3 papers down, 2 to go as well as a test to proctor and a test to take.
then i'd say "vacation" thought that doesn't exist. this is my only week w/ nothing due and i got to get cracking on a paper and start studying.
oh well.
sometimes i question my motives for grad school, like "what the hell was i thinking?" i don't know. i tend to get into things for the wrong reason at first but then it goes all good and i end up happy w/ the decisions i made. right now, i am still in that "in between" zone where i am completely asking "what the fuck" on everything. i had one of those moments finishing my paper on friday morning - i had one last chart to read (whoever created the SPSS statistics program needs to die a slow and horribly painful death) and the numbers would tell me if my hypothesis could be proved or not. simple, right? well, it would have been simple if the TA properly taught us how to read the damn chart. thus, breakdown ensued. amid wanting to throw my computer out the window, wanting to toss myself out a window, wanting to quit grad school and all the fun junk, joual sat there and helped me google what the hell the t-test was and how to read the numbers. though we never quite found it, we (or rather he really) made an intelligent guess and i went w/ it...it made sense plus it proved my hypothesis correct...so i liked that conclusion.
then i had to prove it right using a political theory - that was easy for me...that was simple writing BS 101. not only that, but i just took what i wrote about the same theory on another paper and copy-pasted it....it's not plagiarizing if it's my own damn work and why do extra research when i already have something. and then i sent it to my dad to proofread and i owe him big - there are 2 times when JB shouldn't type - tired and angry. here i was a lot of both. oh well. it's done. i just need an 80 to get an 80 in the class. everyone has this kinda class - the one where you just want to pass.
the rest of the weekend was amazing...we did nothing but go to the laundromat saturday. i just needed a weekend of nothingness and i got it. i made dinner friday night - a mexican kinda-sorta style goulash (i just used a lot of mexican taco seasoning and salsa and other crap i deemed "worthy" of being thrown in) and it came out damn good...i really like my new experimental kick w/ food.
btw, i have acrylic nails on right now from the wedding. one popped off though. i am keeping them in hopes that i stop nail biting. i am a 25 year old nail biting fiend. it's hard. but you know what else is difficult? trying to function, especially typing. i am not used to it and it feels weird w/ nails. gah.
the wedding was amazing. joual surprised me and was able to get out of the army a day early to go. he came in uniform (he was more dressed up that some of the other people at the wedding....it's a big culture difference coming from the states where everyone dresses up to go to an israeli wedding where people come in jeans and a nice top) and was exhausted from being up for over 72 hours but i was so glad that he came b/c it was my best friend, pretty much my sister's, wedding and to have him there, made me sooo happy. i spent the day w/ my friend in her hotel room where we were talking about everything and anything except the wedding...we chilled on the balcony (it overlooked the sea) and danced to bad music on mtv and ordered waaaaaaay too expensive room service while drinking wine she brought w/ her.
it was awesome.
i am glad it's done w/ though b/c it was hectic and all and if anything, from seeing her plan it, it just makes the case for eloping in las vegas even stronger. i am the opposite of most people - most people go to weddings and then want to get married in a heartbeat, they get into the big rushed frenzy, and i am like "hell no, i got too much other shit going on right now to even think like that."
and i don't want the stress and aggravation.
and here's where i am different than my crazy-as-fuck roommate who, after a month of dating a guy is already talking about kids w/ him and asking her mom for her grandma's cocktail ring. i am telling you - give it six months, she will have a ring or he will have a straight jacket. but i think it's the former - he seems like a pretty whipped lil boy and she's got him around her finger. poor bastard.
i am completely enjoying my relationship w/ joual. he reminded me on the phone tonight that it's been just about a year and it doesn't feel like that and i love what we have and wouldn't trade it in for anything. and he was really sweet tonight. i think i lost my elephant ring, it wouldn't be a big deal except it has massive sentimental value due to the reasons why my mom gave it to me. he made me feel better and told me he would replace it w/ a new elephant ring and put it on a chain so i wouldn't lose it. it's the thought right there that counts. he's pretty fucking rad.
it's a silly cheap ring from an avon catalog back in 2006 but it was the meaning that made it worth something.
but i'm okay...my thumb just feels extremely naked and it looks rather funny w/out it...
and i had my custom made skirt and it was amazing. but i think i lost weight b/w the time i was measured and the time i put it on b/c it was a bit big on me but oh well. . but i didn't take pictures...oops. i only have one w/ my hair and make up done.
eventually as i think the photographer took some.
spent a few hours at my friend's after work getting wedding gossip, eating chocolate cake from english cake bakery....sooooo amazing but slightly pricey...oh well. then we sat around listening to chill music. it was nice, it also kept me out of the apt after work so i wouldn't have to deal w/ roommate and whipped boyfriend.
i am now addicted to "true blood" and i don't know if it's a bad thing.
and this latest episode of lost has left me with questions, all starting w/ "what the fuck...."
well, i better get some sleep. i want to be up early to avoid the traffic in the grocery store.
after 3 weeks of barely being home...i actually have to buy some food.
but i still won't be home this weekend - going to my parents. they bought steaks they want to bbq for dinner thursday night and i need laundry done...desperately. 4th weekend in a row not home...i'm okay w/ this.
watch it not bother me...one...bit.
hopefully next time i will have something that will increase excitement levels. just thought i'd type a lil somethin' somethin' to get the juices running...and i am procrastinating before bed
then i'd say "vacation" thought that doesn't exist. this is my only week w/ nothing due and i got to get cracking on a paper and start studying.
oh well.
