yea, i am writing a real blog.
this is why i don't like waiting a week to write, i end up having so much to write during the week but never do, and when i come around to it, i don't remember much of anything. funny lines, anecdotes and so on and so forth. my mind becomes one big confused mess. which, i must admit, is unusual for me, but still, annoying none-the-less.
monday was an interesting day. sunday night i was gearing up for a long morning of pre-work grading exams and post-work grading exams as they were due tuesday and procrastination led me to grading them all the day before they were due. arg. procrastination is a seductive bitch. so, anyway, i am about to go to sleep when joual calls me to tell me that some bastard stole his phone. who the fuck does that on a closed army base, really? so now i'm calling orange to first off see where there are orange stores in haifa (biggest town he is close to). the woman tries to give me streets, but neither of us know anything about anything in haifa. (i forgot to say he was getting monday morning off to get a new phone and was leaving base around 6am.) so then i told him for the time it will take him to get to haifa and all the waiting until a store finally does open, he should just come to tel aviv. read the ulterior motive - i get to see him. so i called orange back and they told me of a store at cinema city that he can go to at 10am. met him at the alozorov station and we went there but it was early so we had breakfast at tal bagels. it was just nice to spend a few hours w/ him. he had to go back around 12 and i had to go to work but still. just to see him for a few hours was amazing. i missed him a lot over the weekend and though it was not good circumstances, it was good to see him. hopefully he will be home on thursday. i am going to play hookie on friday from school. we are going to celebrate my birthday early since i don't like my actual bday date. i have no idea what we are going to do though....
i will honestly, just be glad to spend time w/ him. he called me really late last night (around 3am i think..but i was slightly awake) and said that there's a possibility he might get out right after his course that starts in like 3 weeks. i am soo excited for him that he might be done sooner than we think. the base he is at now is one of the hardest and they are running them ragged and he hasn't really slept in 2 or so days. it's not good the way they work these guys to the bone like this.
he asked me if we could do a week in eilat instead of a weekend, so for sure of course i said yes
so then i worked 1-9pm...graded exams and passed out. woke up early tuesday, graded, worked 8-11 and came home and did a mad dash to finish grading exams. by 4pm i had to get to school and i still had 2 exams to grade but i finished in time. score. out of 49 exams, i failed 15. i think the average was a 73. people did stupid things like not read the question and give me the wrong answer entirely or some even missed a short answer question - that's 14 points automatically taken off your exam...who does that? oh well. not my problem. as it stands, i will have like 30-some-odd kids taking the moed bet. whatever. i guess i just need to look at it as it is more money for JB.
then i had the class i TA and i am going to smack these 2 second year bitches b/c they talk in class constantly and they have no respect for the prof. you can tell that these are two girls that were forced into going to school and mommy and daddy are paying for everything so they don't care. i hate people who take their education for granted, i think especially b/c i pay my own way (which reminds me on tuesday i need to go take care of some loan things at school so i can pay for grad school). i work to support myself and these girls have their education handed to them. i don't know, that drives me crazy.
i went out to dinner w/ one of my roommates, not the bitch, but the other. it was nice but i realized i can't talk to her as much as i used to b/c i don't know what she will tell the bitch that i said. i don't know. i feel like it can all be used as ammo against me so it's just better to keep my mouth shut. it sucks b/c we used to be so close but now i don't really trust her so much to talk to her. it makes me sad but i guess what are you going to do if you don't really trust some one, you don't really trust some one. i have my people who i can talk to and i am grateful for that. they might be few but i've always been a big believer in having a few really close friends than 100 "sometimes" friends. oh well. cest la vie and all that mumbo jumbo. she's still a good person, don't get me wrong, but i don't trust her enough to tell her what's going on w/ me.
wednesday came and went. i don't think anything exciting happened except that's when the headache from hell started and lasted til friday. i still have some remnants of it, but i am better now.
thursday i worked 7:30 ato 10:30 and then went to school to finish grading the resubmission papers to get those handed in. i had people come to me and ask me about grades on the final...i said that i handed them in and they needed to speak to the head of the dept. it felt good that i was no longer in change of these things. classes came and went. i need to get better at paying attention, i know i do, but when even the prof. sounds bored w/ what they are teaching, than i do to. but i promise to start paying better attention. i need to. i need to do well this semester. not that i've done soo horribly last (though i am waiting on 3 more grades) but i know i can be better.
friday - more classes. i really despise friday morning classes. i cannot even begin to tell you how much i despise them. whatever. then went to superpharm to buy over-the-counter contacts just to find out my eyesight sucks so bad that i can't even get them OTC - i need to go to a store and order them. it's a fucking pain and it's expensive. i think i need to look into laser eye surgery.
