so apparently after a long absence, JB might actually be making an appearance state-side end of sept. "why?" you may ask. well, my little bro's fiance went public w/ the news of their engagement (and by "public" i mean she posted it as her status on facebook including a picture of the ring...which actually isn't half bad i have to say..thumbs up to the little bro) and my parents realized that w/ them getting married june 2010, they better go meet the future in-laws. my mom wanted to know when my friend's wedding is so we can try to coordinate the trip to work in my favor as well, but it's smack dab b/w the high holidays (actually, i think it's the day before yom kippur) so i am not sure. but hey, i will take a trip back state-side any day, especially if i don't have to pay for it...of course.
i have really tried to make an effort to get to know my brother's fiance. but she gives one word answers to questions and i don't know how to proceed. i have little-to-nothing in common w/ her and well, i just keep telling myself if my brother is happy then that's all that matters. apparently now she is skiddish on converting. not b/c of anything her parents said, but apparently a few coworkers (who know shit about dick) have been saying things. it's aggravating for my parents b/c it is starting minor arguments w/ my brother (something they don't want) but i think my parents really need to come to the conclusion that a) my brother's happiness comes paramount to religion and b) they can say what they want but the truth is my brother no longer has to listen (not like he ever did, but...) b/c my parents aren't in the states. they can attempt to influence via phonecalls and emails but the truth is, there is little they can do to persuade my brother.
i am supposed to send him an email. apparently my parents think that i can get a straight answer from him about this whole balagan ("craziness").
but meeting the in-laws...ehhh. meeting the fiance...ehhhh. i am so apathetic. i mean, i am excited for my brother, believe me, but i've been here for 3.5 years now, i really haven't been in my brother's life all that much. hell, it took my dad to call my brother to tell him that he should call me personally about news of the engagement. we are very different people living very different lives. i don't know how big of a part i play in his. so i will meet her and i will be nice and sweet b/c that's how i roll but whatever. i am happy for him, i am excited for him. it's just going to be weird. awkward even.
i'm going to be some one's sister-in-law.
eventually, i will be an aunt.
oy vey.
wonder how my parents must feel though, i bet in a few years, they will be grandparents...haha.
in other news, my friend and i have our first meeting in regards to the possibilities of opening a cupcake business here in israel. more specifically, raanana. i have some recipes printed out and a growing list of different cupcakes and different frostings...all which can be mixed and matched.
it's weird to think in about a year or so, i could be running a business. wow.
toe still hurts like a bitch but whatever.
ran today - pushed myself to do 2km of the 5km route and i almost collapsed and thought for sure i was going to have a massive asthma attack. pushing myself is good, but i need to ease up just a tad bit. i will get that far when i can, but for now. slowly.
i would see a difference from the running but b/c i am a girl, i am at that time, that special week where i get what i like to call "fat cow syndrome." i know that most girls can relate to this feeling at the beginning of "that" week. i stepped on the scale today...big mistake b/c apparently i gained a shit ton of weight over the weekend (reminder to self: never step on scale during "that" week...even more depression will follow). now, i know i ate a bit, but jeez - it's attack of "fat cow syndrome." it will go away in a few days time though.
still need a vanity mirror. i miss mine.
tonight and tomorrow is yom ha'shoah - holocaust remembrance day. at 10am, a siren will go off and all of israel will stand, silent and unified, while remembering the 6-million who died during the holocaust. if you've ever been here, or seen pictures - everything just literally stops. some people like to make sure they are on the ayalon (highway) during it b/c to see all the cars just stop and everyone get out and stand, it's a sight. but the 6 million should never be forgotten. as it is, today starts durban II, a predominantly anti-israel meeting and it's key not speaker the damn pres. of iran. so, not only is today the eve of holocaust remembrance day, it is also hitler's birthday and the beginning of an anti-israel conference (where they also want to universally ban anti-islamic remarks) where the keynote speaker is an anti-israel, holocaust denying schmoo.
please, try to argue w/ me that the UN is impartial and unbias. arg.
next week is remembrance day (those who fought in the 1948 independence war) and then independence day. no clue what i am doing. i have work tuesday but only til 11am and i am off wednesday. last year joual was home...this year...i don't think so
i'd like to be w/ him for it again, we had a good time
maybe i will end up in tel aviv tuesday night and crash at a friend's or something of the sort.
i get to see joual on friday. sooo excited

