole ceremony shpiel....just hand me my certificate in some room and i'll be happy. plus they are telling me i HAVE to wear white top and black skirt. so, i am planning to wear a white wife beater (black bra underneath, of course), and this fabric-y short short black skirt, possibly w/ white leggings underneath. i can challenge authority. ehh. most likely though, i won't. but i won't dress all pretty and snazzy. too damn hot out for that. probably these really light black pants and a wife beater...but i ain't giving up the black bra. maybe, actually, i will go find a bright red one to put underneath.
my landlord called me the other night and told me that she isn't changing rent and that she is going to keep the contract as is. thank god. b/w my parents rent going up a few 100 shekels and miriam having to move b/c her landlord upped the rent over 1500 shekels, i was getting sooo nervous. but it's all good. except jordan isn't doing a great job on getting a new roommate, i think he's too picky. so i still have a room available here to rent from july 2009. w/ bills, it's roughly about 18-1850 a month per person which isn't bad at all. sometimes, it is even less (bills are every 2 months so if a bill is 600nis [which happens once a year in the coldest part of the winter], that's 200 per person which is 100 per month extra to save...see how that works). so please, if you want to live w/ this cool chick, let me know soon. i need a roommate, fast.
a bunch of the SG israel peeps are getting together friday for brunch at this place, benedict's on rothchild. i really want to go but they are starting at 11 and by the time i get to tel aviv, it will be around 3pm or so and some people are going to have to leave before then in order to catch a bus back to where ever they came from
so i don't know. plus, i have to see about joual b/c he has some family things that he needs to take care of as well. if i don't make this one, i am sure there will be another, but i will try. i'll call serefina when i am close to tel aviv and see what the story is. besides, i heard this place is good.
i should be working on my presentation right now but i think i am going to watch a bit of tv on my computer ( is my new favorite site...ever) and possibly nap for an hour and then at least put headers on some powerpoints. tomorrow is going to be an interesting day but if my prof. can put together a powerpoint in less than 2 hours, i can probably put one together in 4. besides, i've written most of 20-page papers in 4 hours. i think i can do this.
wish me luck.
worked 8-4 today - i like it but i know my boss won't let me permanently switch mondays 8-4 when it took some slight begging to get to work wednesdays 8-4. i figure, i just keep coming up w/ good excuses and eventually, he will see the light.
teaching tomorrow...i have notes and a basic outline....that's about all i have. i have roughly 4 hours to put a powerpoint together though, i am not entirely worried...yet. tonight i will start w/ headers and stuff like that. eventually, it will get there.
got my hair cut. don't have pics but it's waaaay short (or, short for me considering a bit over a year ago my hair was down to my ass and due to things being crappy around december 2007 IE: having mono during finals and a boy that seriously hurt me...i chopped it all off) and very blonde and very shaggy. i like it. it's good for summer but it's definitely taking time to get used to. eventually, i will have pics. any pics i take makes my face look fat and that isn't so good to me.
actually bought 2 tanktops that are NOT black,white, gray or some shade of brown. be proud people in SG land. i got bright colors. i had to try on about 10 different tanktops before i found 2 i felt comfortable enough in and i am sure i drove the girl working there crazy...but i did it. i am not goth, emo or whatever have you, i just like wearing black, whites, grays and shades of brown. but i am trying to get out of it. as joual likes to point out, i have a very sunshine-y attitude (he likes to tell me that i am sweet and that any attempt to look like an angry girl doesn't work so well) and my clothes don't fit that picture. he's right too. i really need to start getting clothes w/ color. i think it will shock people. "holy crap, she's wearing baby blue!" and then some one dies of a heartattack. score!
graduation a week from tomorrow. actually, there's a ceremony a week from today as well that i am invited too. apparently, yours truly is graduating w/ honors. holy fucking shit. i know, right. considering the fact my first semester was ehh b/c i was out of the whole school thing and my 3rd semester i had mono while taking exams....go me. i get to cum loud...oh, wait, i mean i receive cum laude

my landlord called me the other night and told me that she isn't changing rent and that she is going to keep the contract as is. thank god. b/w my parents rent going up a few 100 shekels and miriam having to move b/c her landlord upped the rent over 1500 shekels, i was getting sooo nervous. but it's all good. except jordan isn't doing a great job on getting a new roommate, i think he's too picky. so i still have a room available here to rent from july 2009. w/ bills, it's roughly about 18-1850 a month per person which isn't bad at all. sometimes, it is even less (bills are every 2 months so if a bill is 600nis [which happens once a year in the coldest part of the winter], that's 200 per person which is 100 per month extra to save...see how that works). so please, if you want to live w/ this cool chick, let me know soon. i need a roommate, fast.
a bunch of the SG israel peeps are getting together friday for brunch at this place, benedict's on rothchild. i really want to go but they are starting at 11 and by the time i get to tel aviv, it will be around 3pm or so and some people are going to have to leave before then in order to catch a bus back to where ever they came from

i should be working on my presentation right now but i think i am going to watch a bit of tv on my computer ( is my new favorite site...ever) and possibly nap for an hour and then at least put headers on some powerpoints. tomorrow is going to be an interesting day but if my prof. can put together a powerpoint in less than 2 hours, i can probably put one together in 4. besides, i've written most of 20-page papers in 4 hours. i think i can do this.
wish me luck.
in any case, the bakery i was telling you about in TA is on ibn gvirol near the movie theatre... ill look up the address when im there on friday for ya