mmm..what else? made plans to meet w/ my sorority sister for dinner saturday night and bummed around.
saturday i got some work done (i owe my prof an outline of my presentation for class on media and intervention by tuesday...arg) and just relaxed. dinner was amazing. i love me some steak. it was just a good time to reminisce ad catch up on over 3 years of stuff that's been going on.
now the week starts and includes such fun things as yelling at loan companies in the US to give me a deferment on my school loans b/c i cannot afford to pay these things back, putting together my outline for class, printing readings to catch up in 2 classes (oh the joy...4 weeks worth of reading...arg) and some other random things.
still trying to run w/out an mp3 player. still finding this futile.
brother called my parents yesterday mid-morning. he is officially engaged to his girlfriend...though no ring yet. when he comes end of may for my BA graduation, my mom has a ring w/ no stone and b/c israel has a huuuuge diamond district, my parents are going to take him there to get a stone put in. but yea, my brother and his...well, now fiance called to tell my parents. at first i was pissed b/c i am his big sister and he should have called me himself instead of my parents telling me. but my dad later called him back and said that i was hurt and gave him my number and told him to call. once he called, i was okay. i mean, whatever. still have to meet the girl. she IS going to convert apparently and i have a feeling, from what i have been hearing and whatnot, her parents might not be too keen on it but whatever, it's her choice and she wants to. they aren't going to get married i think til june 2011 so that way she has time to convert (it is a year process) and they can save money and whatnot to have a wedding. so yea for little bro!
so that's really it i guess. this week i have a lot to do and get accomplished but i am pretty sure i will be okay. all the reading i print out on tuesday i can do on wednesday. i am just trying to not have any work to do when i see joual for the weekend. that's all.
my friend is making aliyah a week from tuesday. sooo excited for him to get here. he is an awesome individual.
my stomach is still full from dinner last night..haha.
and apparently, i might need a new roommate by october 15th. any takers? it's me and my friend who is making aliyah but i need one more. arg. this could get annoying...again.
it's cheap too. i live in the cheap, ghetto part of raanana
oh well.
-JB, over and out.
(btw, i am sure i missed things in this here post, but ehh..whatever)
this is why i don't like waiting a week to write, i end up having so much to write during the week but never do, and when i come around to it, i don't remember much of anything. funny lines, anecdotes and so on and so forth. my mind becomes one big confused mess. which, i must admit, is unusual for me, but still, annoying none-the-less.
monday was an interesting day. sunday night i was gearing up for a long morning of pre-work grading exams and post-work grading exams as they were due tuesday and procrastination led me to grading them all the day before they were due. arg. procrastination is a seductive bitch. so, anyway, i am about to go to sleep when joual calls me to tell me that some bastard stole his phone. who the fuck does that on a closed army base, really? so now i'm calling orange to first off see where there are orange stores in haifa (biggest town he is close to). the woman tries to give me streets, but neither of us know anything about anything in haifa. (i forgot to say he was getting monday morning off to get a new phone and was leaving base around 6am.) so then i told him for the time it will take him to get to haifa and all the waiting until a store finally does open, he should just come to tel aviv. read the ulterior motive - i get to see him. so i called orange back and they told me of a store at cinema city that he can go to at 10am. met him at the alozorov station and we went there but it was early so we had breakfast at tal bagels. it was just nice to spend a few hours w/ him. he had to go back around 12 and i had to go to work but still. just to see him for a few hours was amazing. i missed him a lot over the weekend and though it was not good circumstances, it was good to see him. hopefully he will be home on thursday. i am going to play hookie on friday from school. we are going to celebrate my birthday early since i don't like my actual bday date. i have no idea what we are going to do though....
i will honestly, just be glad to spend time w/ him. he called me really late last night (around 3am i think..but i was slightly awake) and said that there's a possibility he might get out right after his course that starts in like 3 weeks. i am soo excited for him that he might be done sooner than we think. the base he is at now is one of the hardest and they are running them ragged and he hasn't really slept in 2 or so days. it's not good the way they work these guys to the bone like this.
he asked me if we could do a week in eilat instead of a weekend, so for sure of course i said yes

so then i worked 1-9pm...graded exams and passed out. woke up early tuesday, graded, worked 8-11 and came home and did a mad dash to finish grading exams. by 4pm i had to get to school and i still had 2 exams to grade but i finished in time. score. out of 49 exams, i failed 15. i think the average was a 73. people did stupid things like not read the question and give me the wrong answer entirely or some even missed a short answer question - that's 14 points automatically taken off your exam...who does that? oh well. not my problem. as it stands, i will have like 30-some-odd kids taking the moed bet. whatever. i guess i just need to look at it as it is more money for JB.