i need hugs and cuddles and the wrastlin' and more cuddles and hugs.
anyway, i think i am going to relax, watch some back episodes of NCIS and eventually pass out
i have really tried to make an effort to get to know my brother's fiance. but she gives one word answers to questions and i don't know how to proceed. i have little-to-nothing in common w/ her and well, i just keep telling myself if my brother is happy then that's all that matters. apparently now she is skiddish on converting. not b/c of anything her parents said, but apparently a few coworkers (who know shit about dick) have been saying things. it's aggravating for my parents b/c it is starting minor arguments w/ my brother (something they don't want) but i think my parents really need to come to the conclusion that a) my brother's happiness comes paramount to religion and b) they can say what they want but the truth is my brother no longer has to listen (not like he ever did, but...) b/c my parents aren't in the states. they can attempt to influence via phonecalls and emails but the truth is, there is little they can do to persuade my brother.
i am supposed to send him an email. apparently my parents think that i can get a straight answer from him about this whole balagan ("craziness").
but meeting the in-laws...ehhh. meeting the fiance...ehhhh. i am so apathetic. i mean, i am excited for my brother, believe me, but i've been here for 3.5 years now, i really haven't been in my brother's life all that much. hell, it took my dad to call my brother to tell him that he should call me personally about news of the engagement. we are very different people living very different lives. i don't know how big of a part i play in his. so i will meet her and i will be nice and sweet b/c that's how i roll but whatever. i am happy for him, i am excited for him. it's just going to be weird. awkward even.
i'm going to be some one's sister-in-law.
eventually, i will be an aunt.
oy vey.
wonder how my parents must feel though, i bet in a few years, they will be grandparents...haha.
in other news, my friend and i have our first meeting in regards to the possibilities of opening a cupcake business here in israel. more specifically, raanana. i have some recipes printed out and a growing list of different cupcakes and different frostings...all which can be mixed and matched.
it's weird to think in about a year or so, i could be running a business. wow.
toe still hurts like a bitch but whatever.
ran today - pushed myself to do 2km of the 5km route and i almost collapsed and thought for sure i was going to have a massive asthma attack. pushing myself is good, but i need to ease up just a tad bit. i will get that far when i can, but for now. slowly.
i would see a difference from the running but b/c i am a girl, i am at that time, that special week where i get what i like to call "fat cow syndrome." i know that most girls can relate to this feeling at the beginning of "that" week. i stepped on the scale today...big mistake b/c apparently i gained a shit ton of weight over the weekend (reminder to self: never step on scale during "that" week...even more depression will follow). now, i know i ate a bit, but jeez - it's attack of "fat cow syndrome." it will go away in a few days time though.
still need a vanity mirror. i miss mine.
tonight and tomorrow is yom ha'shoah - holocaust remembrance day. at 10am, a siren will go off and all of israel will stand, silent and unified, while remembering the 6-million who died during the holocaust. if you've ever been here, or seen pictures - everything just literally stops. some people like to make sure they are on the ayalon (highway) during it b/c to see all the cars just stop and everyone get out and stand, it's a sight. but the 6 million should never be forgotten. as it is, today starts durban II, a predominantly anti-israel meeting and it's key not speaker the damn pres. of iran. so, not only is today the eve of holocaust remembrance day, it is also hitler's birthday and the beginning of an anti-israel conference (where they also want to universally ban anti-islamic remarks) where the keynote speaker is an anti-israel, holocaust denying schmoo.
please, try to argue w/ me that the UN is impartial and unbias. arg.
next week is remembrance day (those who fought in the 1948 independence war) and then independence day. no clue what i am doing. i have work tuesday but only til 11am and i am off wednesday. last year joual was home...this year...i don't think so

i get to see joual on friday. sooo excited

i need hugs and cuddles and the wrastlin' and more cuddles and hugs.
anyway, i think i am going to relax, watch some back episodes of NCIS and eventually pass out
