here's a list of what's going on:
boy coming home today for the weekend!!!
i don't get to see him til friday afternoon though and though it is the day after tomorrow, i am impatient and therefore, i can't wait. i wish i didn't have friday classes.
things w/ the brother have gone from tolerable to bad to extremely fucked and though i was trying to remain out of everything, a decision he made really affected my parents and me - my dad is pissed and my mom is completely heartbroken, so i sent him an email and i don't know how that's going to work.
allergies running rampant and i am a sneezing machine.
screwed up at work yesterday but it's my first time making ANY kind of mistake since i started so i think that i will be okay. if he was going to fire me, he would have yesterday. but i'll probably get a talking to today...
went to azrielli center w/ my friend yesterday and bought three tanktops for 99 shekels at hoodies. originally went there to...well, buy a hoodie but didn't quite work out.
it's starting to be noticeable that i am losing weight but b/c i am working out stomach muscles i've never before previously used, i feel like i weigh a ton. the scale says so too but i was told when you start running, you gain muscle, weighs more than fat and eventually it falls off. oh, and i'm bloated. that can add a bit too. yea for "fat cow syndrome."
made mac and cheese to take to work today for lunch. and an apple. as always
first business'ish meeting last night and though we were talking about life and whatnot, we picked our first recipe to try out - black forest cupcakes w/ a cherry frosting. mmmm.... i'll keep you updated on that.
through our talking last night, we realized that we are in amazing relationships, we are lucky girls and our guys are pretty lucky as well. we are the type of girls that aren't needy, we are self-reliant (maybe to bad level when we become too hard on ourselves but oh well....), and we do freak out when bad things happen b/c we are human, but we don't continue, eventually we screw our head back onto our shoulders and get shit we need to done, we don't continue w/ the freak out. oh yea, and also, we like to have fun in the bedroom...haha.
i really need to start taking my jeans to the tailor b/c i developed holes in the last remaining "good" pair that i have....ech.
working til 8 and then baking the boy cupcakes. i like doing the little things that make him happy.
but i think the bitch used my cupcake papers. i really don't like when she uses my shit w/out asking. she thinks just b/c it is there, it is hers to use...pisses me off.
BA graduation is june 2nd. i will "officially" have a BA degree...haha.
still don't know what i am doing from yom ha'atz'ma'ut (independence day) but i am sure eventually a plan will rear its head....
i'm addicted to gossip girl - and while i gave this a smiley face, i am not sure if really, it's a good thing or bad thing.

i mentioned it before but i am really just totally excited to see joual this weekend!
possibly mike's place saturday afternoon...
well, that's about all i got.
have to write a quickie 1.5 page paper tonight and look over notes b/c i am pretty sure i will be having a pop quiz in one of my classes tomorrow...when the boss leaves the office, i will print out the notes.
so, here's to hopefully not being fired and an overall, good day.
i'm doing a happy dance personally and just hoping the rest of today and tomorrow go by quick

well, that's about all i got.
have to write a quickie 1.5 page paper tonight and look over notes b/c i am pretty sure i will be having a pop quiz in one of my classes tomorrow...when the boss leaves the office, i will print out the notes.
so, here's to hopefully not being fired and an overall, good day.
i'm doing a happy dance personally and just hoping the rest of today and tomorrow go by quick