then i had the class i TA and i am going to smack these 2 second year bitches b/c they talk in class constantly and they have no respect for the prof. you can tell that these are two girls that were forced into going to school and mommy and daddy are paying for everything so they don't care. i hate people who take their education for granted, i think especially b/c i pay my own way (which reminds me on tuesday i need to go take care of some loan things at school so i can pay for grad school). i work to support myself and these girls have their education handed to them. i don't know, that drives me crazy.
i went out to dinner w/ one of my roommates, not the bitch, but the other. it was nice but i realized i can't talk to her as much as i used to b/c i don't know what she will tell the bitch that i said. i don't know. i feel like it can all be used as ammo against me so it's just better to keep my mouth shut. it sucks b/c we used to be so close but now i don't really trust her so much to talk to her. it makes me sad but i guess what are you going to do if you don't really trust some one, you don't really trust some one. i have my people who i can talk to and i am grateful for that. they might be few but i've always been a big believer in having a few really close friends than 100 "sometimes" friends. oh well. cest la vie and all that mumbo jumbo. she's still a good person, don't get me wrong, but i don't trust her enough to tell her what's going on w/ me.
wednesday came and went. i don't think anything exciting happened except that's when the headache from hell started and lasted til friday. i still have some remnants of it, but i am better now.
thursday i worked 7:30 ato 10:30 and then went to school to finish grading the resubmission papers to get those handed in. i had people come to me and ask me about grades on the final...i said that i handed them in and they needed to speak to the head of the dept. it felt good that i was no longer in change of these things. classes came and went. i need to get better at paying attention, i know i do, but when even the prof. sounds bored w/ what they are teaching, than i do to. but i promise to start paying better attention. i need to. i need to do well this semester. not that i've done soo horribly last (though i am waiting on 3 more grades) but i know i can be better.
friday - more classes. i really despise friday morning classes. i cannot even begin to tell you how much i despise them. whatever. then went to superpharm to buy over-the-counter contacts just to find out my eyesight sucks so bad that i can't even get them OTC - i need to go to a store and order them. it's a fucking pain and it's expensive. i think i need to look into laser eye surgery.
mmm..what else? made plans to meet w/ my sorority sister for dinner saturday night and bummed around.
saturday i got some work done (i owe my prof an outline of my presentation for class on media and intervention by tuesday...arg) and just relaxed. dinner was amazing. i love me some steak. it was just a good time to reminisce ad catch up on over 3 years of stuff that's been going on.
now the week starts and includes such fun things as yelling at loan companies in the US to give me a deferment on my school loans b/c i cannot afford to pay these things back, putting together my outline for class, printing readings to catch up in 2 classes (oh the joy...4 weeks worth of reading...arg) and some other random things.
still trying to run w/out an mp3 player. still finding this futile.
brother called my parents yesterday mid-morning. he is officially engaged to his girlfriend...though no ring yet. when he comes end of may for my BA graduation, my mom has a ring w/ no stone and b/c israel has a huuuuge diamond district, my parents are going to take him there to get a stone put in. but yea, my brother and his...well, now fiance called to tell my parents. at first i was pissed b/c i am his big sister and he should have called me himself instead of my parents telling me. but my dad later called him back and said that i was hurt and gave him my number and told him to call. once he called, i was okay. i mean, whatever. still have to meet the girl. she IS going to convert apparently and i have a feeling, from what i have been hearing and whatnot, her parents might not be too keen on it but whatever, it's her choice and she wants to. they aren't going to get married i think til june 2011 so that way she has time to convert (it is a year process) and they can save money and whatnot to have a wedding. so yea for little bro!
so that's really it i guess. this week i have a lot to do and get accomplished but i am pretty sure i will be okay. all the reading i print out on tuesday i can do on wednesday. i am just trying to not have any work to do when i see joual for the weekend. that's all.
my friend is making aliyah a week from tuesday. sooo excited for him to get here. he is an awesome individual.
my stomach is still full from dinner last night..haha.
and apparently, i might need a new roommate by october 15th. any takers? it's me and my friend who is making aliyah but i need one more. arg. this could get annoying...again.
it's cheap too. i live in the cheap, ghetto part of raanana

oh well.
-JB, over and out.
(btw, i am sure i missed things in this here post, but ehh..whatever)
Hey, wait a minute..... I could be ur new roomie.... Oct. 15th huh? I can just make that... but Im telling ya now, The Ugly Couch has gotta come with me....
Gotta keep that close since by comparison it makes me look good. And u can only faintly smell the barf and pee on it accumulated from many a party night!!!
sucks the phone/army situation... enjoy eilat....
how does 15ish april sounds for the pizza? you'll even be around?