so i got a weird message - some one telling me that i wrote that whole shpiel on insecurities as a headsup to my boyfriend since he is a member. i'd like to make it clear that he knows about this as i have told him and he told me there is nothing to worry about. i wrote it b/c since telling people that he gets out of the army soon, some have been asking me what's next and i don't know what's next. i kind of like living on a moment-by-moment basis. and then they ask me if things are going to be different. i say of course not but then, in my head, the old feeling i have starts resurfacing. i know things are good and all that junk. i am impatiently waiting for the next 7.5 hours to go by fast so i can hop a bus and be w/ him for the weekend
i know things will be the same, if anything, they will only get better
i finally had lunch after not eating since 4pm yesterday. school food. i think my stomach is telling me that it would have rather been starving than eat what i just had. oh well. it will probably be all i eat today. so my stomach can deal.
i wish i had mahjong on my computer. that would make things more interesting.
just had to sit through a boring lecture - it is part of exam, no paper...just attend 6 lectures and get that one credit you need to graduate from this damn program. it sucks. it's boring. some guy speaking about the EU and i don't care so much. no offense to anyone living there. now i have international law, international political society, psychological aspects of conflict management and then conflict analysis and resolution. then i am done. then i'm on my way to see my love.
i just found out i have a paper due the day i get back from classes on the 19th. luckily it is only a 5-600 word paper, so nothing major. just a silly op-ed piece.
my roommate had her third interview yesterday. i really just want to tell her that they didn't want her, they only ended up calling her after enough people backed out of the third interview. it'd sting. i know that for sure. now she's waiting to hear back. i don't know which is worse. if she doesn't get it, she will be this angry bitch, talking about herself and won't shut up about it and drive me nuts OR if she does get it and she will be this happy bitch, talking about herself and won't shut up about it and drive me nuts. i think i'm at a lose-lose situation.
i need to watch the latest episode of lost online. all my friends in the US have been posting about how great it was and i need to watch. i am trying to not read the thread about it in the lost group here but i am so tempted. i am also tempted to go to tv w/out pity's website b/c they give humorous recaps. bah. need to watch.
i am completely re-hooked to this show.
and my stomach is completely hating me right now.
still haven't gone back out running as i don't have my mp3 player. maybe i will bug my parents for a new one b/c if i have to get it myself, JB's ass ain't running til may when she gets her first TA'ing check.
and i have a need for speed.
or a need for running like a spastic clown, whatever comes first.
work was insane this coworker and i were just off the walls. we are always like this by thursday. she and i only get to work 2 days a week together (she works mornings) so it's fun when i do see her.
sunday i am going to work 9-5 b/c joual is still home sunday and i want to be able to spend the evening w/ him and not get to him by 9pm and have to go to sleep soon b/c he has to be up early the next day.
i have a cut on my thumb. 2 days later, still have no clue how the fuck i got it.
i am bringing my camera this weekend. i actually always bring it, i just never take pictures. this weekend, i will. i promise. i need some interesting pictures to post.
class in 20 minutes. arg.
and my eye twitch has come back. i think it's some of the crap that has been going on this last week has kind of made me a bit stressed and lacking in the sleep dept.
week be
b/c i said so.
i'm the fucking princess of power...damnnit.

i know things will be the same, if anything, they will only get better

i finally had lunch after not eating since 4pm yesterday. school food. i think my stomach is telling me that it would have rather been starving than eat what i just had. oh well. it will probably be all i eat today. so my stomach can deal.
i wish i had mahjong on my computer. that would make things more interesting.
just had to sit through a boring lecture - it is part of exam, no paper...just attend 6 lectures and get that one credit you need to graduate from this damn program. it sucks. it's boring. some guy speaking about the EU and i don't care so much. no offense to anyone living there. now i have international law, international political society, psychological aspects of conflict management and then conflict analysis and resolution. then i am done. then i'm on my way to see my love.
i just found out i have a paper due the day i get back from classes on the 19th. luckily it is only a 5-600 word paper, so nothing major. just a silly op-ed piece.
my roommate had her third interview yesterday. i really just want to tell her that they didn't want her, they only ended up calling her after enough people backed out of the third interview. it'd sting. i know that for sure. now she's waiting to hear back. i don't know which is worse. if she doesn't get it, she will be this angry bitch, talking about herself and won't shut up about it and drive me nuts OR if she does get it and she will be this happy bitch, talking about herself and won't shut up about it and drive me nuts. i think i'm at a lose-lose situation.
i need to watch the latest episode of lost online. all my friends in the US have been posting about how great it was and i need to watch. i am trying to not read the thread about it in the lost group here but i am so tempted. i am also tempted to go to tv w/out pity's website b/c they give humorous recaps. bah. need to watch.
i am completely re-hooked to this show.
and my stomach is completely hating me right now.
still haven't gone back out running as i don't have my mp3 player. maybe i will bug my parents for a new one b/c if i have to get it myself, JB's ass ain't running til may when she gets her first TA'ing check.
and i have a need for speed.
or a need for running like a spastic clown, whatever comes first.
work was insane this coworker and i were just off the walls. we are always like this by thursday. she and i only get to work 2 days a week together (she works mornings) so it's fun when i do see her.
sunday i am going to work 9-5 b/c joual is still home sunday and i want to be able to spend the evening w/ him and not get to him by 9pm and have to go to sleep soon b/c he has to be up early the next day.
i have a cut on my thumb. 2 days later, still have no clue how the fuck i got it.
i am bringing my camera this weekend. i actually always bring it, i just never take pictures. this weekend, i will. i promise. i need some interesting pictures to post.
class in 20 minutes. arg.
and my eye twitch has come back. i think it's some of the crap that has been going on this last week has kind of made me a bit stressed and lacking in the sleep dept.
week be
b/c i said so.
i'm the fucking princess of power...damnnit.
Free mahjong
Just a hint... won't give it a way....
Here's a pix of ur roommate, suitable for framing....
And always ending on a high note....
PS One who wishes for MP3 players should have a wishlist.
the whole semester is going to fly by you'll see... and just to keep your mind off of things, what's next career wise?