so i know i haven't written in a week...and i know you are all "dying" to know what has been going on...and you will get that....tomorrow.
right now, i am tired and i have a belly full of steak (mmm...steak) and you will get an all-encompassing blog tomorrow morning, promise.
this week has been slightly hectic so i haven't really had a chance to sit down and write anything but thoughts are flowing in my head.
however, for now, i will leave you w/ the best line of the night.
my big sister from my sorority is in israel w/ her husband (he is israeli) so i had dinner w/ them tonight (hence the this place in herzliya pituach called "meat bar"....yea, it makes me giggle too) and i love her b/c she curses like me and says what's on her mind and often times says the most hilarious things. so we were sitting and talking about school and about this one frat boy that was a midget who rode around school in a scooter. apparently is was a huge ladies man and tons of girls would sleep w/ him. so we were trying to figure out why or whatever and suddenly, she blurts out - "i don't know why they would sleep w/ him. fucking midgets is like sodomizing babies!"
i should state, for the record, that we both personally have nothing against midgets or anything of the sort, however, don't you all think about how it is possible too? i mean, really, don't you? and then you think about the correlation in the quoted line and it does make a bit of sense. doesn't it? oh, come on, you all think it. we might not say we do, but we do...she says she does. and that's why i love her.
oh, and she also loves me more now that i moved here and started leaning more toward the right. when we were in the sorority and she was my big, she used to say to me, "star [my pledge name] i love you but why do you gotta be such a damn liberal?!" but after moving here and being here for over 3 years and seeing politics from a different angle and learning about them and such.....there are somethings i will always be liberal about (gay rights, woman's rights and so on) but i think i have definitely started swinging right on other things...she said it was like beautiful news to her ears..haha.
anyway, now i must pass out.
again, tomorrow...promise....real update. i came to conclusion on some things, big events happening and blah blah blah.
so i don't want to keep you on your toes but you might have to stay there for a bit
you know you love me.
(oh wow, that sounded very "gossip girl" - - - - - -it's one of my guilty pleasure tv shows)
right now, i am tired and i have a belly full of steak (mmm...steak) and you will get an all-encompassing blog tomorrow morning, promise.
this week has been slightly hectic so i haven't really had a chance to sit down and write anything but thoughts are flowing in my head.
however, for now, i will leave you w/ the best line of the night.
my big sister from my sorority is in israel w/ her husband (he is israeli) so i had dinner w/ them tonight (hence the this place in herzliya pituach called "meat bar"....yea, it makes me giggle too) and i love her b/c she curses like me and says what's on her mind and often times says the most hilarious things. so we were sitting and talking about school and about this one frat boy that was a midget who rode around school in a scooter. apparently is was a huge ladies man and tons of girls would sleep w/ him. so we were trying to figure out why or whatever and suddenly, she blurts out - "i don't know why they would sleep w/ him. fucking midgets is like sodomizing babies!"
i should state, for the record, that we both personally have nothing against midgets or anything of the sort, however, don't you all think about how it is possible too? i mean, really, don't you? and then you think about the correlation in the quoted line and it does make a bit of sense. doesn't it? oh, come on, you all think it. we might not say we do, but we do...she says she does. and that's why i love her.
oh, and she also loves me more now that i moved here and started leaning more toward the right. when we were in the sorority and she was my big, she used to say to me, "star [my pledge name] i love you but why do you gotta be such a damn liberal?!" but after moving here and being here for over 3 years and seeing politics from a different angle and learning about them and such.....there are somethings i will always be liberal about (gay rights, woman's rights and so on) but i think i have definitely started swinging right on other things...she said it was like beautiful news to her ears..haha.
anyway, now i must pass out.
again, tomorrow...promise....real update. i came to conclusion on some things, big events happening and blah blah blah.
so i don't want to keep you on your toes but you might have to stay there for a bit

you know you love me.
(oh wow, that sounded very "gossip girl" - - - - - -it's one of my guilty pleasure tv shows)