sometimes i question my motives for grad school, like "what the hell was i thinking?" i don't know. i tend to get into things for the wrong reason at first but then it goes all good and i end up happy w/ the decisions i made. right now, i am still in that "in between" zone where i am completely asking "what the fuck" on everything. i had one of those moments finishing my paper on friday morning - i had one last chart to read (whoever created the SPSS statistics program needs to die a slow and horribly painful death) and the numbers would tell me if my hypothesis could be proved or not. simple, right? well, it would have been simple if the TA properly taught us how to read the damn chart. thus, breakdown ensued. amid wanting to throw my computer out the window, wanting to toss myself out a window, wanting to quit grad school and all the fun junk, joual sat there and helped me google what the hell the t-test was and how to read the numbers. though we never quite found it, we (or rather he really) made an intelligent guess and i went w/ it...it made sense plus it proved my hypothesis correct...so i liked that conclusion.
then i had to prove it right using a political theory - that was easy for me...that was simple writing BS 101. not only that, but i just took what i wrote about the same theory on another paper and copy-pasted it....it's not plagiarizing if it's my own damn work and why do extra research when i already have something. and then i sent it to my dad to proofread and i owe him big - there are 2 times when JB shouldn't type - tired and angry. here i was a lot of both. oh well. it's done. i just need an 80 to get an 80 in the class. everyone has this kinda class - the one where you just want to pass.
the rest of the weekend was amazing...we did nothing but go to the laundromat saturday. i just needed a weekend of nothingness and i got it. i made dinner friday night - a mexican kinda-sorta style goulash (i just used a lot of mexican taco seasoning and salsa and other crap i deemed "worthy" of being thrown in) and it came out damn good...i really like my new experimental kick w/ food.
btw, i have acrylic nails on right now from the wedding. one popped off though. i am keeping them in hopes that i stop nail biting. i am a 25 year old nail biting fiend. it's hard. but you know what else is difficult? trying to function, especially typing. i am not used to it and it feels weird w/ nails. gah.
the wedding was amazing. joual surprised me and was able to get out of the army a day early to go. he came in uniform (he was more dressed up that some of the other people at the wedding....it's a big culture difference coming from the states where everyone dresses up to go to an israeli wedding where people come in jeans and a nice top) and was exhausted from being up for over 72 hours but i was so glad that he came b/c it was my best friend, pretty much my sister's, wedding and to have him there, made me sooo happy. i spent the day w/ my friend in her hotel room where we were talking about everything and anything except the wedding...we chilled on the balcony (it overlooked the sea) and danced to bad music on mtv and ordered waaaaaaay too expensive room service while drinking wine she brought w/ her.
it was awesome.
i am glad it's done w/ though b/c it was hectic and all and if anything, from seeing her plan it, it just makes the case for eloping in las vegas even stronger. i am the opposite of most people - most people go to weddings and then want to get married in a heartbeat, they get into the big rushed frenzy, and i am like "hell no, i got too much other shit going on right now to even think like that."
and i don't want the stress and aggravation.
and here's where i am different than my crazy-as-fuck roommate who, after a month of dating a guy is already talking about kids w/ him and asking her mom for her grandma's cocktail ring. i am telling you - give it six months, she will have a ring or he will have a straight jacket. but i think it's the former - he seems like a pretty whipped lil boy and she's got him around her finger. poor bastard.
i am completely enjoying my relationship w/ joual. he reminded me on the phone tonight that it's been just about a year and it doesn't feel like that and i love what we have and wouldn't trade it in for anything. and he was really sweet tonight. i think i lost my elephant ring, it wouldn't be a big deal except it has massive sentimental value due to the reasons why my mom gave it to me. he made me feel better and told me he would replace it w/ a new elephant ring and put it on a chain so i wouldn't lose it. it's the thought right there that counts. he's pretty fucking rad.
it's a silly cheap ring from an avon catalog back in 2006 but it was the meaning that made it worth something.
but i'm okay...my thumb just feels extremely naked and it looks rather funny w/out it...
and i had my custom made skirt and it was amazing. but i think i lost weight b/w the time i was measured and the time i put it on b/c it was a bit big on me but oh well. . but i didn't take pictures...oops. i only have one w/ my hair and make up done.

eventually as i think the photographer took some.
spent a few hours at my friend's after work getting wedding gossip, eating chocolate cake from english cake bakery....sooooo amazing but slightly pricey...oh well. then we sat around listening to chill music. it was nice, it also kept me out of the apt after work so i wouldn't have to deal w/ roommate and whipped boyfriend.
i am now addicted to "true blood" and i don't know if it's a bad thing.
and this latest episode of lost has left me with questions, all starting w/ "what the fuck...."
well, i better get some sleep. i want to be up early to avoid the traffic in the grocery store.
after 3 weeks of barely being home...i actually have to buy some food.
but i still won't be home this weekend - going to my parents. they bought steaks they want to bbq for dinner thursday night and i need laundry done...desperately. 4th weekend in a row not home...i'm okay w/ this.
watch it not bother me...one...bit.
hopefully next time i will have something that will increase excitement levels. just thought i'd type a lil somethin' somethin' to get the juices running...and i am procrastinating before bed

i knew Joual would make it... i think i actually prophetized it in a comment somewhere...
nice party week huh?
in the meantime classes are going well, hard but well, tomorrow i got the day off, so i'm going to study for my test on thursday and do some laundry
right now i'm a little high after a 3 year abstinence... and i also drank about half a bottle of arak... had sort of a date / drink night with crazy ucranian siren girl and didn't end well.... nothing bad... just lame and weird...
godspeed with the papers JB....
loved your picture btw totally redheaded devil...